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* Joseph Smith Jr. mentioned as present

June 9, 1830 * Fayette, New York. Articles and Covenants of the Church adopted. Ordination of elders, priests, and teachers.  
September 26, 1830 * Fayette, New York. Joseph to receive revelations for the church. Church to be the Lord's ensign to the nations. Oliver reads Articles and Covenants of the church.  
February 11, 1831 Fayette. D&C 38: Saints to move to Kirtland. No minutes kept.  
April 9, 1831 Kirtland special meeting of elders. D&C 47: John Whitmer to keep church record and history.  
June 3, 1831 * Kirtland. First ordinations to the High Priesthood, revelations about John the Revelator, the Second Coming, a vision of the Father and the Son, the man of Sin, exorcisms.  
August 4, 1831 * Zion. Sidney and Joseph exhort Saints to obedience. Ziba Peterson confesses transgressions.  
August 24, 1831 Zion. Second coming, gathering, sacrifice.  
August 28, 1831 Kirtland. Sidney ordains Oliver "to the High Priesthood by the voice of the Church & command of the Lord."  
September 1, 1831* Kirtland. Oliver ordains Newel K. Whitney church agent. Two elders are silenced, one priest returns his license.  
September 6, 1831 * Nelson, Ohio. Ezra Booth is "silenced from preaching as an Elder."  
September 12, 1831 * Kirtland. George Miller, priest [not the future bishop in Nauvoo]; John Woodward, elder; Benjamin Bragg, priest are "silenced from ministering in their respective offices."  
September 29, 1831 Amherst, Loraine county, Ohio (50 miles west of Kirtland). Elder Chauncy Odle is "silenced as a preacher."  
October 1, 1831 * Geauga county, Ohio. Joseph ordains Joseph Coe and W. W. Phelps "to the High Priesthood." Elders to warn the inhabitants of the earth about the last days. FWR, 13.
October 10, 1831 * Kirtland. Dispute over land, house between Joseph Smith Sr., Ezra Thayer, Frederick G. Williams.  
October 11, 1831 * Hiram. David Whitmer and Reynolds Cahoon are "ordained" to visit the "branches" and raise funds for Joseph and Sidney. Four others will also be assigned.  
October 21, 1832 * Hiram. Sidney calls the case of William Cahoon and Peter Devolve, accused of abusing a child of Newel K. Whitney. Joseph and Sidney to present the case to the church in Kirtland and direct the two to "make sufficient acknowledgement of their sins or be dealt with according to the law of this Church."  
October 25–26, 1831 * Orange. High priesthood is the power to seal to eternal life. Brethren willing to give all to God. Greatest blessings for those who support the Prophet's family. Joseph declines to describe Book of Mormon translation process. Fund-raising missionaries. Ordinations. Sidney rebukes brethren for not taking ordination to the High Priesthood seriously. Oliver and David instructed regarding the selection of the Twelve.  
November 1–2, 1831 * Hiram. Resolve to publish 10,000 copies of the Book of Commandments. D&C 1, 67, 68. Brethren bear witness to the truth of the Book of Commandments.  
November 8, 1831 * Hiram. Sidney comments on errors in the commandments. Joseph to correct them and Oliver to edit everything else published in Independence.  
November 9, 1831 * Hiram. Special conference. Sylvester Hulett and John Noah desire to preach. Conference votes that they are to be "ordained according to the voice of the Church in which they live."  
November 11, 1831 * Hiram. Special conference. Reynolds Cahoon not to go to Zion in the spring.  
November 12–13, 1831 * Hiram. Special conference. Joseph requests compensation for himself, Oliver, and Martin for their work on sacred writings. Joseph Smith, Oliver Cowdery, John Whitmer, and Sidney Rigdon are to "manage" the sacred writings. The Smiths, the Whitmers, and Hiram Page are worthy of inheritances in Zion.  
November 29–30, 1831 Winchester, Randolph county, Indiana. Two elders believe passsages in Acts and the Book of Mormon suggest common stock among believers. It was all a misunderstanding.  
December 1, 1831 † Winchester, Randolph county, Indiana. Elder Brunson is forgiven, ordained by Oliver Cowdery.  
December 6–7, 1831 Randolph county, Indiana. Four cases are called, including that of a brother who admits whipping his wife. His teacher's license is taken.  
January 23, 1832 Kaw township. Ordination requires approval of church.  
January 25, 1832* Amherst, Lorain county, Ohio. Joseph is ordained president of the High Priesthood. No minutes are known. Diary sources are quoted at ¶ 1832 Chronology.  
January 28, 1832 letter Zion. Oliver amplifies on January conference minutes.
January 23. Attendees grouped by priesthood office. Duties and importance of priests, teachers, and deacons. Membership records. 1200 acres purchased. Need mechanics.
January 24
. Bishop Partridge's financial report. Schools. Colesville branch records. Resolve to build hotel. Advise Sidney to resolve differences with Edward amicably.
January 27. Financial report of Gilbert & Whitney Co. 1,200 acres more than can be cleared this year. Provisions scarce, prices double. Missionary assignments. Ready to print 10,000 copies of Book of Commandments.
March 10, 1832 Zion. Conference considers Sidney's charges against Bishop Edward Partridge. Edward has confessed and asked forgiveness for some, other charges unjust, time to put it behind them.  
March 26, 1832 Independence. The order taught at the solemn assemblies is accepted "after much discussion," and the seven high priests sent from Kirtland to preside over the branches in Zion are accepted.  
April 26–27, 1832 * Independence. Joseph acknowledged as President of the High Priesthood. Edward Partridge extends the right hand of fellowship on behalf of the church in Zion. "All differences" are settled and "the hearts of all run together in love."  
April 30, 1832* Zion. Council of the Literary Firm (Joseph, Sidney, Oliver, W. W. Phelps, Jesse Gause). Committee to select revelations and make "all necessary verbal corrections" for the Book of Commandments. Print 3,000 copies. Perhaps an almanac. W. W. Phelps to edit hymns selected by Emma.  
April 30, 1832* Zion. Meeting of the United Firm. Sidney Gilbert and Newel K. Whitney are appointed agents, and the latter is to borrow $15,000 on behalf of the United Firm.  
May 26, 1832 Zion. Council of high priests investigates Oliver Cowdery's 1830 proposal to another woman while engaged to Elizabeth Ann Whitmer. Oliver confesses and is forgiven.  
May 29, 1832 Independence. Bishop Edward Partridge dedicates the office of The Morning and The Evening Star.  
July 3, 1832 Zion. Regulate the church according to D&C 68, received the previous November.  
July 13, 1832 Kaw township, Joseph Knight's home. Special conference to divide the church into branches (possible first use of the term). "Deciples" are divided into four branches.  
August 24, 1832 Conference in Kaw township. Harvey Whitlock questions: Can a man in the church walk by faith without law? Was the law given to bring men to faith? Was it added because of transgression? because it was asked for?  
September 15, 1832 Council of elders "Elected" Christian Whitmer president of the elders in Zion.  
September 22–23, 1832 Conference referred to in meeting of January 19, 1833.
September 27, 1832 Blue township, Jackson county. Council of elders ordain Christian Whitmer president.  
October 2, 1832 Conference votes to reordain Ziba Peterson. Ordinance performed by Lyman Wight.  
October 5, 1832 Independence. Council of high priests. Duty of high priests. Are they "required to meet as Elders in the three month Conference according to the Articles & Covenants"? Elders invited to "express their minds concerning ordination to the High Priesthood." Calvin Bebee and Peter Dustin request ordination and are ordained by Oliver Cowdery.  
October 10, 1832 Kirtland. "This day the bishops council appointed a conference to be held in Bath Grefton county New Hampshire on the eight day of June AD 1833." KCMB
November 16, 1832 Kirtland. Conference of elders. Joseph ordains John F. Boynton an elder. KCMB
December 3, 1832 Independence. Council of high priests. Meet separately, ensure that elders or high priests are set apart over branches, and look for prospective missionaries.  
December 3, 1832* Kirtland. Conference of elders. Council of Elders. Joseph, Sidney, Levi Hancock, Solomon Humphry, and F G Williams meet. Joseph ordains Noah Packard a priest. Sidney offers prayer. Joseph "Prsd.of Con", F. G. Williams, clerk. KCMB
December 5, 1832 Kirtland. Council of high priests. Solomon Humphrey asks to know the Lord's will. "It was ordered in council that br Humphry should devote himself entirely to the work of the ministry commencing in Parkman and taking Br Noah Packard of Parkman as his companion in travel and labouring in such places and regions as the lord may direct by his spirit." Joseph "Prsd.of Con", F. G. Williams, clerk. KCMB
December 5, 1832 Kirtland. Council approves ordination of Horace Kingsbury. John P. Green ordains him on December 9. KCMB
December 15, 1832 Zion. One surrenders his priesthood license and accepts invitation to withdraw rather than being excommunicated for persisting in "foolish doctrine."  
December 18, 1832 Kirtland. Council of elders called by Curtis Hodges and Shadrack Roundy. Elder Hodges states "his desire to proclaim the gospel," but family needs assistance. Council: find a companion and go "according to the dictates of the spirit." Same for Elder Roundy. KCMB
December 19, 1832 Kirtland. Conference. Lyman Wight ordains William Smith an elder. KCMB
December 27, 1832* Kirtland. Conference of high priests. Joseph receives D&C 88:1–126, the Olive Leaf.  
January 2, 1833 Kirtland. Conference of elders at the request of John P. Green and Philemon Duzette who want to know the will of the Lord concerning them. Conference sends them on a mission to the east. F.G. Williams, clerk. KCMB
January 9 , 1833 Kirtland. "This day we the members of the united firm of N K Whitney &c agreed to allow Brother Frederick G Williams Three hundred dollars pr year for his services as assistant scribe to be paid by the firm." Frederick G. Williams, clerk KCMB
January 13 , 1833 Kirtland. Council of High Priests at the request of Sidney Rigdon. Orson Hyde and Hyrum Smith to respond to letters of W. W. Phelps and A. S. Gilbert. Sanction Joseph's January 11 letter to Phelps. Resolve "that the President of the High Priesthood should see to the conducting of the meetings on the sabbath days when present, & the Bishop in his absence." KCMB
January 22–23, 1833* Kirtland. Gift of tongues in prayer, speech, song throughout. Washing of feet. Father Smith blesses Joseph. Joseph's work complete. Washing of face, hands, feet. All clean now, buffetings of Satan for those who willfully sin hereafter. Lord's supper (meal).  
February 13 , 1833 Kirtland school room. High counselor Burr Riggs is found guilty of "neglect of duty" and treating their admonitions and advice with contempt. He agrees to make satisfaction.  
February 26, 1833 Zion. Report on solemn assemblies held throughout Zion. Prepare epistle to be sent to the Saints in Kirtland. Pray for harmony between the Saints in the two locations.  
February 26, 1833 Kirtland. Burr Riggs is cut off for neglecting his duties.  
March 12 , 1833 Kirtland school room. Sidney ordains Horace Cowin a priest. Hyrum ordains Jenkins Salisbury [office not mentioned]. Mission to the East: Horace with Zerubbabel Snow, Jenkins with Truman Wait, Amasa Lyman with William F. Cahoon. KCMB
March 15 , 1833 Kirtland. "Broth Lake from Worster who came here professing to have receid Revelations" is found "under the influence of an evil spirit." His license as a priest is taken. KCMB; HC 1:333.
March 18 , 1833* Kirtland school room. Sidney asks Joseph to ordain him and Frederick presidents of the High Priesthood as directed in the revelation of March 8 (D&C 90). Joseph ordains them, creating what would later be known as the First Presidency. They are equal with Joseph in holding the keys of the kingdom and presidency of the High Priesthood. A vision is promised and many see the Saviour and angels.  
March 19, 1833 Kirtland. Conference to determine the motives of missionaries who had returned to Kirtland.  
March 23, 1833* Kirtland council of high priests and elders. After investigating prices of available farms, Ezra and Joseph are ordained church agents to purchase three.
March 26, 1833 Independence. Council of high priests. The order taught at the solemn assemblies is accepted "after much discussion." High priests to preside over branches.  
April 2, 1833 Kirtland school room. Council of high priests. Frederick G. Williams "to be an agent to supertend and employ some person or persons to carry on the brick yard on the french farm and also letting out the farm." Ezra Thayer to purchase Arnold Mason's tannery. KCMB; HC 1:336.
April 30, 1833* Kirtland school room. Council of high priests. Joseph: a subscription is needed "to procure money to pay for the use of the house that meetings were held in the past season." Albert Brown put in charge. John P. Green to go to Parkman and "take the charge of that branch of the Church." Sister Vienna Jacques to wait for William Hobart, then go to Zion with him. KCMB
May 4, 1833 Kirtland. School house for elders. Reynolds, Jared, and Hyrum to superintend construction.
June 3, 1833 Kirtland. Doctor P. Hurlbut excommunicated by a council of high priests in his absence. Dimensions for the house of worship and school of the prophets.  
June 4, 1833 Kirtland. Disposition of the French farm. D&C 96: Newel K. Whitney to take charge; John Johnson to be admitted to the United Firm. He is ordained to the High Priesthood to join the firm.
June 6, 1833 Kirtland. Orson Hyde clerk to the presidency of the High Priesthood. Begin construction of the House of the Lord immediately.  
June 21, 1833*

Kirtland. Doctor Hurlbut's case is reheard. Two are ordained high priests to make twelve. He is guilty of indiscretions with "the female sex" but is restored thanks to a "liberal confession." Daniel Copley is excommunicated for refusing to fulfill a mission.

June 23, 1833 Kirtland. A General Council excommunicates Doctor Hurlbut for fraudulent confession.  

June 24, 1833

New York. Excommunication for circulating "false and slanderous reports, and not observing the order of the gospel."
August 21, 1833 Zion. Ordination to "the office of the Highpriesthood." Discussion of the gift of tongues. Rebuke from the Lord "for reasoning in our own wisdom, &c."  
August 28, 1833 Zion. Resolve no elder or high priest be ordained without the consent of the council of high priests. FWR, 64.
September 11, 1833 Zion. Bishop Partridge head of the church in Zion, moderator. Presidents of ten branches appointed. W. W. Phelps sings in tongues and Lyman Wight interprets. Discuss the Three Nephites, points of law, tithing.  
September 13, 1833 Kirtland. Kirtland members of the United Firm—Joseph, Sidney, Frederick, and Newel K. Whitney—meet with Oliver Cowdery representing the Missouri partners, resolve to establish a press "under the firm of F.G.W. & Co." to publish The Latter-day Saints Messenger and Advocate. Oliver will edit The Evening and the Morning Star and the Williams company will print it until it can resume operations in Independence. KCMB
September 26, 1833 Zion. Agree to ordain Jesse Hitchcock, Elias and Isaac Higbee to the High Priesthood. No decision on whether Salt River Church (Allred settlement) should move to Zion in the fall or not. FWR, 66.
December 26, 1833 Kirtland bishop's court tries Ezekiel Rider for saying "many hard things" about Bishop Newel K. Whitney such as he was not fit to be bishop "and that he treated the Brethren who came into the Store, with disrespect that he was overbearing and fain would walk on the necks of the Brethren &c. Bro. Story was also in a similar transgression." Joseph and Sidney sharply rebuke the two, saying that "this Church must feel the wrath of God except they repent of their sins, cast away their murmurings and complainings one of another, &c. &c." Rider and Story confess and all are forgiven. KCMB
February 9, 1834* New Portage, Ohio. Conference of high priests, elders, priests, teachers and deacons. Sidney not to move from Kirtland to New Portage. Brethren to help build the house of the Lord in Kirtland and a temporary meeting place in New Portage. "Knowing that a stake of Zion will not be established in this place, the brethren can be able to do more towards building the house in Kirtland." KCMB; HC 2:24–25.
February 12, 1834* Kirtland. Joseph's first allusion to conferral of office by an angel. Before translation, Martin Harris says, Joseph drank too much. Martin admits his mind has been darkened, promises to do better.  
February 17, 1834* Kirtland. Original and revised minutes compared. The Kirtland high council is organized in Kirtland with three presidents and 12 high priests. Church court procedures. ¶ Excerpt from Heber C. Kimball Journal
February 24, 1834* Kirtland. Lyman Wight and Parley P. Pratt report the Saints in Clay county are "comfortable" but want to return to Jackson. Joseph announces he will go to help redeem Zion and calls for volunteers. Thirty or forty respond. Joseph is elected "Commander in Chief of the Armies of Israel."  
February 19, 1834 Kirtland. High council ratifies constitutionl. Joseph worked all day yesterday on the Minutes of February 17, 1834 and submits them to the council. One minor correction is made. Joseph Sr. blesses sons Joseph and William. Council members raise their hands "in token of the everlasting covenant" and Joseph pronounces the council "organized according to the ancient order."  
February 20, 1834* Kirtland. Non-compliance with Word of Wisdom renders members unworthy of office. Missionaries assigned to Canada, Orson Hyde and Orson Pratt to raise funds in the East.  
March 17, 1834* Joseph and other leaders meet with brethren in New York to raise men for Zion's Camp, funds to purchase land. and pay $2,000 of Kirtland debt.  
April 4, 1834* Kirtland. A brother satisfactorily explains he couldn't fill mission because he lacked funds, denies he missed meetings or spoke lightly of a brother.  
April 21, 1834* Kirtland. Joseph refers to "the revelation of the priesthood of Aaron" and "the revelation of the high priesthood." Book of Mormon, gathering of saints essential before the cataclysms that are near.  
May 3, 1834* Kirtland. Name of the church is changed from the Church of Christ to the Church of the Latter Day Saints.  
June 23, 1834 Clay county. Council of high priests. Fifteen Missouri elders are invited to receive the Kirtland endowment.  
July 3, 1834* Clay county. Joseph selects members of the "general Council of High Priests" with David Whitmer president, William W. Phelps and John Whitmer assistants, and 12 counselors.  
July 7, 1834* Clay county. High council is organized in Far West. Joseph says his work is complete now. At this meeting, it is said, Joseph ordained David Whitmer his successor should he fall.  
July 12, 1834 Clay county. John Whitmer reads the "constitution" (D&C 102) and minutes. Edward, Orson, Isaac, and Zebedee to visit the scattered brethren. Send George M. Hinkle on preaching mission "because of his over much wearying the Lord." All issues discussed by three or four on each side of question.  
July 31, 1834 Clay county. David Whitmer, W. W. Phelps, Orson Pratt, and Lyman Wight appointed to preach throughout the Missouri churches on "how to escape the indignation of our enemies and to keep in favor with those who feel well disposed towards us." Samuel Brown (Hulet Branch), contrary to counsel, encourages members to speak in tongues, and ordained Sylvester Hulet because Sylvester speaks in tongues.  
August 1, 1834 Clay county. Hulet Branch case continues. Samuel Brown says church being chastened because the leadership spoke against Methodists. Sylvester Hulet: Brother Brown suggested he ought to be ordained a high priest and censures the brethren (for denying Hulet the license). Brother Brown is given time to repent and surrenders his elder and high priest licenses.  
August 6, 1834 Clay county. Charge to the peace missionaries. Hulet Branch's practice of the gifts of tongues and seeing. Members believe Joseph's teachings are subject to ratification by the gifts they exercise, expect to be persecuted by the brethren. They are deceived.Two are assigned to labor with them. Twenty-one volunteer for missions.  
August 7, 1834 Clay county. Presidents give advice to the high council, moderators, missionaries are paired up, license taken from one "not capable" of filling his office, ordinations, council gives the presidents licenses for when they go to Kirtland. Presiding officers still "moderators."  
August 11, 1834* Kirtland. Sylvester Smith's accusations of "criminal conduct" by Joseph during Zion's Camp are investigated. Joseph is exonerated, Sylvester confesses. His confession is to be published and the branches notified.  
August 21, 1834 Clay county. Hulet branch, mission assignments, ordinations. Is all disease and medicine of the Devil? Members may believe whatever they want, but may not teach that Satan is behind administering roots, herbs, and vegetables for health.  
September 8, 1834* Kirtland. Joseph and Oliver heal a sick woman. A brother is disfellowshipped for refusing to come to order in a disciplinary court, speaking in tongues that the decision was wrong (the court reversed itself as a result). Joseph explains the gift of tongues is for missionary work, not for administrative hearings.  
September 10, 1834 Clay county. Ordinations. Two "first Elders" nominated for Kirtland endowment. Zion's Camp members to apply for discharges from Lyman Wight and missionary certificates from Edward Partridge.  
September 24, 1834* Kirtland. Sylvester Smith is dropped from the high council. Hyrum fills the vacancy. Joseph, Oliver, Sidney, and Frederick are to create a Book of Covenants. Proceeds of the book sales will be theirs. Bishop Whitney is free to manage his store as he sees fit.  
November 5, 1834 Clay county. High council of Zion grants missionary license and authorizes ordinations. No more scheduled meetings. Elders may administer sacrament "if they see a convenient opportunity."
January 18, 1835 The Kirtland high council considers an inquiry from members in Bolton, New York: Should they move to Zion? After lengthy address by six counselors and three members of the First Presidency, Joseph decides they should move to Kirtland and build up the work there.  
February 14, 1835 Kirtland. The Lord commanded Joseph by vision and by the Spirit, to hold this meeting. God remembers the hardships of those who went to Zion. They are to be ordained to go forth to prune the vineyard for the last time before the Lord comes. Fifty-six years more (1896) and it will all be over. From this hour "the works of God shall begin to break forth" and those present will be endowed with Power. The Three Witnesses select Twelve Apostles. Lyman E. Johnson, Brigham Young, and Heber C. Kimball are blessed.  
February 15, 1835 Kirtland. Ordination of the Twelve continues with Orson Hyde, David W. Patten, Luke S. Johnson, William E. McLellin, John F. Boynton, and William Smith.  
February 21, 1835 Kirtland. Parley, Thomas B. Marsh, and Orson Pratt receive their ordination blessings. Oliver delivers the charge to the Twelve.  
March 7–8, 1835 Kirtland. Joseph: church needs to purify itself. "Those who build [the House of the Lord] should own it, and have the control of it." List of workers and contributors (all male). Blessings. Elders and seventies ordained, several called on missions to the Lamanites, one to the clergy. "Rights" in the House of the Lord "are according to each mans labor or amount of donations."  
March 28, 1835 Kirtland. The Twelve meet to confess their faults, ask forgiveness from the Lord and First Presidency, and ask the Prophet for a revelation to comfort and inspire them on their mission.  
May 1835 Kirtland. "Ordained members" must obey the Word of Wisdom "according to its litteral reading" or may be disfellowshipped.  
May 2, 1835* Kirtland. The Presidency, Twelve, and some seventies and elders meet "in conference." The Twelve: order by age, rotate presiding responsibilities, regulate church affairs abroad (not in Zion or any of her stakes). Ordinations require vote of the church membership. Visiting elders must obtain consent of local authority to regulate affairs or call meetings. Twelve call seven presidents of the Seventy on missions. Seven presidents call and ordain new seventies. Redeem Zion or die.  
May 9–11, 1835 Westfield, New York. The Twelve hold a conference with two branches on Lake Erie and organize the Westfield Conference. 500 attend. A traveling elder is rebuked for teaching false doctrine. The brethren preach on eternal points and strict obedience, covenants, and the corruption of gentile churches. Several are baptized.  
August 17, 1835 Kirtland. General assembly approves publication of first Doctrine and Covenants.  
September 14, 1835 Kirtland. "The laborer is worthy of his hire." Salary and expenses for Joseph Sr., compensation for Frederick G. Williams as his scribe. Oliver Cowdery church recorder. Emma to select hymns and W. W. Phelps revise them.  
September 16, 1835* Kirtland. David Whitmer and Samuel H. Smith are appointed agents for the Literary Firm. Harvey Green is excommunicated for saying Joseph was influenced by an evil spirit when he severely chastised an elderly brother for questioning the wisdom of purchasing such an expensive record book. Intimates Joseph had a hot temper and would not brook any opposition.  
September 24, 1835*

Kirtland. Joseph and the high council decide to petition Missouri's governor and raise vounteers to return the Jackson county Saints to their homes.

September 26, 1835* Kirtland. The "council of the Presidency of the Church" (First Presidency and presidents of high council in Zion) investigate 1) reports of Warren A. Cowdery's negative comments about the Twelve (others are to blame) and 2) William E. McLellin's complaint to his wife about Sidney's school. Orson Hyde is also implicated. They confess and are forgiven.  
September 28, 1835* Kirtland. Gladden Bishop is charged with teaching false doctrine [and being weird]. Debate over whether a traveling high council should try the case. (It should.) Gladden confesses, repents, and is reordained. Joseph and Sidney sit on the council but do not preside. Also excommunicate an elder for "illicit intercourse" with his fiancé.  
September 29, 1835* Kirtland. An elder successfully appeals his case from an elders' court in Zion. Phineas Young is cleared of any wrong doing with respect to copies of the Book of Mormon entrusted to him, and Lorenzo Young keeps his license by apologizing for saying that the poor ought not have children, that sex is nevertheless permitted, and that he did not intend to have any more children.  
October 3, 1835* Kirtland. John and Dean Gould are accused of criticizing the presidency. They acknowledge their errors and are forgiven.  
October 5, 1835* Kirtland. Joseph instructs the Twelve in their duties. They are to attend the organization of the School of the Prophets, attend to the washing of the feet, and prepare for an endowment from on high, and next spring move their families to Missouri.  
October 29, 1835* Kirtland. Parents "use the rod." Neighbors call it child abuse. Daughter threatens suicide. Joseph faults her (exaggerating, lying?). Parents should have raised her better. They promise to do better and are restored to fellowship.  
November 12, 1835* Kirtland. Joseph to the Twelve (9 present): present a dark time. Thought church organization was complete when the Missouri high council was organized, but now must introduce washing of feet. Calls solemn assembly. Endowment of power. Destroying angel to follow. Saints to gather to meet the bridegroom. Those who are prepared will see the Savior in the solemn assembly.  
December 29, 1835 Kirtland. Orson Johnson charges William Smith with unchristian-like conduct for arguing with Joseph.  
January 2, 1836 Kirtland. William confesses.  
January 6, 1836 Zion. Five new members of the high council are ordained.  
January 12, 1836 Kirtland. "Grand council" meets. Vinson Knight is ordained to the High Priesthood and counselor to Bishop Newel K. Whitney. Five others are ordained high priests and members of the high council to replace those appointed to other positions. Rules for the house of the Lord when it is being used for worship.  
June 16, 1836* Kirtland. Perserved Harris disfellowshipped for not adequately contributing to the support of the poor.  
July 25, 1836 Clay. Work and land for two hundred destitute emigrant families is needed.  
November 15, 1836 Far West. John Whitmer and William W. Phelps appoint a building committee for a house of the Lord in Far West.  
April 3, 1837 Far West. High council prepare a list of nine items regarding the behavior of Presidents W. W. Phelps and John Whitmer to be investigated with the bishop and his counselors. The high council believes the two have exceed their authority.  
April 5–6, 1837 Far West. Presidents W. W. Phelps and John Whitmer meet with the high council, bishop and counselors, and apostles Thomas B. Marsh and David W. Patten to review the presidents' behavior. David denounces it as "iniquitous & fradulent in the extreme."  
April 7, 1837 Far West high council. City plat adopted, "wise men" appointed to price and sell town lots, building committee named for the House of the Lord with presidents of the stake to superintend and receive revelation therefor.  
April 24, 1837 Far West. Lyman Wight is found guilty of teaching the false doctrine that the church is living under a telestial law. He is directed to acknowledge as much to the council and to the churches where he taught it.  
May 1837 Far West conference. Priesthood bearers who do not observe a literal interpretation of the Word of Wisdom are not fellowshipped. John Whitmer, William W. Phelps, Edward Partridge, Isaac Morley, and John Corrill are authorized to sell Far West lots.  
May 22, 1837 Far West high council rejects appeal from the bishop's council regarding contracts. Jesse Hitchcock is dropped from the council. James Emmett is restored to fellowship. John Corrill named "an agent ot the Church and Keeper of the Lord's Store House."  
May 28, 1837 Far West. John Patten is disfellowshipped "for not complying" with agreements.  
May 29, 1837 Kirtland. The high council fails to try Frederick G. Williams, David Whitmer, Parley P. Pratt, Lyman E. Johnson, and Warren Parrish for conduct "unworthy of their high calling."  
June 11, 1837 Far West. Commercial enterprises endorsed. All are free to engage in business. No preferential treatment. No one to partner with non-Mormons or use non-Mormon suppliers. Pay Apostles David W. Patten's debts so he can go on mission. Give David and Thomas B. Marsh town lots gratis.  
July 29, 1837 Far West school house. Levi Stewart applies for ordination to office of elder, but Bishop Edward Partridge objects. David Whitmer attends council in Zion for the first time since September 11, 1833.  
August 1, 1837 Far West. Two high counselors and one bishop's counselor are replaced. Actions taken while authorities were in Kirtland are nullified. Presidents of high priests and elders must be ordained by a higher authority. Quorum presidents may ordain their counselors. Bishop takes charge of the Lesser Priesthood. Quorums to choose their presidents.  
August 5, 1837 Far West school house. Vote to proceed with construction of a house of the Lord "as we have means." Edward Partridge treasurer; Jacob Whitmer, Elisha Groves, and George M. Hinkle committee until David Whitmer goes to and returns from Kirtland. Committee to have no store.  
September 3, 1837 * Kirtland. Joseph is sustained as president of the church, with Sidney and Frederick as counselors; and Oliver, Joseph Sr., and Hyrum as assistant counselors (a First Presidency of five). Apostles Luke and Lyman Johnson, and John Boynton, are excommunicated, nine high counselors are replaced, and Levi Hancock is returned as one of the first seven presidents of the Seventy. Versions in Joseph's letter and the official minutes are compared.  
November 7, 1837* Far West general assembly elects Joseph president of the whole church, and Sidney as a counselor. Frederick G. Williams is rejected as counselor and Hyrum is voted in. There is opposition to the presidency of the church in Missouri, but ultimately they are elected "nearly unanimously." A high council is elected, as are members of the Quorum of the Twelve (including the Johnsons and John F. Boynton who had been rejected by the Kirtland conference), bishopric, patriarch, keeper of the Lord's storehouse, and presidents of seventies.  
November 10, 1837 Far West priesthood members vote to double the size of the city. Those who lay off the city are to be compensated (in land). The rest of the land to be consecrated to the public good.  
December 6, 1837 Far West high council and bishop's council vote to pay themselves and recorders for services and reimburse Bishop Partridge expenses he incurred defending the church in Jackson county. Appeal from elders' court rejected; parties to seek mediation.  
December 7, 1837 Far West. Bishop Edward Partridge and his counselors submit to the high council a plan to raise funds for the church based on an annual contribution of 2% of net worth.  
January 20, 1838 Far West social occasion. Two apostles and seven high counselors discuss the three presidents of Zion and Oliver Cowdery, appoint committee to visit them.  
January 26, 1838 Far West. Two senior apostles and the high council reject David and John Whitmer, W. W. Phelps as presidents of Zion.  
February 5–9, 1838 Far West general assembly. On Joseph's instructions, the church in Missouri rejects the presidency of the church in Zion.  
February 10, 1838 Far West high council and bishopric. Apostles Thomas B. Marsh and David B. Marsh are designated "Presidents, pro. tempor." until Joseph and Sidney arrive.  
March 3, 1838 Far West high council approves lots in Far West for Sidney, Joseph, and Hyrum gratis.  
March 10, 1838 Far West high council excommunicates W. W. Phelps and John Whitmer, delivering them over to the buffetings of Satan "until they learn to blaspheme no more against the authorities of God, nor fleece the flock of Christ."  
March 15, 1838 Far West high council and bishopric. Joseph refers to a July 1834 meeting when David was ordained to be a prophet to the church if Joseph falls.  
April 6, 1838 Far West. Missouri stake presidency is reorganized under senior Apostle Thomas B. Marsh with next-ranking Apostles Brigham Young and David W. Patten as counselors. Historians, clerks, and recorders are also appointed.  
April 7, 1838* Far West. First quarterly conference. David W. Patten gives negative assessment of five apostles. High council vacancies filled.  
April 8, 1838* Joseph on the Kirtland Bank, Brigham on his mission east. Quorum presidents report. Joseph explains why the Word of Wisdom was given. Edward Partridge gives a financial report. No details. First Presidency to sign licenses from now on.  
April 12, 1838 Far West. Common council excommunicates Oliver Cowdery.  
April 13, 1838* Far West. Common council excommunicates Lyman E. Johnson and David Whitmer.  
April 14, 1838* Far West. Elder with independent views of Word of Wisdom, authority of the high council regarding revelations, errs in spirit, but does not deserve punishment.  
May 13, 1838 Far West. Annual salary plus 80 acres each for Joseph and Sidney.  
May 24, 1838 Far West. Brigham Young presides. Charges against Lyman Wight are over to the next regular meeting.  
June 23, 1838 Far West. Thomas B. Marsh to own the print shop. Require invoices from agents in Kirtland. Give David W. Patten his lot. Keepers of public houses to assure order.  
June 28, 1838 Far West. Man verbally abuses children, charges Bishop Partridge with corruption, and contests division of timber among partners. Council overturns bishop's decision to disfellowship him.  
June 29, 1838 Far West. All four men involved in the previous day's case are to confess. Lyman Wight is to confess of public drunkenness. Otherwise, excommunication.  
July 6, 1838a Far West. Second quarterly conference. Quorums organize, priesthood counseled.  
July 6, 1838b Far West. High council and bishop to buy George M. Hinkle's home for Joseph.  
July 7, 1838 Far West. Ordinations (mostly seventies).  
July 9, 1838 Far West. Five of the Twelve meet in Far West and agree to notify three new apostles of their calling (John Taylor, Orson Pratt, Willard Richards). Converts to gather.  
July 26, 1838 Far West. First Presidency prerogatives: right to sell property, travel reimbursement, control purse strings. Bishop to receive consecrations of members not in another stake. Stop sale of liquor, prepare petition to move county seat to Far West.  
December 19, 1838 Far West high council votes to ordain John E. Page and John Taylor apostles. Brigham and Heber ordain them.  
April 26, 1839 Far West. In fulfillment of the directive given the preceding July, five members of the Twelve return to Far West, excommunicate Isaac Russell and his followers, ordain Wilford Woodruff and George A. Smith apostles, and officially commence their mission to England.
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