Conference of August 24, 1831
Second coming, gathering, sacrifice
Date   August 24, 1831   Far West Record, 13–14.
Location   Kaw township, Jackson county, Missouri  
Description   … a special Conference … held by special commandment of the Lord …    
Moderator   Not named.    
Clerk   John Corrill    
Elders present   David Whitmer
Hyrum Smith
Edward Partridge
Harvey Whitlock
Simeon Carter
Samuel Drollenger
Isaac Morley
John Corrill
  David, Hyrum, and Harvey were three of the four elders Joseph met on August 13 and for whom he received D&C 62. The fourth was John Murdock who was too ill to attend. ¶ John Murdock
Open   Sing.
Prayer by Hyrum Smith.
Sundry speakers   Edward comments on Malachi 3.   Tithes and offerings.
    Harvey Whitlock comments on the second coming.    
    Hyrum exhorts on gathering to Zion, reads part of Psalm 102.   Probably verses 13–28.

John Corrill and David Whitmer exhort to acts of righteousness and sacrifice all for Christ.

    Isaac Morley exhorts to prayer for Joseph and Sidney, Edward, and himself.    
    Edward moves Selah J. Griffin remain a while when he arrives if the Spirit so directs him. All agree.    
    William E. McLellin (h) is "admitted to be ordained an elder by the voice of the Conference."   He was ordained by Hyrum and Edward.
Close   Sing "Glorious things"
Prayer by Edward Partridge.