Council of November 5, 1834

High council of Zion grants missionary license and authorizes ordinations.

Spelling of names has been standardized.

Date November 5, 1834
Location Not stated, probably Clay county, Missouri
Clerk Thomas B. Marsh History of Thomas B. Marsh
Open Prayer by W. W. Phelps
Substitute members of high council Elias Higbee for William E. McLellin
Daniel Stanton for Orson Pratt
Peter Dustin for John Murdock
Isaac Higbee for Parley P. Pratt
Amasa Lyman for Newel Knight
History of William E. McLellin

History of Orson Pratt
W. W. Phelps announces the subject of the meeting.  
Application for missionary license William Harris applies for missionary license. Granted providing he first obtain a recommend from Bishop Edward Partridge.
Applications for ordination Elias F. Wells is granted permission to be ordained.
Luman Gibbs is to wait a season before being ordained.
George Burkett is reinstated as an elder.
Samuel Brown is to be ordained.
George Morey applies, then withdraws his application for the office of elder.
Teachers Stephen Winchester and Wilford Woodruff, and member Heman T. Hyde, apply for ordination. History of Wilford Woodruff (1)
Peter Dustin applies for recommend to go and preach the gospel. Granted. James Emmett makes the same request. Granted, to accompany Peter Dustin.
Simeon Carter is appointed to ordain the following:
Elias F. Wells, George Burkett, and Samuel Brown elders.
Stephen Winchester, Wilford Woodruff, Heman T. Hyde priests.
An unnamed speaker addresses the congregation on the duties of teachers and priests.
John Whitmer is to provide licenses for the newly ordained and missionaries.
Decide to hold no more scheduled meetings
Elders may administer the sacrament "if they see a convenient opportunity."
Close Prayer "as usual."