Council of July 12, 1834
Edward Partridge, Orson Pratt, Isaac Morley and Zebedee Coltrin are to visit the refugees from Jackson county. Lyman Wight and Amasa Lyman to help raise men for Zion's Camp. Proselyting missions are suspended except George Hinkle who can go. Public meetings are suspended.
Date   July 12, 1834   FWR, 74–77.
Location   Clay county, Missouri  
Description   Council convened according to appointment …    
Clerk   John Whitmer  
Open   Prayer by David Whitmer  
Peter Dustin substitutes   Vote Peter Dustin to "fill" for William E. McLellin (h) (on a mission).   Precedent for substitute members of high council.
Duries of council   President David Whitmer comments on the responsibilities of high council members.  
Constitution and minutes   John Whitmer reads the "constitution" and minutes of the previous meeting.   constitution: D&C 102

Precedent for reading minutes?
Help scattered Saints

Raise men for Zion's Camp
  David Whitmer: it is necessary to appoint four to six brethren to visit the scattered Saints in the region, and someone to help "Lyman Wight (h) (swh) fill his mission appointed him by the seer."  

mission: D&C103: raise men for what became known as Zion's Camp.

  Six counselors speak on the case (Orson Pratt (h1), Thomas B. Marsh (h), Simeon Carter, Lyman Wight, John Murdock, Parley P. Pratt).    
Four to visit scattered Saints, Lyman and Amasa Lyman raise men for the camp   Edward Partridge, Orson Pratt (h1), Isaac Morley and Zebedee Coltrin are "appointed to visit the scattered brethren and teach them in the ways of truth and holiness, &c." and Amasa Lyman (h) is assigned to accompany Lyman Wight.   The four are to visit the Saints and teach them "but … it was not wisdom for the elders generally to hold public meetings in that region." Times and Seasons, vol. 6 no. no. 23 (February 15, 1846), 1121.
  Zebedee Coltrin David W. Patten (h), Warren Parrish, George M. Hinkle, and Samuel Brown already have proselyting assignments.  
Missions suspended (except George Hinkle).   Counselors Peter Dustin and Calvin Beebe address the problem. President Whitmer decides none of them are to go preaching now except George M. Hinkle "because of his over much wearying the Lord," and he is allowed to take a faithful brother with him. Zebedee can also go east with Isaac Morley when he has completed his assignment with Lyman Wight. The counselors concur.  
Stop sacrament   W. W. Phelps raises the question of adminstering the sacrament "while we are in captivity."    
  Levi Jackman, Solomon Hancock, Christian Whitmer, and Newel Knight address the issue. President Whitmer decides it is "not our privilege at present to hold publick meetings," but the four assigned to visit the refugees should "set the disciples in order according as the Lord shall direct and he will bless their labours." The counselors concur.    
By-standers to be orderly   Parley gives "a few leading principles respecting the conducting these Councils, by saying that it was necessary that all these things be conducted with the strictest order and attention by all as well the standers by as the Council &c."  
  David Whitmer closes with prayer.  