Calvin Beebe (1800–1861)
Early convert, perennial high council member, Cutlerite, RLDS.
Born July 1, 1800 in Paris, Oneida county, New York  
Died July 17, 1861 in Mills county, Iowa  
Father Isaac Beebe Sr. "Old Fox," 162.
Mother Olive Soule FamilySearch Ancestral File
Ordinations Elder by June 3, 1832 Minutes of June 3, 1831
Events November 19, 1823 marries Submit Rockwell Starr in Chardon, Geauga county, Ohio. They have seven children. FamilySearch Ancestral File
Jackson county January 23, 1832 attends conference in Jackson county. Minutes of Januay 23, 1832
High Priesthood conference June 3, 1832 attends conference where the first ordinations to the High Priesthood are performed, but is not listed among those ordained. At this conference: exorcisms, Lyman Wight's vision of Jesus Christ, ordinations of counselors for Bishop Partridge. Minutes of June 3, 1831
Presides over branch September 11, 1833 appointed to preside over Branch 10 in Zion. Minutes of September 11, 1833
High council in Clay county July 3, 1834 named to high council in Clay county. One of the twelve prominent church leaders in Missouri to sign the July 1834 Appeal. Council of July 3, 1834
High council in Far West April 7, 1837 listed as a member of the high council in Far West for the first time. No record of his calling, but he is listed as a counselor in subsequent meetings except December 23, 1837, when his name does not appear on a complete roster of twelve counselors. Calvin's name next appears, as a counselor, in the minutes of the February 24, 1848 meeting. But his name does not appear on the full rosters of the March 10, 15, 17, 24, and April 12 meetings. It is difficult to know was a regular member of the council and who was a substitute—or if, during this period, the distinction mattered. Minutes of April 7, 1837
Far West high council November 7, 1837 the full complement of twelve high counselors is chosen for Far West, including Calvin Beebe. ¶ Minutes of November 7, 1837
Moves from Far West March 3, 1838 has moved from the Far West area and is replaced on the high council by John P. Green. Elders' Journal, vol. 1 no. 3 (July 1838), 47.
Loses license June 7, 1841 ordered to surrender his elder's license by the high council of Zarahemla, Iowa Territory "for breaking covenant and keeping a tippling shop." Council decides "disfellowship all persons in this church who now do, or may hereafter keep a tippling shop, or shops." Times and Seasons, vol. 2 no. 19 (August 2, 1841), 498.
Illinois May 14, 1843 Joseph stops at Calvin's house for supper in Lima, Illinois and speaks on the value of "wise men experienced & aged men to assist in council." Wilford Woodruff, George A. Smith, Lorenzo Snow, and Isaac Morley present. WWJ 2:232
Nauvoo temple January 1846 participates in Nauvoo temple ordinances  
Iowa October 1849 living in Pottawattomie county, Iowa  
  Summer 1850 disfellowshipped with eight other "disaffected" members of the Silver Creek branch. "High Council," Frontier Guardian, September 4, 1850, 2 qtd. in "Old Fox," 169.
RLDS 1859 joins the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  
High council April 1860 ordained a member of the RLDS high council by William Marks and Z. H. Gurley in Amboy, Illinois. History of the RLDS 2:252.
  June 1, 1860 represents the Farm Creek branch at a conference held in Council Bluffs, Iowa. History of the RLDS 2:274.
  Calvin's sister—Luana  
 Sister marries Orrin Porter Rockwell, then Alpheus Cutler Luana was born October 13, 1814 in Lebanon, Madison county, New York. In 1832, sixteen-year-old Luana married seventeen-year-old Orrin Porter Rockwell (a second cousin to Joseph Smith). They had five or six children, of whom four survived infancy. Luana and Orrin were divorced about 1845. She became a plural wife of Alpheus Cutler on January 14, 1846, by whom she had three children (the first on February 14, 1846). Her children by Orrin were sealed to him in the Nauvoo temple. "Old Fox," 162; FamilySearch Ancestral File
  Alpheus Cutler founded the Church of Jesus Christ (Cutlerite) on September 19, 1853 in Iowa with about thirty families. Calvin was an active Cutlerite until 1859 when he joined the Reorganized church.  
 Then Wheeler Baldwin Luana later married Wheeler Baldwin. She died March 6, 1897 in West Tintic, Juab county, Utah and is buried in the Provo cemetery. FamilySearch Ancestral File
    Biographical sketches