Alpheus Cutler (1784–1864)

Temple builder, member of the Council of Fifty, polygamist, schismatic.

Born   February 29, 1784 in Plainfield, Cheshire county, New Hampshire   Basic source: Revelations of the Prophet
Died   August 10, 1864 in Manti, Iowa.  
Father   Knight Cutler    
Mother   Elizabeth Boyd    
Baptized   1833 in New York.    
Ordinations   April 29, 1836 high priest.    
Events   1834 moves to Kirtland.    
Kirtland House of the Lord   Works on House of the Lord in Kirtland.    
Endowment   January 1836 receives Kirtland endowment.    
Dedication   March 1836 attends dedication of the House of the Lord.    
Missouri   1836 moves to Missouri.    
    October 1836 buys land in Caldwell county.    
    Settles in Ray county.    
Far West House of the Lord   Appointed master workman of projected House of the Lord in Far West.    
Commerce   Summer 1839 moves to Commerce, Illinois.    
Monogamy   September or October 1840 signs signs statement published in the Times and Seasons that he knows "no other rule or system of marriage than the one published from the Book of Doctrine and Covenants, and we give this certificate to show that Dr. J. C. Bennett's 'secret wife system' [940] is a creature of his own make as we know of no such society in this place nor never did."   Times and Seasons, vol. 3 no. 23 (October 1, 1840), 939–940. Other signers are: S. Bennett, George Miller, Alpheus Cutler, Wilson Law, Reynolds Cahoon, W. Woodruff (h1), N. K. Whitney, Albert Pettey, Elias Higbee, John Tayor, E. Robinson, Aaron Johnson
Nauvoo high council   October 6, 1839 called to Nauvoo high council.  
Schoolhouse architect   28 October 1839 appointed architect for projected stone schoolhouse in Nauvoo.    
Nauvoo House of the Lord   October 3, 1840 appointed to committee with Reynolds Cahoon and Elias Higbe to oversee construction of a "House of the Lord" in Nauvoo. (The following September, Alpheus goes to Wisconsin for timber.)   HC, 4:341; William Clayton, An Intimate Chronicle, 537–538; Times and Seasons, vol. 1 no. 12 (December 1840), 186.
    1841–1842 obtains lumber for the Nauvoo House and Temple at the pineries on the Black river in Wisconsin.  
Endowment   October 12, 1843 receives Nauvoo endowment.    
Council of Fifty   March 11, 1844 joins Council of Fifty.    
Joseph's estate   July 4, 1844. "In Council" with stake president William Marks, Reynolds Cahoon, and William Clayton, decide Marks should be "appointed president and Trustee in Trust and this accords with Emma's feelings."   William Clayton, An Intimate Chronicle, 137.
    Alpheus Cutler and Reynolds Cahoon are so anxious to get property, they will all flat out as soon as the Temple is completed and the faith of the Saints ceases from them, &c.   HC 6:427.
Endowment   December 11, 1845 endowed in Nauvoo temple attic, Brigham Young officiating. Others in group include Isaac Morley, Orson Spencer, Reynolds Cahoon, William Clayton, Cornelius P. Lott, Mother Lucy Smith, and Mercy R. Thompson.   HC 7:543–544.
Leave Nauvoo   February 1846 leaves Nauvoo for the West.    
Cutler's Park   Settles in Cutler's Park, Nebraska.    
Municipal high council   August 9, 1846 appointed presiding member of the Municipal High Council.    
Winter Quarters   September 8, 1846 appointed to locate site for winter quarters; locates site 3 days later.    
Rejects Brigham   1848 rejects Brigham's leadership and moves to Spring Creek, Mills county, Iowa.    
Iowa   [1853] moves to Manti, Fremont county, Iowa.    
True Church of Jesus Christ   Organizes "The True Church of Jesus Christ," September 19, 1853.    
Wives   Alta Adams md. March 12, 1815    
    Luana Hart Beebe Rockwell, sealed Janary 14, 1846    
    Margaret Carr (b. 1771), sealed in Nauvoo temple February 3, 1846.    
    Sally Cox (b. 1794), sealed in Nauvoo temple February 3, 1846.    
    Disey Caroline McCall (b. 1802), sealed in Nauvoo temple February 3, 1846.    
    Henrietta Clarinda Miller (b. 1822), sealed in Nauvoo temple February 3, 1846.    
    Biographical sketch es