Minutes of June 3–6, 1831

First ordinations to the High Priesthood, revelations about John the Revelator, the Second Coming, a vision of the Father and the Son, the man of Sin, exorcisms.

The minutes in the Far West Record are devoted primarily to listing those ordained. Anachronistic expressions such as "(denied faith)" were added when the original minutes were copied into the Far West Record. D&C 52, which pairs elders up for their trip to Missouri, is received on the 6th.

The Book of John Whitmer adds that Joseph prophecied that John the Revelator was with the Ten Lost Tribes; and that Lyman Wight and others present will witness Second Coming, others will be martyred; Lyman has a vision of the Father and the Son; prophesy that the man of Sin will be revealed; Harvey Whitlock and John Murdock are seized and Joseph casts the devil out of them.

The journal of Levi Hancock, provides a first-hand account, ca 1836. As well as supporting John's version of possessions and Lyman Wight's vision, Levi provides graphic detail and includes others as possessed. Levi never left the church and was ordained one of the first seven presidents of Seventy in 1835.

The David Whitmer commentary, from An Address to All Believers (1887), relies on John's history and the recollection of Harvey Whitlock. David, who was not present, insists the possessions are proof that the devil was behind the whole idea of a High Priesthood.

Paragraph breaks have been provided and the spelling of names has been standardized.

Date   June 3–6, 1831 Far West Record, 6–7.
Location   Kirtland  
Moderator   Not expressly stated, apparently Joseph Smith  
Clerk   John Whitmer  
Description   … a general Conference …  
Elders present     Joseph Smith Jr.
David Whitmer
John Whitmer
Samuel H. Smith
Hyrum Smith
Joseph Smith Sr.
Parley P. Pratt (h)
Thomas B. Marsh (h)
Sidney Rigdon
John Murdock
Lyman Wight (h) (swh)
Levi Hancock
Orson Pratt (h1)
Edward Partridge
Ezra Thayer
Newel Knight
Northrop Sweat (denied faith)
Emer Harris
Joseph Wakefield
Ezra Booth (denied the faith)
John Corrill
Seymour Brunson
Isaac Morley
Harvey Whitlock
Zebedee Coltrin
Jacob Scott (denied the faith)
William Carter (denied the faith)
Sylvester Smith
Simeon Carter
Calvin Beebe
Solomon Hancock
Wheeler Baldwin
Edison Fuller (denied the faith)
Burr Riggs (was cast out)
Ebenezer Abbott (denied the faith)
Reynolds Cahoon
Solomon Humphrey
John Woodward (denied the faith)
Joseph Brackenbury (died on a mission to preach)
Joseph Coe
William Mitchell
Ebenezer Page
Alpheus Gifford
David Whitmer, writing in 1887, says he was not present >.

Burr Riggs was cut off ¶ February 26, 1833.

Calvin Beebe is listed, probably erroneously, as a teacher in Oliver's letter describing the ¶ Minutes of January 23, 1832.

1831 E. Booth Excerpts (1–3)

Priests     Martin Harris
Caleb Baldwin (cut off recd back & reordained a Priest)
James Durfee
Major N. Ashley


Hezekiah Peck
Hiram Page
Christian Whitmer
Daniel Stanton
Solomon Chamberlain
Lorin Page
Jacob Sherman (cut off)
Benjamin Bragg (denied the faith)
William Smith
Stephen Burnet
Isaac Bebee
Benjamin Johnson
Samuel Day
Thoret Parsons
Jacob Chamberlain
Lorin Page was silenced at the Minutes of September 1, 1831.
Open and exhortations  

Conference opened by br. Joseph Smith, Jr. in exhortation & prayer. Prayer by br. Sidney Rigdon & exhortation by the same. Exhortation by most of the Elders present.

Ordinations   Joseph ordains [to the High Priesthood]  
      Lyman Wight (h) (swh)
John Murdock
Reynolds Cahoon
Harvey Whitlock
Hyrum Smith


Speakers   Lyman Wight and Harvey Whitlock exhort.  
Ordinations   Lyman Wight ordains the following to the High Priesthood:  
      Parley P. Pratt (h)
Thomas B. Marsh (h)
Isaac Morley
Edward Partridge
Joseph Wakefield
Martin Harris
Ezra Thayer
Ezra Booth
John Corrill
Samuel H. Smith
Solomon Hancock
Simeon Carter
Wheeler Baldwin
Jacob Scott
Joseph Smith Sr.
John Whitmer
Joseph Smith Jr.
Sidney Rigdon
Bishop blesses   Bishop Edward Partridge blesses "those who were ordained in the name of Christ according to commandment."  
Bishop's assistants   Lyman Wight (h) (swh) ordains John Corrill and Isaac Morley assistants to Bishop Partridge.  
Speakers   Sidney Rigdon, Joseph Smith, Jr.  
Close   Prayer by Sidney Rigdon.  
June 6   Joseph ordains the following as elders: Far West Record, 9.
Elders ordained   Simonds Ryder
Selah J. Griffin
Daniel Stanton
Peter Dustin
Sidney Gilbert
W. W. Phelps
  Book of John Whitmer Levi Hancock Journal The Book of John Whitmer in From Historian, 69–70; Levi Hancock journal
Blessing promised   June 3, 1831. A general conference was called, and a blessing promised, if the elders were faithful, and humble before him. Therefore the elders assembled from the East, and the West, from the North and the South. And also many members.    
      … About this time Solomon Came to see me and brought Zebedee Coltrin along he held some metings and wanted I should go to Kirtland with him we started the latter part of May got there by the Last of the month I lerned that on the fourth of June there was to be an indowment of some Elders. Solomon Hancock (1793–1847) was Levi's older brother. He joined the church in 1830.
      [89] The fourth of June came and we all met in a little string of Buildings under the hill nere Isaac Morleys in Kirtland Geauga County Ohio we all went to a school house on the hill about one fourth of a mile asending nearly all the way it was builded of logs they was filled with slab benches here the elders were seated the meeting was opened as usual  

Conference was opened by prayer and exortation by Joseph Smith Jr. the Revelator.

    After the business of the church was attended to according to the Covenants, The Lord made manifest to Joseph that it was necessary that such of the elders as were considered worthy, should be ordained to the high priesthood.    
Joseph: John the Revelator with the Ten Tribes

The spirit of the Lord fell upon Joseph in an unusual manner. And prophecied that John the Revelator was then among the ten tribes of Israel who had been lead away by [70] Salmanaser, King of israel, to prepare them for their return, from their Long dispersion, to again possess the land of their fathers. He prophecied many more things {that [asking] the many, he said that if Joseph Wakefield} that I have not written.

  The reference to John and the Ten Tribes occurs elsewhere in the Levi Hancock journal. >
      Joseph began to speak he said that the kingdom that Christ spoke of that was like a grain of musterd seed was now before him and some should see it put forth its branches And the angels of heaven would some day come like Birds to its branches just as the Saviour had said and Some of you shall live to see it come with great glory some of you must die for the testimony of this work  
Lyman Wight ordained  

After he had prophecied, he laid his hands upon Lyman Wight (h) (swh) [and ordained him] to the High Priesthood after the holy order of God.

Lyman prophecies: the coming of Christ  

And the Spirit [blank] fell upon Lyman and he prophecied concerning the coming of Christ. >

Some will see the Savior descend from heaven  

He said that there were some in this congregation that should live until the Savior shoud decend from heaven with a shout, with all the holy angels with him. He said the coming of the Savior should be like the Sun rising in the east and will cover the whole earth. So will the coming of the Son of man be. Yea, he will appear in his brightness and consume all before him. And the hills will be laid low, and valies be exalted, and the crooked be made straight, and the rough Smooth.

and looked at Lyman Wight and said you shall see the Lord and met him nere the Corner of the house and laid his hands upon him and blessed him with the visions of heaven In 1835 David W. Patten and Warren Parrish were arrested for teaching that the second coming would occur during the current generation and converts would receive the Holy Ghost within 24 hours. ¶ Wilford Woodruff (h)

And some of my brethren Shall suffer marterdom for the sake of the religion of Jesus Christ and seal the testimony of Jesus with their blood.

Sees Father and Son  

He saw the hevans opened, and the Son of man sitting on the right hand of the Father, Making intercession for his brethren, the Saints.

[90] he then stepped out on the floor and said I now see God, and Jesus Christ at his right hand let them kill me, I should not feel death as I am now


Work of the God in last days  

He said that God would work a work in these last days that tongue cannot express, and the mind {of} is not capable to conceive. The glory of the Lord shone around.


At this conferene these were ordained to the high priesthood, namely Lyman Wight (h) (swh), Sidney Rigdon, John Murdock, Reynolds Cahoon, Harvey Whitlock, and Hyrum Smith were ordained by {Lyman Wight excet S} Joseph Smith Jr except Sidney Rigdon.


The following [were ordained] by Lyman Wight by commandment. Parley P. Pratt (h), Thomas B. Marsh (h), Isaac Morley, Edward Partridge, Joseph Wakefield, Ezra Thayer, Martin Harris, Ezra Booth who denied the faith, Harvey Whitlock denied the [71] faith, also Joseph Wakefield, Joseph Smith Sr., Joseph Smith Jr., John Whitmer.

  The minutes list is longer by seven names.

[Edward Partridge] blesses all

The Bishop then proceeded and blessed the above named and others by the laying on of hands.

  Minutes: bishop blessed "those who were ordained".
Isaac Morley and John Corrill ordained counselors  

Isaac Morley and John Corrill were ordained as bishops counsellors to Edward Partridge.

  Minutes: Lyman Wight ordains Isaac and John as "assistants to the Bishop."
Joseph: man of sin would be revealed

Joseph Smith Jr. Prophecied the day Previous that the man of Sin should be revealed.


Philo Dibble also recalled the statement. ¶ Joseph Remembered
¶ Ezra Booth Letters (4–6)

Devil binds Harvey Whitlock and John Murdock

Joseph commands the devil to depart

While the Lord poured out his spirit upon his servants, the Devil took occation to make known his power. He bound Harvey Whitlock <and John Murdock> so that he could not speak and others were affected, but the Lord showed to Joseph the Seer the design of this thing. He commanded the devil in the name of Christ and he departed to our joy and comfort. {Also}

Joseph put his hands on Harvey Whitlock and Ordained him to the high Priesthood he turned as black as Lyman was white his fingers was set like Claws he went round the Room and showed his hands and tried to speak his eyes was in the shape of Ovil Oes.

Philo: ¶ Joseph Remembered
¶ Ezra Booth Letters (4–6)

"Harvey Whitlock was ordained … but after his ordination, when standing on his feet, he seemed paralyzed. His mouth was drawn into the shape of an italic O, and his arm was stretched out as if nailed to a cross. Joseph rebuked the power that had seized him, and it left him, when the heavens opened to him and he testified as Lyman had done, that he saw the heavens open and Jesus standing at the right hand of God the Father. This was the beginning in our day of ordinations to the office of a High Priest." Zebedee Coltrin diary


Therefore a part of the Revelation given at Fayette New York was fulfilled.

Hyrum: that's not of God     Hyrum Smith said Joseph that is not of God

¶ Joseph Remembered: Philo Dibble

¶ Ezra Booth Letters (4–6)

Joseph: don't oppose     Joseph said do not speak against this ¶ Joseph Remembered: Philo Dibble
Hyrum: ask God     I will not believe said Hyrum unless you inquire if God owns it  
Joseph prays, exorcises Harvey     Joseph bowed his head a short time got up and Commanded Satan to leave Harvey laying his hands upon his head at the same time Philo: Joseph asks Harvey if he believes, Harvey has same vision Lyman had. ¶ Joseph Remembered: Philo Dibble
Old man summersaults     At that very instant an Old man said to way two hundread and fourteen pounds sitting in the window turned a complete summersett in the house and came his back across a bench and lay helpless Philo: After Harvey Green incident (below), Leman flies into room through window. No mention of Satan. ¶ Joseph Remembered: Philo Dibble

Leman Copley, b. 1781 in Connecticut, d. after 1860 in Thompson, Ohio. Family joined the Shakers in Vermont, moved to Shaker community near Cleveland as early as 1820.
Joseph to Lyman: cast Satan out of Leman Copley     Joseph told Lyman to cast Satan out he did. The man's name was [91] Leman Copley formaly a Shaker
Harvey Green seized, Satan cast out but screams continue     The evil spirit left him and as quick as lightning Harvey Green fell bound and screamed like a Panther. Satan was cast out of him but imediately entered so I heared it continued all day and the greater part of the knight Harvey was thrown on his back in a fit, Joseph forbids administration, comes out of it. ¶ Joseph Remembered: Philo Dibble

Joseph: Heman, you sit still

    But to return to the meeting said Joseph now if you elders have sinned it will do you no good to preach if you have not repented. Heman Basset you sit still the Devil wants to sift you  
Ordinations     and then ordained Jacob Scott and some others to the high Priesthood  
Levi and Zebedee Coltrin have high calling

Levi afraid
    he came to Zebedee Coltrin and myself and told us that we had another calling as high as any man in the house I was glad of that for I was so scared I would not stir without his liberty for all the world And I knew the things I had seen was not made  
Joseph: John with the Ten Tribes     said Joseph John was to tarry untill Christ came he is now with the ten tribes a preaching and when we can get ready for them they will come The reference to John and the Ten Tribes occurs elsewhere in the John Whitmer account <.
Lyman blesses Joseph     [92] Joseph Smith Called on Lyman Wight (h) (swh) to lay his hands on his head and say what God should tell him to say he did and the thing was so large I cannot write them



Feelings of Harvey Whitlock and Harvey Green     After this we went down to the house And hered Harvey Whitlock say when Hyrum Smith said it was not God, he disdained him in his hart and when the Devil was cast out he was convinced it was Satan that was in him and he then new it I also hered Harvey Green say that he could not describe the Awfu feelings he exspearnced while in the hands of Satan  
Coleville branch moved to Ohio


The churches of the State of New York had moved to Ohio with their Wives and their children, and all their Substance. Some purchased farms, others rented. And thus they situated themselves as convenient as they could.

Adjourn   The day being now far spent, and the conference was adjourned.    
    David Whitmer commentary  
Devil catches Harvey Whitlock, John Murdock, others   In Kirtland, Ohio, in June, 1831, at a conference of the church, the first High Priests were ordained into the church. Brother Joseph ordained Lyman Wight (h) (swh), John Murdock, Harvey Whitlock, Hyrum Smith, Reynolds Cahoon and others to the office of a High Priest. When they were ordained, right there at the time, the devil caught and bound Harvey Whitlock so he could not speak, his face being twisted into demon-like shape. Also John Murdock and others were caught by the devil in a similar manner. An Address to All Believers in Christ, 65–66.
David not at conference (relies on John's history)   Now brethren, do you not see that the displeasure of the Lord was upon their proceedings in ordaining High Priests? Of course it was. These facts are recorded in the History of the Church—written by my brother, John Whitmer, who was the regularly appointed church historian. I was not at that conference, being then in Hiram, which is near Kirtland, Ohio. Conference minutes list David as being present <.
(and Harvey Whitlock)   I also have the testimony of Harvey Whitlock whom the devil caught and bound: also John Whitmer, who was present, and others who were present at the time, so I know it is true. John Whitmer wrote this in the church history when he was in full fellowship with the church.  
John tries to explain it away   As a faithful historian he speaks of this matter, and tries to explain it away by saying, "While the Lord poured out his spirit, the devil took occasion to make his power known; he bound Harvey Whitlock so that he could not speak, and others were affected, but the Lord showed to Joseph the seer, the design of this thing: He commanded the devil in the name of Christ and he departed to our joy and comfort."  
None understood at the time   It was not given to Brother John nor any of them at that time to understand this matter of the devil entering into the first High Priests that were ordained in the church. They were all blind as to the design of that thing, and did not see what it meant.  
Sign of God's displeasure   Of course it was given to Brother Joseph to cast the devil out, but what was the design of the devil entering into these men just as soon as they were ordained the first High Priests ever ordained in the church? Of course it was to show that God's sore displeasure was upon their erring works of ordaining High Priests into the Church of Christ. Any spiritual man can see this.  
Lord opened our eyes in 1848   Brother John was himself ordained a High Priest at that time, so he was in error and could not see it; but he saw it very clearly in 1848, when the Lord opened our eyes to see and understand it. Prejudiced persons are blind and do not want to see and understand except their own preconceived way. There is none so blind as those who will not see.  
Devil's trickery   In Brother John's history he speaks of the Spirit of God being poured out in abundance upon that occasion, some seeing visions, etc., but brethren, you will learn in the next world, if you do not know it already, that the devil can give visions, appearing as an Angel of Light.  
Lyman Wight's prophecy: coming of Christ   Brother John gives an account of a prophecy uttered by Lyman Wight (h) (swh) just after Brother Joseph ordained him a High Priest, which prophecy will prove to be a false prophecy. Brother John's history of the church says as follows: "He (Joseph) laid his hands upon Lyman Wight and ordained him to the high priesthood after the holy order of God. And the spirit fell upon Lyman, and he prophesied concerning the coming of Christ. He said that there were some in this congregation that should live until the Savior should descend from Heaven with a shout, with all the holy angels with him, etc." <. The early future will determine as to whether this prophecy was true or false.  
