1833 Chronology

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January 3   D&C 88:127–137 (Kirtland): the "order" of "the house of God." The teacher enters first and offers a prayer, then he greets the brethren as they enter with a certain salutation, which they repeat back to him (or say, Amen).   D&C 88:127–141
January 6   Revelation calls Frederick G. Williams "to be a councellor and scribe unto my servant Joseph."   Frederick G. Williams papers, qtd. in Joseph Smith Revelations, 231.
January 11   Responding to a letter from W. W. Phelps, Joseph criticizes the brethren in Zion and warning they will receive the judgments of God if they do not repent. >
January 14   Hyrum Smith and Orson Hyde write Edward, Isaac Morley, and John Corrill objecting to their "accusing Brother Joseph in rather an indirect way of seeking after monarchial power and authority."   HC 1:317–19.
January 22–23   Joseph speaks in tongues, opening two-day conference. Washing of feet instituted. Speaking, praying, singing in tongues throughout. Meal of the Lord's supper.   Minutes of January 22–23, 1833
February 2   "This day completed the translation and the reviewing of the New Testament and sealed up no more to be broken till it goes to Zion."  

KCMB, Frederick G. Williams, clerk,

February 13   Kirtland high priests investigate case of Burr Riggs: accused of not magnifying call as high priest, neglecting duty, abusing elders "and treating their admonition and advice with contempt."   Minutes of February 13, 1833
February 17   Joseph ordains John Johnson an elder.   KCMB
February 18  

Orson Pratt (h) returns to Kirtland after a long mission and washes his hands and feet "as a testimony unto the Lord that I had warned this wicked generation, and that my garments were clean of their blood," and is admitted into the School of the Prophets.

  Orson Pratt Journals, 16.
February 26   Zion. High priests discuss Joseph's January 11 letter to W. W. Phelps <, the Olive Leaf revelation (D&C 88), the letter of Orson Hyde and Hyrum Smith in behalf of the conference of high priests. Oliver, W. W. Phelps, and John Corrill write an epistle for the conference to the brethren in Kirtland.

Minutes of February 26, 1833; also HC 1:327.

February 26   Kirtland. Burr Riggs is cut off for neglecting his duty   Minutes of February 26, 1833
February 27  

D&C 89 (Kirtland): Health guidelines with promise of health, wisdom, and deliverance from the destroying angel.

March 2   Rev. Richmond Taggart of Cleveland writes Rev. Jonathan Goings that at Newburg (6 miles away) in the previous week, Joseph told a congregation that "he had seen Jesus Christ and the Apostles and conversed with them, and that he could perform Miracles."   Having Authority, 22–23. Original in the American Baptist Historical Society, Rochester, New York.
March 8   D&C 90 (Kirtland): Only Joseph to receive the oracles of the Lord. Sidney and Frederick to to be equals with Joseph in holding the keys of the kingdom. Joseph to complete Old Testament "translation," then preside and study. Tell Zion [that Joseph?] will preside over them in the Lord's own due time. They are to repent.
March 9   D&C 91 (Kirtland): Apocrypha contains many true things, mostly translated correctly, does not need to be translated."   Kirtland Revelations Book, 55, qtd. in Joseph Smith Revelations, 236.
March 13   Doctor P. Hurlbut visits Joseph and they discuss the Book of Mormon. "According to my best recollection, I heard him say, in the course of conversing with him, that if he ever became convinced that the book of Mormon was false, he would be the cause of my destruction, &c."  

January 11, 1834 entry, Joseph Smith 1832–1834 journal in Papers 2:20.

Doctor is his given name, not a title.

March 15   D&C 92 (Kirtland): Frederick G. Williams is to be received into the United Firm.   1835 D&C Section 93 introduction: "Revelation to Enoch, on the order of the Church for the bernefit of the poor, given to the saints in Kirtland, March, 1833." Williams is referred to as Shederlaomach.
March 18   Sidney ordains Doctor Hurlbut an elder, then requests that he and Frederick G. Williams be ordained presidents of the High Priesthood, equal to Joseph, as revealed March 8. Joseph ordains them (organization of what would become known as the First Presidency). Vision promised. Many see vision of the Savior and angels.   Minutes of March 15, 1833
March 23   Kirtland. Brethren decide to purchase Peter French farm for $5000, Elijah Smith's farm for $4,000, and a Mr. Morley's farm $2,100 for his.   Minutes of March 23, 1833
March 26   Orson Pratt and Lyman E. Johnson begin a mission to the East. They arrive in Bath, New Hampshire, on June 7, having baptized thirteen.   Orson Pratt Journals, 16.
    Hyrum Smith leaves Kirtland on a mission to to Springfield, Erie county, Pennsylvania. Reaches Painesville.   Hyrum Smith diary
    A council of high priests in Zion acquiesces to the    
April 2   Kirtland council. Frederick G. Williams to manage brick yard at the French farm and hire workers, also to rent the farm. Ezra Thayer to purchase Arnold Mason's tannery.   KCMB; HC 1:336.
April 6   Hyrum, Lyman E. Johnson (h) and Orson Pratt (h), John Murdock and Zebedee Coltrin meet at Brother Winchester's "for the Purpose of Seperating" Doctor Hurlbut and D. Copley. Decide that Copley should travel with with John Boynton (h) and Doctor Hurlbut with Orson Hyde (h). "This for the cause of god."   Hyrum Smith diary
April 10   Hyrum returns to Kirtland.   Hyrum Smith diary
May 4   Construction of a "school house" (later called the house of the Lord, eventually, the Kirtland temple) is approved. Reynolds Cahoon, Jared Carter, and Hyrum Smith have oversight. >   ¶ Minutes and Councils
June 5   Hyrum Smith and Reynolds Cahoon begin digging of the trench for the foundation of the Kirtland Temple.    
May 6   D&C 93 (Kirtland): all who keep the commandments "shall see my face and know that I am," the apostle John's record to be revealed, "man was also in th begining with God, intelige or the Light of truth was not created or mad neith indeed can be all truth is independent in that sphere in which God has placed it to act for itself as all inteligen also otherwis ther is no existence … the glory of God is inteligenc or in other words light & truth …" Frederick, Sidney, and Newel K. Whitney must set their houses in order. Joseph not keeping commandments, family must repent "and give mor earnest heed unto your sayings or be remooved out of their place." Translate scriptures, obtain (secular) knowledge and the laws of God for the salvation of Zion.   Newel K. Whitney collection
    D&C 94 (Kirtland): The first lot is for the House of the Lord. The lot to the south is for the presidency, and to the south of that, the printing office, then Hyrum's. The two lots to the north of the Lord's are for Reynolds Cahoon and Jared Carter. <    
June 3   Council excommunicates Doctor P. Hurlbut.   Minutes of June 1 or 3, 1833
    D&C 95 (Kirtland): Dimensions of the house of the Lord. For the endowment of power, Sunday services, school of the prophets.    
June 4   Conference of high priests is unable to decide how to dispose of the French farm. D&C 96: Ahashdah [Newel K. Whitney] to take manage it; Zombre [John Johnson] is to be admitted to "the order," is promised eternal life, is ordained "and he shall seek diligently to take away incumbrances that are upon the house named among you, that he may dwell therein."   Minutes of June 4, 1833
    John Johnson is ordained to the High Priesthood.   HC 1:353.
June 5   George A. Smith hauls the first load of stone for the House of the Lord, Hyrum Smith and Reynolds Cahoon commence digging the trench for the walls. (Hyrum's diary for June 7: "... commenced making Preparation for the Building the House of the lord...")
June 6   Kirtland. A conference of high priests chooses Orson Hyde to be clerk of "the Presidency of the High Priesthood." This conference the building committee, (Reynolds Cahoon, Jared Carter, and Hyrum Smith), to "proceed immediately to commence building the House or obtaining materials, stone Brick Lumber &c."   KCMB

Times and Seasons, vol. 6 6 no. 2 (February 4, 1845), 785.
June 21   Kirtland. The President's Council of High Priests is persuaded by Doctor P. Hurlbut's "liberal confession," and restores him to membership.   Minutes of June 21, 1833
    Orson Pratt baptizes Jacob and Mary Gates, Willard Snow and others in St. Johnsbury, Vermont.   Orson Pratt Journals, 18
June 23   Doctor P. Hurlbut is again called in question by a general council. Brother Gee of Thompson testifies that Brother Hurlburt said that he deceived Joseph Smith's God, or the spirit by which he is actuated. Corroborating testimony from Brother Hodges. The council cuts him off.   Times and Seasons, vol. 6 no. 2 (February 4, 1845), 785.

Council of June 23, 1833
    A council of the Elders of the Church is held at Westfield, New York. Gladden Bishop president, Chester L. Heath clerk. Brother Paul enters a complaint against Brother Elder James Higby for circulating false reports and presents "evidence unimpeachable." Higby is cut off, but he refuses to surrender his license and membership record. Council resolves to send proceedings to Kirtland.   Times and Seasons, vol. 6 no. 2 (February 4, 1845), 785–786.
June 25   Sidney, in behalf of the presidency, writes W. W. Phelps and others in Zion: No need to bind the Book of Commandments. Get Books of Mormon from Brother Burket for the Literary Firm, and have A. S. Gilbert pay Brother Chapin. Lord says much of Apocrypha true, other parts not, and those who want to know by the Spirit will recognized the difference. Will send recent revelations. Good idea to instruct high priests "that they may be able to silence gainsayers." Ordain Isaac Morley second bishop, John Corrill third. Have Bishop Partridge replace them as counselors with Parley P. Pratt (h) and Titus Billings. Morley's counselors should be Christian Whitmer and Brother Newel Knight. Corrill's counselors should be Daniel Stanton and Hezekiah Peck. John Johnson now member of the firm by revelation, has moved to Kirtland. Sidney's mother baptized a few weeks ago (age 75), now living with him. Enclosing draft of the city of Zion, draft of "the house to be built immediately in Zion, for the Presidency, as well as for all purposes of religion and instruction." Kirtland Stake growing. Power of attorney and deed transfers must be signed by wives as well as husbands, and they must be interviewed separately. Corrections for Book of Commandments ("respecter to" to "respecter of," "hands" to "heads").   HC 1:362–364
July 2   Initial revision of the Old Testament is completed.   Joseph Smith Revelations, 239n30.
July c13   The July issue of The Evening and the Morning Star contains a controversial article by W. W. Phelps quoting Missouri state law and constitution regarding flee blacks entering the state and freedom of religion.   Free People of Color
July 16   The Evening and the Morning Star issues an extra, explaining the controversial article was only intended to encourage Mormons not to be come involved in the slavery issue.   ¶ Free People of Color
July 20   Following a mass meeting of Jackson county citizens, a mob destroys the office and press of The Evening and the Morning Star, W. W. Phelps' home. They tar and feather Edward Partridge and Charles Allen, and force Gilbert and Whitney to close their store. Nearly all copies of the Book of Commandments, then in production, are destroyed.   Times and Seasons, vol. 6 no. 4, 819

A few pages were rescued by two young girls. Sacred Lonliness, 209.
July 23  

Hundreds of armed Jackson county citizens enter Independence, "threatening death and destruction." Mormon leaders pledge to move out of the county by January 1, 1834 and urge others to do the same. Half of the Mormons to move by January 1, the rest by April 1, 1834. The Star is to cease publication.

  History of the Late Persecutions in Mormon Redress, 64.

¶ Missouri Persecutions (2)
August 18   "… it is the will of the Lord that the Store shou[ld] be kept and that <not> one foot of <land> {the} perchased should <be> be given to the enimies of god or sold to them but if any is sold let it be sold to the chirch we cannot git the consent of the Lord that we shall give the ground to the enemies … we wait the Comand of God to do whatever he plese and if <he> shall say go up to Zion and defend thy Brotheren by <the sword> we fly …"   Joseph to W. W. Phelps and others. Personal Writings, 2nd ed., 311 .
September 4   I was sensable, when you left Kirtland that the Lord would chasten you … I am not at all astonished at what has happened to you neither to what has happened to Zion and I could tell all the whys & wherefores of all there calamities but alas it is in vain to warn and give precepts for all men are naturally disposed to walk in their own paths …  

Joeph to Vienna Jacques, Personal Writings, 2nd ed., 318.

September 11   High council in Zion: Bishop Edward Partridge head of the church in Zion, permanent moderator. Presidents of ten branches appointed. W. W. Phelps sings in tongues.   Minutes of September 11, 1833.
September 13  

In Kirtland the United Firm resolves to establish F. G. Williams & Co. to publish The Latter-day Saints Messenger and Advocate and, until it can resume operations in Independence, The Evening and the Morning Star. Oliver will continue to edit the Star.



October 5   Joseph leaves for Upper Canada with Freeman Nickerson. Freeman (1778–1847) was born in Cavendish, Windsor county, Vermont, and baptized in April 1833. His children were living in Mt. Pleasant, Upper Canada.    Joseph Smith 1835–1836 diary in Personal Writings, 17.
October 7   Joseph and Freeman arrive at Springfield, Erie county, Pennsylvania, on Sunday and find Sidney preaching to the church there. Leave Springfield for Elk creek, on Tuesday.   Joseph Smith 1835–1836 diary in Personal Writings, 17.
October 12   D&C 100 (Perrysburg, New York): Sidney to be Joseph's spokesman.    
October 21   Joseph, Freeman, Sidney address a large Sunday congregation in Mount Pleasant, Upper Canada.   Joseph Smith 1835–1836 diary in Personal Writings, 17–18.
October 22   Joseph and his companions speak in nearby Colborne and are opposed by a Wesleyan Methodist who was "destitute of reason or knowledge." A Mr. Wilkeson, a leading Methodist, seemed receptive, however.   Joseph Smith 1835–1836 diary in Personal Writings, 19.
October 27–28   After visiting other villages in what is now Ontario, Joseph, Sidney, and Freeman return to Mount Pleasant on the 24th. Joseph finds the people "very superstitious," but on Sunday, the 27th begin baptizing—twelve on Sunday, two on Monday. "One of the sisters got the gift of tongues which made the saints rejoice may God increse the gifts among them for his sons sake."   Joseph Smith 1835–1836 diary in Personal Writings, 20.
October 31   Mob of 40 or 50 men partially destroy twelve Mormon homes at Whitmer settlement, 8–10 miles west of Independence, severely beat Hiram Page and one other.   Orson Hyde, November 8, 1833 in "Outrage in Jackson,"118.
November 1   Mob breaks into A. S. Gilbert's store, scatter the contents in the street, demolish his brick home, break doors and windows of all Mormon homes in town.   Orson Hyde, November 8, 1833 in "Outrage in Jackson,"118.
November 2   Mob fires on Whitmer settlement. Mormons return fire, wounding one.   Orson Hyde, November 8, 1833 in "Outrage in Jackson,"118.
November 4   Mob of 200–300 assemble in Independence; some proceed to Whitmer settlement, two are killed.   "Outrage in Jackson,"118. quoting the Herald and Orson Hyde.
November 13   At 4:00 a.m. Brother Davis rouses Joseph to "see the signs in the heavens and I arrose and beheld to my great Joy the stars from the heaven yea they fell like hail stones a litteral fullfilllment of the word of God as recorded in the holy scriptures and a sure sign that the coming of Christ is clost at hand Oh how marvellous are thy works Oh Lord and I thank thyee for thy mecy u<n>to me thy servent Oh Lord save me in thy kingdom for Christ sake Amen"   Papers, 2:10–11, in Joseph's hand.
November 19   Joseph arrives in Kirtland from brief trip to Upper Canada. Not having yet heard of recent events in Missouri, he writes, "… anxieties inexpresible crowd themselves continually upon my mnd for the saints, when I consider the many temptations with which we are subject from the cunning and flattery of the great adversary of our souls. … When I contemplate the rapidity with which the great and glorious day of the coming of the Son of man advances, when he shall come to receive his saints unto himself … when I consider that soon the heavens are to be shaken, and the earth tremble and reel to and fro … I cry out in my heart, What manner of person ought i to be in all holy conversation and godliness!"   Joseph to Moses Nickerson in Personal Writings, 302, 303, 304.
November 21   Missouri Attorney General R. W. Wells writes on behalf of Governor Dunklin that if the Mormons want to return to their homes in Jackson county, "an adequate force will be sent forthwith to effect that object." If Mormons wish to organize their own volunteer company, "the Colonel" would be obliged to accept them. "As only a certain quantity of public arms can be distributed in each county; those who first apply will be most likely to receive them. The less, therefore, that is said upon the subject the better."   "History of Joseph Smith," Times and Seasons, vol. 6 no.1 (June 1, 1845), 912.
November 25   Orson Hyde and John Gould reach Kirtland with "the melencholly intelegen of the riot in Zion with the inhabitants in persuting the brethren."   Papers, 2:14.
November 27   Orson Pratt and Lyman E. Johnson, "having been set apart by a council of High Priests to visit the Churches," leave Kirtland for Springfield, Pennsylvania.   Orson Pratt Journals, 26.
November 29   A. S. Gilbert writes Governor Daniel Dunklin that church attorney Doniphan has seen Attorney General Wells, who apprised him of the governor's intention to convene a court of inquiry in Jackson county to investigate mob action against the Mormons. Under current circumstances church leaders would be unable to assemble witnesses in the immediate future in that county.   Times and Seasons, vol. 6 no.1 (June 1, 1845), 913.
December ca 1   Oliver Cowdery and Newel K. Whitney arrive in Kirtland with a new press and type.   Times and Seasons, vol. 6 no.1 (June 1, 1845), 913.
December 5   Joseph writes Edward Partridge to go to court over expulsion but do not sell any land.   HC 1:448.
December 6   W. W. Phelps, Isaac Morley, John Whitmer, Edward Partridge, John Corrill, and A. S. Gilbert write Governor Daniel Dunklin for assistance: state militia or United States Rangers to restore Mormons to their homes in Jackson county; authorization for Mormon men to organize themselves into companies of Jackson Guards armed by the state; and a court of enquiry.   Times and Seasons, vol. 6 no.10 (June 1, 1845), 915.
December 6   [Wayne Sentinel: Doctor Philastus Hurlbut is in Palmyra] as a missionary in behalf of the people of Kirtland … investigating the origin of the Mormon sect. … The original manuscript of the Book [of Mormon] was written some thirty years since, by a respectable clergyman, now deceased, whose name we are not permitted to give. It was designed to be published as a romance, but the work has been superadded by come modern hand—believed to be the notorious Rigdon. These particulars have been derived by Dr. Hurlbut from the widow of the author of the original manuscript.   Qtd. in Early Mormon Documents, 2:1
3–14, and Sidney, 135.

Original: Hurlbert
December 10   Joseph writes brethren in Missouri to use the courts, write the governor and the president, but do not sell their lands.   Personal Writings, 2nd ed., 328–332.
December 16   D&C 101 (Kirtland): The Lord's sword will fall in behalf of his people. The people are not to sell their property in Jackson.    
December 18   Joseph, "first elder and first patriarch of the Church" blesses his father, Hyrum, Samuel, William, and Don Carlos; also Oliver, Frederick, and Sidney. Oliver records the blessings. In his blessing, he and Joseph have fulfilled the biblical Joseph's prophecy that a Seer and his Scribe would be ordained "by the hand of the angel in the bush, unto the lesser priesthood, and after receive the holy priesthood under the hands of … those who received it under the hand of the Messiah."   Patriarchal Blessing Book 1, qtd. in Having Authority, 23.

¶ Everett: Melchizedek Priesthood Restoration
December 21   Joseph files a complaint against Doctor P. Hurlbut for threatening to kill him.   Papers, 2:19n1.
December 26   Kirtland bishop's court tries Ezekiel Rider and Brother Story for saying "many hard things" about Bishop Newel K. Whitney. Rider and Story confess and are forgiven.   Minutes of December 26, 1833
December 27   Kirtland Justice of the Peace J. C. Dowen issues a writ against Doctor Hurlbut for threatening the life of Joseph Smith.   Early Mormon Documents, 2:15–16
        1832 Chronology
1834 Chronology