Conference of January 22–23, 1833
Conference remarkable for widespread gift of tongues and washing of feet. Father Smith blesses Joseph. Washing of face, hands, feet. Willful sinners will be delivered over to the buffetings of Satan. Meal of the Lord's supper.
Date   January 22, 1833   KCMB
Location   Kirtland, council room    
Description   conference of High Priests …    
President   Joseph Smith Jr.    
Clerk   Frederick G. Williams
Present   Joseph Smith Sr.
Joseph Smith Jr.
Sidney Rigdon, "cheif scribe and high counciler"
Frederick G. Williams, "assistant scribe and counciler"
Newel K. Whitney, "Bishop"
Hyrum Smith, "Bishops counciler"
Samuel H. Smith, "cheif scribe and high counciler"
Orson Hyde
Ezra Thayer
John Murdock
Zebedee Coltrin
Lyman Johnson
Levi Hancock, priest
William Smith, priest
Open   Prayer by Joseph Smith Jr.    
Speak in tongues  

after prayer the President spake in an unknown tongue he was followed by Br. Zebedee Coltrin and he by Bro William Smith

All elders experience the gift  

after this the gift was poured out in a miraculous manner until all the Elders obtained the gift together with several of the members of the Church both male & female.

Divine manifestations  

Great and glorious were the divine manifestations of the Holy Spirit.

Sing, pray in tongues  

Praises were sang to God & the Lamb besides much speaking & praying all in tongues.


The conference adjourned at a late hour in the night to meet next morning at 9 oclock. closed with prayer by the President.

January 23, 1833  

Prayer by Joseph Smith Jr.

Speak, pray, sing in tongues  

and after much speaking praying and singing, all done in Tongues

Wash hands, face, feet  

proceded to washing hands faces feet in the name of the Lord as commanded of God each one washing his own

  Washing of feet ordinance: Joseph and the Twelve, November 12, 1835.
Joseph washes elders' feet  

after which the president girded himself with a towel and again washed the feet of all the Elders wiping them with the towel,

Joseph Sr. blesses Joseph  

his father presenting himself the president asked of him a blessing before he would wash his feet which he obtained by the laying on of his fathers hands,

Joseph to continue in priest's office to second coming  

pronouncing upon his head that he should continue in his Priests office untill Christ come.

Frederick washes Joseph's feet  

at the close of which scene Br F G Williams being moved upon by the Holy Ghost washed the feet of the President as a token of his fixed determination to be with him in suffering or in rejoicing in life or in death and to be continualy on his right hand in which thing he was accepted.


Joseph: wash each other's feet.

Elders clean now

Willful sinners get buffetings of Satan


The President said after he had washed the feet of the Elders, as I have done so do ye wash ye therefore one anothers feet pronouncing at the same time through the power of the Holy Ghost that the Elders were all clean from the blood of this generation but that those who among them who should sin wilfully after they were thus cleansed and sealed up unto eternal life should be given over unto the buffettings of Satan until the day of redemption.

Day of fasting anhd prayer, Lord's supper—meal  

Having continued all day in fasting & prayer before the Lord at the close they partook of the Lords supper which was blessed by the president in the name of the Lord all eat and drank and were filled


then sang an hymn and went out
