Zebedee Coltrin (1804–1887)

Early Ohio convert (November 1830), missionary, Zion's Camp, visionary, one of the first seven presidents of Seventy, pioneer.

Born September 7, 1804 in Ovid, Seneca county, New York

Zebedee's autobiography, 1.

Died July 20, 1887 in Spanish Fork, Utah  
Father John Coltrin
Mother Sarah Graham
Baptized January 9, 1831 by Solomon Hancock Zebedee's autobiography, 1.
Confirmed January 19, 1831 by Lyman Wight
Ordinations Elder, January 21, 1831 by John Whitmer Zebedee's autobiography, 1.
High priest, July 17, 1832 by Reynolds Cahoon
Seventy, February 28, 1835
  One of the seven presidents, First Quorum of Seventy, March 1, 1835 (released April 6, 1837 due to his ordination as a high priest in 1832).
  Patriarch, May 31, 1873 by John Taylor
Events 1814 family moves to Geauga county, Ohio, settling in Strongsville. Zebedee's autobiography, 1.
  January 9, 1831 is baptized by Solomon Hancock Zebedee's autobiography, 1.
  June 3, 1831 present at first ordinations to the High Priesthood. General Conference of June 3, 1831
June ca 6, 1831 appointed to travel to Missouri with Levi W. Hancock, they found a large branch in Winchester, Indiana. D&C 52:29; ¶ 1831 Journey of Hyrum and William E. McLellin; Zebedee said they built up a branch "numbering one hundred members."in approximately six months. Zebedee's autobiography, 1.
  July 22, 1832 ordained to the High priesthood in Kirtland by Hyrum Smith and Reynolds Cahoon. Zebedee's autobiography, 1.
  November 15, 1832 missionary companion David W. Patten seals up the brethren in Shalersville to Eternal Life. Zebedee's diary, Three weeks earlier, Joseph had told the brethren that " the order of the Highpriesthood is that they have power given them to seal up the Saints unto eternal life." Conference of October 25, 1831
  January 22–23, 1833 at a conference in Kirtland, Joseph speaks in tongues, followed by Zebedee, and all others present, male and female. Conference of High Priests, January 22–23, 1833
June 15, 1832 arrives at father's home in Strongsville, Ohio. Zebedee's diary, 29.
  August 1, 1832 leaves on mission with Jesse Gause. Zebedee's diary, 29.
  August 19, 1832 after preaching in and around Pittsburg, Zebedee concludes " that it was not my duty to preced any further to the East. I have been afficted with a pain in my head every day Sinse we Started." He and Jesse Gause pray with and for each other "in the fellowship of the Gospel of our Lord & saviour Jesus Christ." Zebedee's diary, 31, 34.
  August 26, 1832 arrives at Hiram, Ohio and stays with Joseph for a couple of days. Zebedee's diary, 36.
  November 14, 1832 arrives in Kirtland and hears Joseph speak and sing in tongues. Zebedee's diary,
January 24, 1833 School of Prophets begins under the tutelage of Sidney Rigdon. Class studies "the gift of tongues and the interpretation thereof," and English grammar. Zebedee Coltrin, qtd. in Journal History, January 24, 1833.
  October 1833 "warned out" of Kirtland. Origins, 543.
February 20, 1834 called on a mission to Upper Canada with Henry Harriman. Kirtland High Council of February 20, 1834
  April 18, 1834 accompanies Joseph, Sidney, and Oliver from Kirtland to a conference in New Portage.

"History of Joseph Smith," T&S vol. 6 no. 19 (December 15, 1845), 1058,

  April 19, 1834 the four bless one another. Zebedee is promised, "the blessings of wisdom to preach the gospel even till it spreads to the Islands of the seas, and to be spared to see three score years and ten, and see Zion built up and Kirtland established forever, and even at last to receive a crown of life." "History of Joseph Smith," T&S vol. 6 no. 19 (December 15, 1845), 1059,
  April 22, 1834 back in Kirtland, Joseph meets with Sidney, Frederick G. Williams, John Johnson, Newel K. Whitney, and Oliver Cowdery. They pray that Zebedee Coltrin will be able to borrow money from Jacob Myers or persuade him to come to Kirtland and bring it himself. Joseph Smith Ohio journal, 1832–1834 in Papers 2:32–33; also "History of Joseph Smith," T&S vol. 6 no. 19 (December 15, 1845), 1061,
May–June 1834 Zion’s Camp.
  May 29, 1834 Joseph reproves Zebedee for serving him better food than the rest of the camp. HC 2:75.
  July 12, 1834 named as one of four brethren to visit Jackson county refugees. ¶ Council of July 12, 1834
  July 31, 1834 substitutes for an absent high counselor in Clay county, reports mission to refugees with Isaac Morley. ¶ Conference of July 31, 1834
  September 10, 1834 substitutes for an absent high counselor in Clay county.  
  February 28, 1835 ordained one of the first seven presidents of Seventy.  
  March 1, 1835 at the blessing meeting of the Seventy, Zebedee is told, "… if there are Islands not yet found by the world, you are the one who shall go and hunt them up and preach to all nations, and you shall have power to fulfil this your ministry. You shall be an instrument changed throughout and prepared to do good. You shall have heavenly visions and the ministry of Angels shall be your lot. You shall have great faith to perform your work. You shall go to Islands that are not troubled with Priests, and convert and depopulate them, and bring them to Zion and join your brethren with great rejoicing. Amen." KCMB
  June 6, 1835 represents Strongsville branch of 15 at a conference in New Portage, Ohio. KCMB
  1836 signs ultimatum against Kirtland's justice of the peace. Origins, 543
January 26, 1836 following the organization of the Seventy in the house of the Lord, many spiritual manifestations are reported, including Zebedee's vision of "the Savior extended before him, as upon the cross, and a little after, crowned with glory upon his head above the brightness of the sun."

HC 2:387.

  February 6, 1836 the "anointed" meet by quorum in the house of the Lord. Many visions are reported, including Zebedee, who sees "the Lord's host." HC 2:388.
1837 charter member, Kirtland Safety Society.
  January 3, 1837 organizes the second quorum of Seventy with Hazen Aldrich, the senior president. Zebedee ordains Wilford Woodruff a member of the first quorum to fill a vacancy. He promises Wilford that he will be able to rend prisons and chains in twain; heal the blind, lame, and deaf; stop the mouths of lions; raise the dead to life; "waft myself (as did Philip) from River to river from Sea to sea & from Continant to Continant" to preach the gospel; that kings will seek after his wisdom; that he will return to Jackson county for the coming of Christ "& that I should be cought up to meet him in the Clouds of heaven;" that he will visit Kolob and preach to the spirits in prisons, and redeem his deceased friends and relatives from the terrestrial kingdom. WWJ 1:118119.
  September 23, 1837 sits as a counselor in a high council meeting to hear charges against Oliver Olney and Amary Bonny. KCMB
  April 1838 sued for defaulting on debts with associates Sidney Rigdon and Sampson Avard. Suit dismissed. Origins, 543.
1839 moves to Nauvoo, later to Kirtland
  February 20, 1841 organizes twelve members as the Grafton branch in Lorain county. T&S vol. 2 no. 14 (May 15, 1841), 413,
May 22, 1841 Almon W. Babbitt is elected president of the Kirtland stake with Lester Brooks and Zebedee Coltrin his counselors. HC 4:361.
1842 returns to Nauvoo.
  April 6, 1843 represents Virginia members at a conference of elders after general conference. T&S vol. 4 no. 10 (April 1, 1843), 157,
  April 19, 1843 Joseph remarks that Jedediah and Joshua Grant "have got into Zebedee Coltrin's habit of clipping half their words, and I intend to break them of it." HC 5:368.
  June 25, 1843 one of 175 men that rides through the night from Nauvoo to Dixon to save Joseph from arrest. HC 5:450–451.
  July 3 and 5, 1843 called by the Twelve to visit McDonough county, Illinois "to preach the gospel and disabuse the public mind with regard to [Joseph's] arrest."
T&S vol. 4 no. 15 (June 15, 1843), 240; HC 5:485.
April 6, 1844 assigned to campaign in Michigan for Joseph Smith as President of United States. T&S vol. 5 no. 8 (April 15, 1844), 504,
December 22, 1845 receives temple endowment.
1846 moves to Winter Quarters.
  1846–1847 police officer at Winter Quarters. Origins, 543.
  April 1847 captain of ten in the pioneer company from Winter Quarters to Salt Lake. Intimate Chronicle, 296, 383.
  November 1847 returns to Winter Quarters.
  1851 moves family to Utah.
  1852 assigned to settle in Spanish Fork, Utah.
  1872 called as a home missionary (Utah county) at general conference Origins, 543.
  June 1, 1873 ordained a patriarch by John Taylor.

Zebedee's autobiography, 1; Origins, 543 has May 1873.

  May 31, 1879 signs a detailed statement that while raising support for Zion's Camp, he and J. P. Green get into an argument about the propriety of ordaining black men to the priesthood. When they return to Kirtland, they take the question to Joseph. "Joseph Kind of drop't his head and rested it on his hand for a minute, and then said Bro Zebedee is right, for the Spirit of the Lord Saith the Negro has no right nor cannot hold the Priesthood." Zebedee also states that he was the one who washed and anointed Elijah Abel at Kirtland, though it made him very uncomfortable.

On the same occasion, Abraham O. Smoot, a former missionary in the South, signs a statement that in 1838 Joseph told him "I could baptize them by the consent of their Masters, but not to confer the Priesthood upon them."
Zebedee's deposition
Families Lavina Elizabeth Fullmer md. about 1826. FamilySearch™ Ancestral File v4.19

Origins, 543 has this marriage in 1857, ending in divorce 1859.
  Sarah Oyler md. about 1826. FamilySearch™ Ancestral File v4.19; not listed with other wives in Origins, 543.
  Julia Ann Jennings (b. 1813 in Pennsylvania, d. 1840 in Kirtland) md. before April 1828. FamilySearch™ Ancestral File v4.19; Zebedee's autobiography, 1 has 1828 and she died in 1828; Origins, 543 has marriage date of 1835 and 5 children.
  Five children, all died in infancy
Mary Mott (b. November 27, 1820 in New York, d. March 3, 1885 or 1886) md. February 5, 1841. FamilySearch™ Ancestral File v4.19; Zebedee's autobiography, 1 has marriage date of February 1843 and sealing in 1846, also second anointings by Parley P. Pratt in 1846; Origins, 543 confirms 1841, 10 children.
  John Graham (1843–1905)
Julia Ann (1849–1851, also 1848–1854)
Mary Mott (1846–1880)
Zebedee (1850–1917)
Joseph (1852 stillborn)
Haman (1854–1932)
Electa (1856–1924)
Sarah (1858–?)
Elizabeth (1859–1890)
Hugh (1862–?)
  Biographical sketches