Mormon History 1830-1844

Minutes of July 31, 1834
Saints not to vote in the redistricting election §. David Whitmer, W. W. Phelps, Orson Pratt, and Lyman Wight to preach throughout the Missouri churches, advising the Saints "how to escape the indignation of our enemies and to keep in favor with those who feel well disposed towards us" §. Hulet Branch: Samuel Brown, contrary to counsel, encourages branch members to speak in tongues §, and ordained Sylvester Hulet because Sylvester can speak in tongues.
Date   July 31, 1834   FWR, 77–84.
Location   [Clay county]    
Description   Council met according to appointment.   Minutes of July 12, 1834
Moderator   David Whitmer    

John Whitmer

Open   Prayer by David Whitmer    
Substitutes   Substitute members:
Peter Dustin for William E. McLellin
Zebedee Coltrin for Thomas B. Marsh (h)
Amasa Lyman (h) for John Murdock


Constitution   John Whitmer reads the "Constitution."   D&C 102
Reports of visits to county branches   Report of Edward Partridge and Orson Pratt (h1) is read, then "laid on the table."   Edward, Orson, Zebedee, and Isaac had been assigned to visit the Saints in Clay county. Minutes of July 12, 1834
    Report of Zebedee Coltrin and Isaac Morley was received.  
Pay attention

Requirements for missionaries
  President David Whitmer urges the council to be patient and pay attention to the business of the council to "avoid confusion & contention." Also, men should not be sent on missions until they are ready to teach the principles of the gospel "in plainness," and also "the rules and regulations of the Church of Latter Day Saints."   The church name was changed by the Minutes of May 3, 1834.
Counsel not to vote   Addressing congregation and the high council, David declares "the will of the Lord" is that they not vote in this election. Counselors W. W. Phelps and John Whitmer concur, followed by the high council.   The 1834 election was postponed for congressional re-districting.
Minutes read   John Whitmer reads minutes of last council meeting.   Rare reference to reading minutes.


Station elders throughout area   W. W. Phelps proposes that brethren be stationed throughout the area as Edward Partridge and Orson Pratt suggested. Orson and Lyman Wight (h) (swh)  speak on the subject.  
Four appointed to teach public relations   David Whitmer announces that according to the spirit in him four brethren should be appointed to teach the disciples "how to escape the indignation of our enemies and to keep in favor with those who feel well disposed towards us. And live as disciples in all lowliness of heart &c. These four to hold meetings in public and teach as they shall be directed by the Holy Spirit."   That the Destroyer May Pass
PR reps   Simeon Carter, John Corrill, Parley and Orson Pratt are appointed. Council and congregation vote unanimously in the affirmative.  

¶ Minutes of August 6, 1834

Adjourn   One hour adjournment.  
Second session   David Whitmer opens with prayer.    
Case of Samuel Brown   Nathan West submits request for the council to rule on Samuel Brown's teachings on practicing gifts and ordaining Sylvester Hulett a high priest without authorization.   Samuel Brown (1801–1882), member of Zion's Camp, doorkeeper of the Kirtland Temple, resident of Payson, Utah.

Sylvester Hulet (1800–?), bapized 1831, md. Anne Schott Whitmer, widow of Christian Whitmer, moved to Salt Lake Valley, 1847.

    This being considered a difficult matter, four speakers were appointed: Zebedee Coltrin and Amasa Lyman vs. Simeon Carter and Parley P. Pratt.

Zebedee calls "for testimony in behalf of the Church."
Leonard Rich: Brown not following counsel   Leonard Rich testifies that last week Nathan West told him Brother Brown was teaching something different than what he and Hiram Page > had taught the Hulett branch as instructed by President Whitmer.  
    When Rich asked Brown if he had been speaking to the Hulett branch about "improving gifts (that is in speaking with tongues and interpreting) to this Brown replies that he was not willing to say any thing behind his brethren's backs."  
    Rich reminds him "that the Elders had been requested to visit that branch & teach them not to use their gifts, (that is, to speak in tongues, the gift of seeing & interpretations &c.) but lay them aside at present (that is in our present state of captivity &c.)"    
Evasive   He asks Brown if they had been "improving on their gifts" since they were visited by Elders Hiram Page and Nathan West. Brown answers evasively. Rich persists, but fails to elicit definite answers.    
    Brown finally acknowledges that:    
"Misunderstanding"   there must be some misunderstanding concerning the Council by those who had taught them respecting the gifts, he stated that he did not suppose that they were to lay aside the gift entirely but use them when it would be wisdom.    
    He refuses to say whether Sylvester Hulet, who had agreed to abide by the counsel of Elders Page and West, had spoken in tongues since the Elders had visited the branch, but offers to go with him to see Elder Hulet.    
    Rich tells him:    
Duty to answer  

that I felt it was his duty to answer the question without going to Sylvester, {I told him} said that I thought that it would be saving much time and trouble if he would answer the question as Sylvester might evade the question, as he had done and leave room for the workings of Satan among them.

Admits Sylvester and Sally spoke in tongues   Brown acknowledges hearing Sylvester speak a few words in tongues, which Sister [Sally] Crandall interpreted; she then spoke in tongues and Sylvester interpreted; but denies encouraging them.    
Brother Brace testimony

Brown ordains Sylvester Hulet
  Brother Brace reports that his wife told him Brown said he had been impressed by the Spirit to ordain Sylvester to the High Priesthood and did so in the presence of the Brace family.    
Edward Partridge testimony

Brown sectarian
  Edward Partridge testifies that soon after Samuel Brown had arrived, he called on the bishop and "gave me to understand that Brown was much tinctured with sectarianism," though he could not recall the details.    
    A few days later, Brown makes observations:    
Brown and Crandle  

calculated to prejudice my mind against br. Lyman—He then stated that he had obtained the gift of tongues … [and] that he visited Sister Crandle, that a brother that was with him asked her to speak in tongues she rather refused at first but Brown said to her he would like to hear her speak, she did speak some and told him he could speak, he spoke and she interpreted it.

    Brown also said:    

that they had been having a fuss or difficulty that morning over at br. English's in consequence of his visiting Sister Crandle and others and getting them to speak in tongues contrary from what they had been taught, he said he thought the difficulty settled or nearly so.

Edward Partridge testimony

Urges Brown to speak
  Bishop Partridge suggested Brother Brown address the congregation before the sacrament and "shew that he was satisfied that they had been taught correct and that he had ignorantly done or said some things that were not wisdom." Brown agreed.    
Brown justifies himself   But instead of admitting error, Brown "justified himself for all he had done since he joined the Camp of Israel." Bishop Partridge was very disappointed but let it pass.    
Justifies ordaining Hulet   However, when he heard that Brown had ordained Sylvester Hulet, he, President Whitmer, Orson Pratt, and Brother Rich, questioned him. Brown justified the ordination, saying that Brother Cole had recommended him. He, Brown, asked the Lord to give him the gift of tongues as a sign. His request was granted, and he ordained Brother Hulet. Furthermore, "he was ignorant of any rules here different from those in the world."    
High council had rejected Hulet   The bishop told him that Sylvester had recently applied for ordination but was rejected, so either the spirit that the council had was not of God, the spirit that Brother had was not of God, or Brother Hulet's standing had changed in the Lord's eyes. Brother Brown thought it it was probably the last alternative.    
Hiram Page testimony

Prophecy in branch?
  Hiram Page testifies that in an effort to "search out a prophecy which was given in the Hulet Branch," he spoke to Brother West and was interrupted by Brother Brown, who said "that we had better let those brethren alone, if we did not—there would a matter arise out of it that would be serious—that we would be sorry for here after < ."    
Adjourn   Adjourn to tomorrow morning.    
Close   Prayer by David Whitmer "Moderator"    
Minutes of August 1, 1834
Minutes of July 12, 1834
Clay County Minutes

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