Minutes of October 25–26, 1831
October 25 morning: Joseph promises those who are clean and covenant with God will be protected.The High Priesthood is the power to seal the Saints unto eternal life. Brethren declare their willingness to give all to God. Greatest blessings for those who support the Prophet's family while he continues to work on the scriptures. Joseph declines to describe Book of Mormon translation process. Support missionary families.
October 25 evening: Fund-raising missionaries called. Ordinations to the High Priesthood, ordination of elders and priests.
October 26: Sidney rebukes brethren for not taking ordination to the High Priesthood seriously. Oliver Cowdery and David Whitmer instructed regarding the selection of the Twelve. They are to be ordained and sent forth from Zion.
Date   October 25, 1831   Far West Record, 19
Location   Orange, Cuyahoga county, Ohio, home of Sirenes Burnett.    
Description   … a general Conference …    
Moderator   Not named    
Clerk   Oliver Cowdery    
Present   Names of those ordained to the Highpriesthood    
High Priesthood   Joseph Smith Jr.
Oliver Cowdery
John Whitmer
Hyrum Smith
Sidney Rigdon
Samuel H. Smith
Simeon Carter
Reynolds Cahoon
Martin Harris
Joseph Smith Sr.
Wheeler Baldwin
John Smith (license taken) (not of the Prophet's lineage)
Elders   David Whitmer
Peter Whitmer
Sylvester Smith
Luke Johnson (h)
Burr Riggs (cut off)
Sylvester Parker left the Church
Orson Hyde (h)
Daniel Stanton
Joseph Brackenbury (Died)
William E. McLellin (h)
Major N. Ashley (cut off)
Stephen Burnett
Edmund Durfee
Joel Johnson
Levi Jackman
Emer Harris
Frederick G. Williams
  Anachronistic additions such as "Died" or "cut off" are probably by Andrew Jenson,
Priests   Lyman Johnson (h)
Edward Johnson (denied the faith)
Ruggles Eames
Teachers   William Smith
Uziel Stephens
Hiram Griffith
Deacons   Titus Billings
Sirenes Burnett
John Busk
Open   Prayer by Simeon Carter
"Glorious thing, were then sung"
  Far West Record, 20–24.
Sidney   Sidney:    

New song


God always answers the prayers of the Savior for he makes his children one, for he by his Holy Spirit binds their hearts from Earth to Heaven, And in this thing God has taught his children to sing a new song even about Zion which David Spoke of, &c.

God bears witness when elders assemble in faith  

God always bears testimony by his presence in counsel to his Elders when they assemble {themselves} in perfect faith and humble themselves before the Lord and their wills being swallowed up in the will of God.

Joseph   Joseph:    
Assemble to do Lord's business


… we have assembled together to do the business of the Lord and it is through the great mercy of our God that we are spared to assemble together,

Defiance of evil

Lamb's book of life

many of us have went at the command of the Lord in defience of every thing evil, and obtained blessings unspeakable in consequence of which, our names are sealed in the Lamb's Book of life, for the Lord has spoken it.

Eldes may speak  

It is the privilege of every Elder to Speak of the things of God &c.

Could rent the veil today  

And could we all come together with one heart and one mind in perfect faith the vail might as well be rent to day as next week or any other time

Cleanse and covenant  

and if we will but cleanse ourselves and covenant before God, to serve him, it is our privilege to have an assurence that God will protect us at all times

John: neglect covenant   John Whitmer reads "a certain clause in the Church Covenants" that he fears is neglected.   The "Articles and Covenants" preceded D&C 20.
Frederick: families of missionaries   Frederick G. Williams asks if the conference should consider the welfare of absent elders.    
Sidney: God will have a pure people sealed up   Sidney supposes that it was. Bears witness that "God will have a pure people who will give up all for Christ's sake and when this is done they will be sealed up unto eternal life."    
Joseph: High Priesthood is power to seal to eternal life   [Joseph:] said that the order of the Highpriesthood is that they have power given them to seal up the [21] Saints unto eternal life. And said it was the privilege of every Elder present to be ordained to the Highpriesthood.    
Brethren covenant to give all to the Lord   [Emer Harris:] Determined to be for God & none else & with his assistance to do his will.    
    [Orson Hyde (h):] Covenanted to give all to the Lord and be for his glory and as to all his works his heart responded a hearty Amen.    
    [Frederick G. Williams:] Renewed again the covenant before the Lord to give all to him.    
    [William E. McLellin (h):] Had the greatest reason to rejoice of any present and that he also would be subject to the will of God even unto death.    
    [Sylvester Smith:] Had the testimony that it was the will of the Lord to seal his saints, and also covenanted to give all to the Lord.    
    [Reynolds Cahoon:] He could not obtain [words] to express his heart but said that he gave all to God. also reminded the brethren of the constant care of the Savior for them.    
    [Peter Whitmer Jr.:] Ever since I have had an acquaintance with the writing of God I have [blank] eternity with perfect confidence.    
    [Samuel Smith:] Ever since he had set out to serve the Lord, not to regard the favor of man but the favor of heaven.    
    [Martin Harris:] Anxious that all should be saved &c. also read two verses in the book of Revelations, also covenanted to give all for Christ's sake.    
    [John Smith:] Felt through grace to do the will of the Lord notwithstanding his extreme old age, also felt to covenant to give all to the Lord.    
    [Daniel Stanton: He had a long time since covenanted to do the will of God in all things, and also said that it was his desire to be sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise.    
    [David Whitmer:] He had consecrated all that was his to the Lord, and also was desirous to do all for the glory of God.    
    [Simeon Carter:] He was thankful that he had been spared & preserved to go to the land of Zion according to the Commandment of the Lord, for he received it as from his mouth & also thanked the Lord that his feet had troden upon the consecrated ground which was the inheritance of the saints. Testified that the book of Mormon was true. Mourned because of the falling away since he took his journey to the land of Zion.    
    [Joseph Brackenbury:] He blessed the name of the Lord that he could bear testimony of the truth of the book of Mormon, and also consecrated all to God before he was baptized, he was also determined to go on to the end of his life.    
    [Levi Jackman:] He gave all his ability to do the work of the Lord.    
    [Major N. Ashley:] It was by the help of the Lord that he had been preserved, yet his greatest fear was for those who were weak in the faith.    
    [Wheeler Baldwin:] He rejoiced while he heard those give their testimony who had been up to the land of Zion, said he had many times been directed by the Spirit of God, also felt to do the will of the Lord in all things, &c.    
    Joel Johnson:] He had professed religion for a number of years, also felt to bear testimony of the goodness of God, and to consecrate all to the Lord.    
    [Edmund Durfee:] He had professed religion for a number of years, yet now felt to bear testimony of the goodness of God, & also to consecrate all to the Lord.    
    [Joseph Smith:] He had nothing to consecrate to the Lord of the things of the Earth, yet he felt to consecrate himself and family. Was thankful that God had given him a place among his saints, felt willing to labor for their good.    
    [Luke Johnson:] He was determined to be for God and none else come life or death, also remembered his covenant [23] that he would consecrate all that he had to the Lord.    
Hyrum invites Joseph to relate coming forth of the Book of Mormon   [Hyrum Smith:] He thought best that the information of the coming forth of the book of Mormon be related by Joseph himself to the Elders present that all might know for themselves.    
Joseph declines   Joseph:] It was not intended to tell the world all the particulars of the coming forth of the book of Mormon, & also said that it was not expedient for him to relate these things &c.   Joseph may have been reluctant to spectre of seer stones since they had created problems for the church beginning with ¶ Hiram Page. Of the process he consistently said only that the book was translated "by the gift and power of God."
Destitute families   Frederick G. Williams presents the situation of Sister Marsh's family, which is destitute. Titus Billings is surprised, because "she and her family were provided for as well as her brethren around her."  
    [Joseph Smith:] "He intended to do his duty before the Lord and hoped that the brethren would be patient as they had a considerable distance.  
Blessings for those who support Joseph's family   also said that the promises of God was that the greatest blessings which God had to bestow should be given to those who contributed to the support of his family while translating the fulness of the Scriptures,    
Lamb's book of life

Can't be deceived
  also said until we have perfect love we are liable to fall and when we have a testimony that our names are sealed in the Lamb's Book of life we have perfect love & then it is impossible for false Christs to deceive us.    
Support missionary families   also said the the Lord held the Church bound to provide for the families of the absent Elders while proclaiming the gospel.    
Heavens sealed by covetousness   further said that {the} God had often sealed up the heavens because of covetousness in the Church.    
Scriptures must be finished   said that the Lord would cut his work short in righteousness and except the church receive the fulness of the Scriptures that they would yet fall.    
Fund-raising missionaries   Oliver Cowdery proposes that elders be appointed this evening to visit the churches to raise funds for Joseph "& those appointed to assist him in writing & copying the fulness of the Scriptures, as was concluded upon in a conference held in Hiram, Oct. 11. 1831."    
Adjourn   Conference adjourns, prayer by William E. McLellin.    
Open evening session   Singing, prayer by Orson Hyde, singing.    
Fund-raising missionaries   Oliver moves that Orson Hyde, Simeon Carter, Emer Harris, Hyrum Smith be sent to visit the churches per the October 11 conference.    
Receive High Priesthood.

God will withdraw Spirit if doubt.
  Sidney says it is "the privilege of those Elders present to be ordained to the High Priestood, telling them that if they then should doubt God would withdraw his Spirit from them."    
Ordinations to High Priesthood    Oliver ordains:
  David Whitmer
Peter Whitmer Jr.
Sylvester Smith
Luke Johnson (h)
Burr Riggs
Orson Hyde (h)
Daniel Stanton
Joseph Brackenbury
William E. McLellin (h)
Major N. Ashley
Stephen Burnett
Edmund Durfee
Levi Jackman
Emer Harris
Frederick G. Williams

William E. McLellin's diary entry for October 25: "Here I first saw brother Joseph the Seer,, also brothers Oliver, John & Sidney and a great many other Elders &c. This conference was attended by me with much spiritual edification & comfort to my heart. And Tuesday night in conference a number of Elders were ordained to the High-Priesthood of the Holy order of God among whom though I felt unworthy I was ordained and took upon me the high responsibility of tht office—A number of others present were ordained to the lesser Priest-Hood." Journals of McLellin, 44–45.

Joseph examines those who want to preach   Oliver calls brethren who want to preach the gospel. Joseph "was appointed to examine these brethren, presenting themselves for ordination."  
Don't ignore talents   Joseph: "He had a testimony that each had one tallent and if after being ordained they should hid it God would take it from them." Urges continual prayer in meekness.  
Advance priests, teachers, deacons   Said that those who had been previously ordained Priests would be ordained Elders, & the others would be ordained Priests.    
Ordination of elder   Oliver ordains Lyman Johnson (h) an elder and the following brethren priests:    
Ordinatons of priests   Calvin Stoddard
Ezekiel Rider
William Scobey
Uziel Stephens
William Smith
William Cahoon
Stephen Strong
Luman Gibbs
Eleazer Willis
Michael B. Welton
Gideon Carter
Adjourn   Conference adjourns to 8 a.m., October 26, 1831.    
Date   October 26, 1831    
Open   Sing "Go on ye pilgrims," prayer by David Whitmer.   Far West Record, 25–26.
Privileges of the Saints

Indifference to High Priesthood

Power of the office

Br. Sidney Rigdon then made certain remarks on the privileges of the Saints in these last days. Remarks on those who were ordained to the Highpriesthood last evening saying that the Lord was not well pleased with some of them because of their indifference to be ordained to that office, exhortation to faith and obedience setting forth the power of that office.

  This "indifference" may have been due, at least in part, to the possessions that attended the first ordinations at the Minutes of June 3, 1831.

Br. Orson Hyde said that he received the rebuke in meekeness. The same by brothers. Stephen Burnett, Joseph Brackenberry, Levi Jackman & Frederick G. Williams.

Twelve Apostles   Oliver (clerk) and David Whitmer received directions "this morning respecting the choice of the twelve." They are to be "ordained & sent forth from the Land of Zion."   The Twelve were not named until February 14, 1835.
Next conference   Vote to hold next general conference in Amherst, January 25, 1832.    
Today's speakers   Vote to have Sidney, Oliver, Hyrum, and Orson Hyde (h) speak.    
Close   Prayer by Sidney Rigdon.    