Samuel H. Smith (1808–1844)
First baptized after Joseph and Oliver, probably one of the six church organizers on April 6, 1830, one of the Eight Witnesses. Joseph designated Samuel to succeed him if both he and Hyrum were killed, but after retrieving their bodies after the martyrdom, Samuel was taken ill and died.
Born   Samuel Harrison Smith, March 13, 1808 in Tunbridge, Orange county, Vermont    
Died   July 30, 1844 in Nauvoo, Hancock county, Illinois >    
Father   Joseph Smith Sr. (1771–1840)    
Mother   Lucy Mack (1775–1856)    
Baptized   May 25, 1829 by Oliver Cowdery >.  
Eight Witnesses   July 1829 one of the Eight Witnesses.  
Elder   June 9, 1830 ordained an elder by Oliver Cowdery in Fayette, New York.   Minutes of June 9, 1830
Mission   Fall of 1830 one of four "mostly illiterate" missionaries who call on Orson Hyde (h).    
Founder   April 6, 1830 probably one of the six founders of the church.   Named as one of the of six by Brigham Young and Jonathan Turner. Inventing Mormonism, 154.
Missionary   June 1830 traditionally, first missionary of church.   Samuel's Books
Kirtland   February 27, 1831 arrives in Kirtland from New York with Orson Pratt.   ¶ Joseph to Hyrum, March 3, 1831
High Priesthood   June 3, 1831 ordained to the High Priesthood by Lyman Wight (h) (swh).   ¶ Minutes of June 3, 1831
To Jackson   June 6, 1831 called to travel to Jackson county with Reynolds Cahoon, preaching as they go. In August they are told not to part company on the return trip until they reach their homes.   D&C 52:30, ¶ 61:35
Mission   October 29, 1831 called on a mission with William E. McLellen (h). They start November 16, 1831 (D&C 66:7) and labor primarily in eastern Ohio until December 24, when Samuel leaves his sick companion and returns to Hiram, Ohio.   Journals of William E. McLellin, 45, 46.
Mission   1832 Orson Hyde and Samuel take a mission to New York and New England. Orson describes Samuel as "a man slow of speech and unlearned, yet a man of good faith and extreme integrity." In Lowell, Massachsetts, Orson's brother-in-law refuses to put Samuel up for the night.  

¶ Orson Hyde (h)

¶ Orson Hyde (h)

High council   February 17, 1834 member, first high council of the Church of Christ (serves to 1838).   Minutes of February 17, 1834
Ohio militia fine   October 26, 1835 fined $20 for failure to attend Ohio militia musters. Defense that he is a minister is rejected.   Joseph Smith 1832–1834 journal qtd. in Papers 2:54n1.
Missouri   March [16], 1838 arrives in Missouri two or three days after Joseph.   Papers, 2:213
Battle of Crooked River   October 25, 1838 standing next to David W. Patten (h) when the apostle is mortally wounded at the Battle of Crooked River.    
Alderman   1841 Nauvoo alderman.  
Declines bishopric   August 20, 1842 Nauvoo high council resolves to appont Samuel bishop in the place of Vinson Knight, deceased; but Samuel declines.   HC 5:119; Origins, 320n180.
Mason   1842 becomes a Mason.    
Endowed   1843 endowed.    
Tavern   Keeps "a public house" in Plymouth, thirty-four miles southeast of Nauvoo.   HC 5:201.
Anointed Quorum   March 3, 1844 Anointed Quorum meeting.   Origins, 356n71.
Families   Mary Bailey (1808–1841) md. August 13, 1834  
  Susanna Bailey (1835–1905)
Mary Bailey (1837–1916)
Samuel Harrison Bailey (1838–1914)
Lucy Bailey (1841–1841)
  See ¶1835 Chronology for Susannah's birth.
  Levira Clark (1815–1893) md. April 29, 1841    
  Levira Annette Clark (1842–1888)
Lovisa C. (1843–?)
Lucy J. C. (1844–1844)
  Levira was the first wife of Joseph F. Smith. ¶ Trials of Young Joseph F. Smith (5)
        Biographical sketches