1835 Chronology

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The Twelve § and the Seventy § are organized; Joseph obtains Egyptian mummies and scrolls §; the first Doctrine and Covenants is published §; pay for church leaders is formalized §; war department is organized §; Joseph relates the First Vision to a visitor §, begins marrying couples contrary to state law §. Joseph's conflicts with Orson Hyde §, Almon Babbit §, and especially William Smith §.
February 8   Brigham and Joseph Young sing for Joseph. "The Spirit of the Lord was poured out upon us, and I told them I wanted to see those brethren together, who went up to Zion in the camp, the previous summer, for I had a blessing for them."   HC 2:180–181.
February 14  

Joseph, David Whitmer , Martin Harris, and Oliver Cowdery meet with members of Zion's Camp. The Three Witnesses twelve men to be apostles: Lyman E. Johnson (h), Brigham Young, Heber C. Kimball (h1), Orson Hyde, David W. Patten (h), Luke S. Johnson, William E. McLellin (h), John F. Boynton (h), Orson Pratt (h), William Smith, Thomas B. Marsh (h), and Parley P. Pratt (h). The Three Witnesses bless the first three.


Minutes of February 14, 1835

February 15   The Three Witnesses ordain Orson Hyde, David W. Patten (h), Luke Johnson, William E. McLellin (h), John F. Boynton (h), and William Smith apostles.  

Minutes of February 15, 1835

February 21   Parley P. Pratt, Thomas B. Marsh (h), and Orson Pratt (h), are ordained. Oliver delivers the charge to the Twelve.   Minutes of February 21, 1835
February 28   Joseph, David, Martin, and Oliver meet with members of Zion's Camp and select members of the First Quorum of the Seventy.  

KCMB; From Historian, 59n4.

February 28 and March 1   Ordination and blessing meetings of the Seventy.   KCMB
March 1   After dedication of the House of the Lord in Kirtland, Lyman Wight (h) (swh) leaves for Missouri, arriving in early May.   From Historian, 72n4.
March 7–8   Blessing meetings for workers and contributors to the House of the Lord, and seventies.   Minutes of March 7–8, 1835
April 5   Most of the Twelve meet to prepare for their mission east. Orson Pratt has not returned from another mission since his calling was announced. He arrives in Kirtland just as the meeting begins, enters the room dramatically, and is ordained.   ¶ Orson Pratt (h2)
    Eliza R. Snow is baptized.   Personal: ERS, 10.
April 24   Smith, the Mormon Prophet, was recognised, on Wednesday last, by Justice Miller of this village, for his appearance at the next Court of Common Pleas, to answer to a charge of Assault and Battery committed upon the person of his brother-in-law. (The hearing is postponed when the brother-in-law leaves the state for a time >.   Painesville Telegraph.
April 25   David, Martin, and Oliver ordain Thomas B. Marsh (h) an apostle.    
April 26   Thomas B. Marsh is sustained as president of the Quorum of the Twelve.    
    David and Oliver ordain Orson Pratt an apostle.   Orson Pratt (h2)
    We received our charge from Joseph Smith the Prophet.   Heber C. Kimball journal in Woman's View, 54.
April 28   John Whitmer and W. W. Phelps and his son Waterman leave Missouri for Kirtland, arriving May 17.   From Historian, 137.
May (mid)   John Whitmer replaces Oliver (his brother-in-law) as editor of the Messenger and Advocate, editing the June 1835 to March 1836 issues. Frederick G. Williams beomes editor of the Northern Times, a Democratic weekly.   Descriptive Bibliography, 47.
    Mr. Hewitt, an Irvingite, arrives in Kirtland and raises the possibility that his congregation in England might contribute to the Mormon cause. >   HC 3:233–234.
May 5   The Twelve leave Kirtland at 2 a.m. for the East.   Book of John Whitmer in From Historian, 141.
May 17   W. W. Phelps and Waterman, and John Whitmer arrive in Kirtland. W. W. and son move into Joseph's home and help compile the D&C.   Book of John Whitmer in From Historian, 137.
June 5   George A. Smith and his second cousin, Lyman Smith, leave Kirtland on a mission to Ohio, western Pennsylvania, and New York, returning November 2. They hold about 80 meetings and baptized eight.   Deseret News, August 18, 1858.
June 14   The high council sends Oliver to find Mr. Hewitt in Fairport . The next day, Oliver writes that Hewitt is not there but Mrs. Hewitt reassures him of her husband's interest in Mormonism. The Hewitts are not heard from again <.   KCMB
June 16   Geauga county court acquits Joseph of charges brought by brother-in-law Calvin Stoddard that Joseph had deprived him of water rights. During trial Calvin calls Joseph a "damned false prophet," and Joseph knocks him down. Stoddard sues for assault >.    
June 18   Saints contribute $950 toward construction of the House of the Lord.   HC 2: 234.
June 21   Joseph preaches in Kirtland on the Evangelical Order.   HC 2: 234.
June 25   $6,232.50 is subscribed for House of the Lord in Kirtland. Joseph, $500; Oliver, $750; W. W. Phelps, $500; John Whitmer, $500; and Frederick G. Williams, $500; all paid within an hour.
  HC 2: 234.
June 26   At Joseph's request, the Painesville Telegraph publishes court testimony. Brother-in-law says Joseph has apologized for striking him on the forehead with the flat of his hand. The apology has been accepted and Joseph is acquitted <.   Painesville Telegraph.
July 3   Michael H. Chandler arrives in Kirtland and exhibits four Egyptian mummies and rolls of papyrus covered with hieroglyphics. "Some of the Saints" in Kirtland purchase the artifacts and, "and with W. W. Phelps and Oliver Cowdery as scribes," Joseph begins translating the scrolls.   HC 2:235.
August 17   General Assembly approves publication of the first Doctrine and Covenants, including the Lectures on Faith and Oliver's Article on Marriage and Article on Governments and Laws.   Minutes of August 17, 1835
August 19   Almon Babbitt's defense for breaking the Word of Wisdom: Joseph and others don't observe it. He is admonished to keep it anyway.   Minutes of August 19, 1835
September 14   Kirtland high council: "The laborer is worthy of his hire." Salary and expenses for Joseph Sr., Frederick G. Williams, Oliver Cowdery. Emma to select hymns and W. W. Phelps edit.   Minutes of September 14, 1835
    David Whitmer and Samuel H. Smith are appointed Literary firm agents.   W. W. Phelps to Sally, September 16. 1835 from Journal History in New Mormon Studies. The Doctrine and Covenants was starting to come out of the bindery. Sale price $1. Descriptive Bibliography, 54–75.
September 24   Joseph meets with the Kirtland high council. Petition Missouri's governor to return the refugees. Raise volunteers ready to fight to the death. Organize a "war department."   Minutes of September 24, 1835
September 25   Orson Pratt arrives in Kirtland.   ¶ Orson Pratt (h2)
September 26   The rest of the Twelve return from their mission to the East. There are some difficulties between them and with Sidney. Resolved amicably.  

Minutes of September 26, 1835

October 1  

Joseph works on the Egyptian alphabet with Oliver and W. W. Phelps. "The system of astronomy was unfolded."

  JS journal, 1835–1836 in Personal, 2nd ed., 86–87. HC 2:286 expands text to: "… during the research, the principles of astronomy as understood by Father Abraham and the ancients unfolded to our understanding, the particulars of which will appear hereafter."
October 5   Joseph: the Twelve are to take their families to Missouri next year, attend the organization of the School of the Prophets, and prepare for "an endowment with power from on high."

Minutes of October 5, 1835; JS journal, 1835–1836 in Personal, 2nd ed., 88–89.

October 6   Elder Stevens loans Frederick G. Williams and Co. $600, "which greatly relieved us of our present difficulties."  

JS journal, 1835–1836 in Personal, 2nd ed., 89.

October 7   Newel K. Whitney and Hyrum Smith start for Buffalo to purchase goods for the store.
  JS journal, 1835–1836 in Personal, 2nd ed., 89.
October 17   Joseph calls his family together, arranges his "domestick concerns," and "dismissed my boarders."   JS journal, 1835–1836 in Personal, 2nd ed., 93.
October 23   Joseph, Oliver, David, Hyrum, John Whitmer, Sidney, Samuel H. Smith, Frederick G. Williams, and W. W. Phelps pray for relief from debt, deliverance of Zion without bloodshed, protection from the Missourians, and the means to buy inheritances in Zion to accomplish the Lord's work there, "all this easily and without perplexity and trouble; and finally, that in the end He would save us in His celestial kingdom."
  JS journal, 1835–1836 in Personal, 2nd ed., 121–122.
October 26   Joseph, Hyrum, and Don Carlos go to county court in Chardon with Samuel, who is fined $20 "for not doing Military duty." Joseph blames the lawyer and court.
  JS journal, 1835–1836 in Personal, 2nd ed., 93–94; HC 2:291-292.
October 29   Warren Parrish begins writing for Joseph where Willard Richards leaves off in the Prophet's history.
  JS journal, 1835–1836 in Personal, 2nd ed., 95.
    Joseph testifies before the high council in behalf of a brother who is accused of beating and whipping his daughter. In the second session, Joseph and his brother William, get into a furious argument over whether their mother should testify.
  Minutes of October 29, 1835
November 3   Revelation chastizes eleven of the Twelve for not being sufficiently humble or equal in financial affairs and for criticizing William Smith.   Revelation of November 3, 1835
November 5   William E. McLellin (h) and Orson Hyde reluctantly accept the revelation of November 3. After school Brigham Young hears it read and appears "perfectly satisfied."   JS journal, 1835–1836 in Personal, 2nd ed., 102.
November 8   The word of the Lord cam[e] unto me saying that President Phelps & President J. Whitmer are under condemnation before the Lord, for their errors <for which they made satisfaction the same day>  

JS journal, 1835–1836 in Personal, 2nd ed., 103; HC 2:304.

November 9   "Joshua the Jewish minister" calls. Joseph relates his first vision, the visitation of "angels" beginning when he was 17, and the coming forth of the Book of Mormon. Joshua offers an exegesis of Daniel 2 and passages in Revelation, detailed in Joseph's diary. >   1835 Accounts of the First Vision

JS journal, 1835–1836 in Personal, 2nd ed., 104–106. 
November 12   Joseph tells the Twelve that he thought that he had placed the church on a permanant foundation by organizing the stake of Zion. But he is still alive, so there must be something more for him to do, and that is the ordinance of washing of feet, which he then administers.  

Minutes of November 12–13, 1835

Minutes of July 7, 1834

November 14   Revelation: Warren Parrish's sins are forgiven and he is called to be the Lord's scribe. If he hearken's to the Lord's voice, Warren will see "much of my ancient records, and shall know of hiden things, and shall be endowed with a knowledge of hiden languages"   JS journal, 1835–1836 in Personal, 2nd ed., 112. 
    In a conversation with a visitor, Joseph refers to the First Vision as "the first visitation of Angels, which was when I was about 14. years old" <.   ¶ 1835 Accounts of the First Vision (B)
November 21   Hebrew class decides to offer a teaching position to a New York Jew if they can cancel the agreement with Dr. Peixotto, who does not appear to be qualified.   JS journal, 1835–1836 in Personal, 2nd ed., 119. 
November 24   Joseph marries Newel Knight and Lydia Goldthwaite. The state does not consider Mormons ministers and therefore refuses to license them.   JS journal, 1835–1836 in Personal, 2nd ed., 120–121. 
December 3   Joseph marries Warren Parrish and Martha H. Raymond "in the name of God according to the articles, and covenants of the <Church of the> latter day Saints"   JS journal, 1835–1836 in Personal, 2nd ed., 125. 
December 13   Joseph marries two couples.   JS journal, 1835–1836 in Personal, 2nd ed., 132. 
December 15   Orson Hyde gives Joseph a letter complaining of favoritism and objecting to the revelation of November 3.   ¶ Orson Hyde's 1835 Complaint

Revelation of November 3, 1835
December 16   Joseph attends a debate and apparently urges the debates stop "fearing that it would not result in good." William insists on continuing and becomes "enraged" and "used violence upon my person," Jared Carter, and others >.   JS journal, 1835–1836 in Personal, 2nd ed., 134. 
December 17   Joseph discusses Orson's letter with him "and satisfyed his mind upon every point."   JS journal, 1835–1836 in Personal, 2nd ed., 137. 
    I told Elder Cahoon, of the Temple committee, that we must sustain the Twelve, and not let them go down; if we do not, they must go down, for the burden is on them, and is coming on them heavier and heavier. If the Twelve go down, we must go down, and we must sustain them.   MS, vol. 15 no. 32, 521. Probably a gloss. Does not appear in JS journal, 1835–1836 in Personal, 2nd ed., between 137 and 138, where it belongs. Joseph would have referred to the Kirtland House of the Lord, not temple.
    Joseph Sr. and Lucy, "sorely afflicted in mind" by the difficulty between Joseph and William, call on Joseph >. He persuades them that "I was not to blame" and invites them to move in with him. They agree.   JS journal, 1835–1836 in Personal, 2nd ed., 138. 
December 26   D&C 108 gives the will of the Lord for Lyman Sherman. He will be one of "the first of mine elders" and be called on a mission.   Very few revelations in 1835.
December 28   High council considers Joseph's charge against Almon Babbit "for traducing my character." Almon acknowledges his fault, but the council considers it insufficient and adjourns "without obtaining a full confession from him."   JS journal, 1835–1836 in Personal, 2nd ed., 147. 
    The council of seventy meets to report their ministry since they were ordained "to that apostleship."   JS journal, 1835–1836 in Personal, 2nd ed., 147.  
December 29   Orson Johnson charges William Smith with "unchristianlike conduct in speaking disrespectfully of President Joseph Smith Junr. and the revelations & commandments given through him," and "attempting to inflict personal wisdom [sic] on President J. Smith Junr" <.   Minutes of December 29, 1835