Jared Carter (1801–1850)
An early convert (January 1831), indefagitable missionary, healer, and Danite. Left the church after Joseph's death.
Born   June 14, 1801 in Benson, Rutland county, Vermont     Lucy, 808.
Died   1850 in Illinois     Lucy, 808.
Father   Gideon Carter (1766–1828)     Lucy, 808.
Mother   Johanna Sims (1769–1830)     Lucy, 808.
New York   By 1830 living in Chenango, Broome county, New York.    Jared Carter diary, 3.
Baptism   February 1831 baptized by Hyrum Smith.    Jared Carter diary, 4.
To Kirtland   April 1831 Jared sells his property and goods, and starts for Kirtland.   Jared Carter diary, 7.
Priest   June 1831 revelation calls for Jared to be ordained a priest.    
Elder   By September 1831, an elder.    
Mission   September 22, 1831 leaves on a mission to the East and New England with Ebenezer Page, returning February 29, 1832.    
Baptizes 20 in New York   January 1832 converts 20 in Onodaga county, including Zera and Mary Brown Pulsipher, who is healed of her rheumatism.   Off-site link; ¶ Healings
 Carter reputation   February 11, 1832 [Mormonism] is paid no attention to only By those that are possessed of weak minds. I understood that Jared Carter was in Benson & had Baptised A number and would Starte for the Promust land in the Spring. it is nothing mor than I Should expet of the Carters & some oths in that part of Town of Benson. Whoever joins them will become A Prest or prophet or prophetess.    Wesley Perkins, a wagon maker in Amherst, Lorain county, Ohio, to his brother, Jacob, in Orwell, Vermont (10 miles north of Benson), February 11, 1832, qtd. in "The Ezra Booth Letters,"136.
Mission   March 12, 1832 called on a mission to the eastern countries.    D&C 79
    April 25, 1832 leaves for New York with Calvin Stoddard, continues on to Vermont with Sylvester Smith and Gideon Carter.    
    Brothers Simeon and Jared Carter, we understand, have done wondrous works in Vermont, in breaking down prejudice in a wonderful manner. Better than one hundred have been brought into the kingdom, in a few months past, by their instrumentality.   Letter extracts dated December 24, 1832 in The Evening and the Morning Star, vol. 1 no. 9 (February 1833).
    October 19, 1832 returns from mission.    
Michigan   December 1, 1832 leaves on mission to Michigan with Moses Daley, returning in May 1833    
School house (temple)   May 4, 1833 appointed to committee to raise funds for Kirtland school house.   Minutes of May 4, 1833
Building lot   August 6, 1833 Reynolds Cahoon and Jared are granted the first two lots north of the Kirtland school house, now referred to as the Lord's house ("my house").   ¶ D&C 94:14, August 6, 1833
    September 17, 1833    
Mission   February 20, 1834 called on a mission to Upper Canada (Ontario) with Phineas Young.   Minutes of February 20, 1834
Fund raising   [April 1834 Jared] has been appointed to visit the several churches, to receive contributions for the purpose of finishing the stone building now erecting in this place, designed as a house of worship and praise to the Lord. … and will probably visit all, or the most of the branches of the church during the present season.   The Evening and the Morning Star, vol. 2 no. 19 (April 1834), 151.
Saco, Maine   June 15, 1834 chosen moderator of conference in Saco, Maine, raising funds for the House of the Lord.   The Evening and the Morning Star, vol. 2 no. 23 (August 1834), 181.
 Cornerstones   July 23, 1833 participates in laying the cornerstones of the House of the Lord.    
Kirtland high council   February 17, 1834 member, first high council (Kirtland).   Minutes of February 17, 1834
House of the Lord rights   March 7, 1835 granted "rights" to the House of the Lord.   Minutes of March 7, 1835
Fund raising   April 1835 notice is published that Jared and Hyrum Smith have been appointed to visit the churches to solicit donations for the stone meeting house in Kirtland.   The Messenger and Advocate, vol. 1 no. 7 (April 1835), 107.
    [July 29, 1835] DEAR BROTHER:—Elder Jared Carter called on this church last Thursday, on his way east, soliciting donations and subscriptions for finishing the house in your place. Although the subject of such a mission, in connection with his name, had been mentioned in the Messenger and Advocate, still, as no other method had been taken to impress the subject on our minds, it had measurably passed out, or ceased to make any impression—therefore, we were in some degree taken on surprise. To the recollection of any of the church, neither the Twelve, the Bishop, nor any others clothed with authority have ever mentioned this subject to us, except incidentally. It surely was never made a subject of public instruction—as Brother Carter had just reasons to expect it had been, he felt an embarrassment peculiar to such a situation. He undertook to preach to us yesterday, but from the aforesaid embarrassment, or the deadness, or the covetousness of the church, he could get none of the Spirit of the Lord to assist him. I am free to say that I attributed more to the latter cause than the former; yet notwithstanding, we made out in donations and subscriptions which I trust will realize $341.37 1/2. May the Lord bless and prosper him, and all His faithfull servants; and may they find favor in the sight of God and man, is the prayer of your unworthy brother, WARREN A. COWDERY   Warren A. Cowdery, in Freedom, New York, to Oliver, July 29, 1835, qtd. in HC 2:139.
Admonished for resisting counsel   September 19, 1835 admonished for commanding congregation to pray for committee, implying it was above the brethren, and for resisting counsel.   Minutes of September 19, 1835
Temple dedication   March 1836 participates in dedication of the House of the Lord.    
 Justice of the peace warned out   November 7, 1836 signs petition warning Kirtland's justice of the peace out of the county.   Origins, 91, 331n43, 625.
 Tussle with William   December 16, 1835 William Smith gets violent with Joseph, Jared, and others when the Prophet terminates a debating society.   JS journal, 1835–1836 in Personal, 2nd ed., 134. 
 Kirtland Safety Society stock   January 1837 subscribes for stock 2000 shares of Kirtland Safety Society stock at 8¢ a share ($171).   Kirtland Economy, 76.
 Kirtland high council   September 3, 1837 retains position as a member of the Kirtland high council.   Minutes of September 3, 1837
    October 1, 1837 replaced on the high council, having left for Far West.    
Excommunication of stake presidency   March 10, 1838 apparently as a substitute member of the Far West high council, Jared is one of three "counselors" assigned to speak in behalf of defendants David Whitmer, W. W. Phelps, and John Whitmer at their excommunication.   Minutes of March 10, 1838
Far West high council   April 7, 1838 named to the Far West high council.   ¶ Minutes of April 7, 1838
Secret meeting to discuss killing dissidents   [Mid-June 1838] … measures were concerted no doubt by instigation of the presidency to free the community of the Cowderys, Whitmers, Lyman E. Johnson (h) and some others, to effect which a secret meeting was called at Far West, by Jared Carter and Dimick B. Huntington two of Smiths greatest courtiers where a proposition was made and supported by some as [p. 23] being the best policy to Kill these men that they would not be capable of injuring the church. All their measures were strenuously opposed by John Corrill and T. B. Marsh (h) one of the twelve apostles of the church and in consequense nothing could be effected until the matter was taken up publicly by the presidency the Sunday following (June 17th) in the presense of a large congregation. S. Rigdon took his text from the fifth chapter of Mathew "Ye are the Salt of the Earth but if the salt have lost his savour wherewith shall it be salted …   Reed Peck manuscript, 22–23.
Daughter of Zion (Danites)   [Late June:] Jared Carter Geo W. Robinson, and Sampson Avard, under the instructions of their presidency, had formed a secret military Society, called the "daughter of Zion" and [p. 39] were holding meetings to initiate members.   Reed Peck manuscript, 38–39.
July 4, 1838 review   July 4, 1838 one of three to "act as Generals before whom the military band shall pass in review" at Far West festivities. (The others are George M. Hinkle and Cornelius P. Lott.   ¶ Order of the Day, July 4, 1838
Danite   … In the fore part of July the "brother of Gideon" or Jared Carter Capt Genl of the Danites having complained to Joseph Smith of some observations made by Sidney Rigdon in a Sermon, was tried for finding fault with one of the presidency and deprived of his station and Elias Higbee was appointed in his stead   Reed Peck manuscript, 47–48.
  [p. 48] Carter's punishment according to the principles of the Danites Should have been death In the evening after the trial I was in company with Maj Genl Sampson Avard Dimick B Huntington Capt of the Guard, Elias Higbee the new capt Genl and David W. Patten (h) one of the twelve apostles and member of the high counsel of the church all of whom had sat with the presidency on the trial. D. B. Huntington stated that Joseph declared during the examination that he should have cut Carters throat on the spot if he had been alone when he made the complaint [p. 49] Huntington also Said that on his trial Carter came within a fingers point of losing his head    
To Illinois   1839 moves from Missouri to Illinois    
Bennett collaborator?   March 1843 of being in league with George W. Robinson, Sidney Rigdon, and John C. Bennett.    
Mission   July 3, 5, 1843 called on short mission to Morgan county, Illinois.    
Disfellowshipped   September 8, 1844 "fellowship … withdrawn" from Jared during the trial of Sidney Rigdon for having gone "on some mission, contrary to council, under the new revelation."    Times and Seasons, vol. 5 no. 20 (October 15, 1844), 687.
Confesses   September 16, 1844 confesses errors.    
To Chicago   January 1847 member of Yoree branch in Chicago.    
Family   Lydia Ames md. September 20, 1825     Lucy, 808.
   Lucy, 808.
    An early convert    
Conversion   January 1831 converted by reading part of the Book of Mormon and praying. Unable to concentrate on business, he visits the Colesville church, about 13 miles south of Chenango. On his journey he asks what people have heard about the book and hears nothing but bad reports—which only deepens his convictions that this is the work that was prophecied would take place before the second coming.   Jared Carter diary, 2–4.
Colesville   In Colesville, he stays with John Peck, brother of Hezekiah and Polly Peck Knight.   Lucy, 808.
Baptism   February 1831 baptized by Hyrum Smith.    Jared Carter diary, 4.
Wrapped in the spirit   as I sliped out of the water I was raped in the Spirit both Soul and body even so that the chill of the Cold water was takn from me & I walked near a half of a mile & was no more cold than as though I had not been baptised this I knew to be the mirecles power of God for I know that nothing but the power of god Could accomplish this and besides this it seemed to me as it ware as though I had come into a new climet in this Joyful state I continued vary much of my time.    Jared Carter diary, 4.
Friends become enemies   Returning to Chenango, Jared is unable to convert his best friends—who become his worst enemies, telling his wife    
Wife greatly distressed   that I was going to destroy myself & my family my wife seemed to be in great distress of mind Supposin me to be shockingly deluded   Jared Carter diary, 5.
Jared prays   I seeing hur stats of mind was some considerably afflicted for hur but I went to my heavenly father with all my afflicttions & he helped me to bear them    
Lord gives him faith   and the Lord gave me to posses great faith so that by the prayer of faith by my instrumentality there was some displays of the healing power in my own family …   ¶ Healings
Hyrum visits   About this time, Hyrum calls on Jared and Lydia. He asks her why she cannot believe.   Jared Carter diary, 6.
Reputation of Colesville members   She answered She had heard so many storries about the people that she could not believe any thing in them    
Hyrum's reasoning   He points out that Jared has been among the people. Her neighbors had not. Lydia begins to soften, giving Jared she may yet "believe the work."    
    One neighbor offers Jared a piece of land to remain in Chenango,   Jared Carter diary, 7.
Eager to gather   but I replied that not for 15 of the best farms in the place would I stay in Chenengo one year I realising that that glorious time had come even the return of the captive daughter of Zion    
    Numbered among the apostates    
    I remember, when in Kirtland, having heard Jared Carter say that he had sacrificed everything that ever would be required of him. He said, I have sacrificed all my property once, but I will never do it again. Where is that man? He is numbered in the long catalogue of apostates.   George A. Smith, Salt Lake Tabernacle, March 10, 1861. JD 9:72.
    Biographical sketches