Minutes of March 7–8, 1835

Blessing meetings. Joseph: church needs to purify itself. "Those who build [the House of the Lord] should own it, and have the control of it." List of workers and contributors (all male). Blessings. Elders and seventies ordained, several called on missions to the Lamanites, one to the clergy. "Rights" in the House of the Lord "are according to each mans labor or amount of donations."

Date   March 7–8, 1835    
Location   Kirtland    
Description   … a Meeting of the Church of Latter Day Saints … called for the purpose of blessing … those who have heretofore assisted in building …the house of the Lord.    
Clerk   Oliver Cowdery    
Presidents present   Joseph, Sidney, Frederick    
Joseph: purify church   Joseph occupies the morning session, speaking "upon the propriety and necessity of [the church] purifying itself."    
Names of temple workers   In the afternoon, the names of those who had participated in the construction of the House of the Lord were taken.    
Joseph: workers own the house   [Joseph] said that those who had destinguished themselves Thus far by consecrating to the upbuilding of said house as well as laboring were to be remembered. That those who build it should own it, and have the control of it."    
Workers vote to continue   "After further remarks" he calls for a vote to see how many "would still go on and perform the remaining part." (Unanimous vote.)    
Sidney to bless   Sidney is "nominated" to "bestow the blessings."    
    The "Presidency" is blessed.    
Building committee absent, but retain their rights   The building committee, Reynolds Cahoon, Hyrum Smith, and Jared Carter are not present "but their right in the house was preserved" >.    

Workers and donors

  Names of those who were blessed in consequence of their working on the House of the Lord in Kirtland and those also who consecrated to its upbuilding    
First Presidency   Sidney, Joseph, and Frederick    
Patriarch to the Church   Joseph Smith Sr.    
Assistant president of the High Priesthood   Oliver Cowdery    
Bishop of Kirtland   Newel K. Whitney    
Building committee   Reynolds Cahoon
Hyrum Smith
Jared Carter
  Absent <
    Jacob Bump
Artemus Millet
Alpheus Cutler
Asa Lyman
Josiah Butterfield
Noah Packard
James Putnam
Isaac Hill
Edmund Durfee Sr.
Edmund Durfee Jr.
Gideon Ormsby
Albert Miner
Ira Ames
Salmon Gee
Peter Shirts
Isaac Hubbard
Horace Burgess
Dexter Stillman
Amos F. Herrick
Mayhew Hillman
William Carter
William Burgess
Giles Cook
Almon Sherman
Warren Smith
Moses Bailey
Seba Ives
Andrew H. Aldrich
Ebenezar Jennings
Oliver Granger
Orson Johnson
James Lake
William Redfield
Cyrus Lake
Harvey Smith
Isaac Cleveland
William Barker
Samuel S. Brannan
John Wheeler
Henry Baker
William Fisk
Henry Wilcox
George Gee
Lorenzo D. Young
David Clough
James Durfee
Joseph Coe
Thomas Gates
Loren Babbitt
Blake Baldwin
Maleum C. Davis
Jaman Aldrich
John Young Sr.
Ezra Strong
Joel McWithy
Matthew Foy
James Randall
John P. Greene
Aaron E. Lyon
Thomas Burdick
Truman Wait
Edmund Bosley
William Perry
Don Carlos Smith
Joel Johnson
Oliver Higley
Evan M. Greene
Levi Osgood
Alpheus Harmon
Joseph C. Kingsbury
Ira Bond
Z. H. Brewster
Samuel Thomson
John Ormsby
Luman Carter
John Smith
Samuel H. Smith
Thomas Fisher
Starry Fisk
Amos R. Orton
Gad Yale
John Johnson
John Tanner
Henry G. Sherwood
Sidney Tanner
Joseph Tippits
Robert Quigley
Erastus Babbitt
Samuel Canfield
Phineas H. Young
Samuel Rolfe
Calvin W. Stoddard
Josiah Fuller
WErastus Rudd
Isaac G. Bishop
Roswell Murray
Benjamin Wells
Nehemiah Harman
Oliver Wetherby
Thomas Hancock
Josuah Grant
William Draper
Ransom Van Leuven
Tunis Rappellee
John Reed
Samuel Wilcox
Benjamin Johnson
Joseph B. Bosworth
Blessings and a right

According to labor or donation

Reynolds Cahoon, Jacob Bump, Artemus Millet, Alpheus Cutler, Asa Lyman, Josiah Butterfield, Noah Packard, Jonas Putnam, and Isaac Hill are "blessed with the blessings of Heaven and a right in the House of the Lord in this place agreeably to the labor and expense they have performed on the same. …The right here spoken of is according to each mans labor or amount of donations."

  Ranking of temple prerogatives based on value of labor or donation?


Noah Packard, Jonas Putnam, Isaac Hill are blessed.

Wisdom, preach, a place in the house   Elder Packard is promised "wisdom and ability to proclaim the gospel in addition to a place in the House."    
Blessed   Albert Miner, Ira Ames, Salmon Gee, Peter Shirts, Isaac Hubbard, and Horace Burgess are blessed.    
Elders   Peter Shirts and Horace Burgess are ordained elders.    
Blessed   Dexter Stillman, Amos F. Herrick, Matthew Hillman, William Burgess, Jaman Aldrich, and John Young Sr. are blessed.    
Elders   Giles Cook Jr. and M. C. Davis are blessed and ordained elders.    
Restoration of sight   [William Carter,] who was blind, was promised a blessing of being restored to sight if faithful.    
Blessed   Ezra Strong, Joel McWithy, Matthew Foy, James Randall, and Aaron C. Lyon are blessed.    
Lamanite mission   John P. Greene is] ordained a missionary to the Lamanites after others have unlocked the door, with a promise of gathering many to Zion, and of returning at the end of his mission with great joy to enjoy the blessings of his family.    
Blessed   Thomas Burdick, Truman Wait, and Edmund Bosley are blessed. Elder Burdick is "promised a blessing of health (if faithful)."    
Mission to clergy   [Edmund Bosley is] told told that God had a work for him, to go and preach the gospel to the sectarian priests of this age, to call after them and hunt them up wherever he could hear of them. To preach the gospel to them whether they will hear or not."    
Blessed, elders   William Bosley and William Berry are blessed and ordained elders.    
Wisdom, proclaim gospel   [Don Carlos Smith is] blessed with a promise of having wisdom to proclaim the gospel and also to write in wisdom.    
Blessed   Shadrach Roundy, Joel Johnson, and Oliver Higbee are blessed.    
Close   Prayer by Sidney Rigdon.    
March 8, 1835 (Sunday)        
Blessed   Evan M. Green, Levi Osgood, Alpheus Harmon, Joseph C. Kingsbury, Ira Bond, Z.H. Brewster, Samuel Tompkins, John Ormsby, Luman Carter John Smith, Samuel H. Smith, Thomas Fisher, Sterry Fisk, Amos R. Orton, and Almon Sherman are blessed.    
Family blessing

Lamanite mission
  Brother Fisk whose family was afflicted was promised a blessing if faithful. Amos R. Orton was ordained an Elder and a missionary to the Lamanites.    
Blessed, elder   Andrew H. Aldrich, Thomas Baily, Sebe Ives, Ebenezer Jennings, Oliver Granger, Orson Johnson, Warren Smith, James Lake and William Redfield are blessed. "B. Wm. Redfield" is ordained an elder.    
  Cyrus Lake, Harvey Smith, Isaac Cleaveland, William Baker, Samuel S. Brannan, John Wheeler, Henry Baker, William Fisk, Henry Wilcox, George W. Gee, Lorenzo Young, and David Clough are blessed.    
Lamanite mission   Lorenzo Young is "set apart a missionary to the Lamanites."   term: missionary set apart
Blessed   James Durfee Joseph Coe, Thomas Gates Loren Babbit, Blake Baldwin, Joseph B. Baldwin, Gad Yale, John Johnson, and John Tanner are blessed.    
Missouri refugee relief   Gad Yale, "being one who went for the relief of their afflicted brethren in Mo. and received a blessing accordingly."    
Blessed   Henry G. Sherwood, Sidney Tanner, Joseph H. Tippits, Robert Quigley, Erastus Babbit, and Samuel Canfield are blessed.    

Samuel Canfield is ordained an elder.

Blessed   Phineas H. Young, Samuel Rolf, and Calvin H. Stoddard are blessed.    
Lamanite mission   Phineas H. Young is ordained a missionary to the Lamanites.    
Blessed   Erastus Rudd, Josiah Fuller, Isaac H. Bishop, Roswell Murry, Benjamin Wells, Nehemiah Harmon, Thomas Hancock, Oliver Weatherby, Joshua Grant Jr., William Draper Jr., Ransom Vanburen,Tunis Rappalee, John Reed, and Samuel Wilcox are blessed.    

  Moses Martin "who went to Mo." is "set apart" as a seventy. "If thou art not purified thou wilt not be able to execute thy commission. Thou wilt fall into snares and into the hands of enemies who will take thy life Thou must begin to make a complete reformation in thy self."   term: "set apart" / ordained
    Oliver Cowdery, Clerk    
Seventies with unknown ordination dates   The following are five members of such as belong to the Seventy but the time of their ordination cannot be accurately ascertained.    
    Milo Andress, Joseph Winchester, Zerubabel Snow, Kim Heman, T. Hyde [are blessed].    

Not a seventy
  Henry Brown, Nelson Higgins, [and] Hezekiah Fisk [are blessed], "many blessings were promised upon his head but he is not one of the 70"    
Not ordained   James L. Thompson had many blessings but was not ordained.    
Seventy   Henry Beeman is ordained a seventy.    
Future seventies   Jesse Huntsman, Jesse Huntsman, Royal Barney, Zebedee Coltrin, Henry Harriman are "all to be attached to the Seventy." Lorenzo Barnes "one of the Seventy."    