Minutes of September 14, 1835
"The laborer is worthy of his hire." Salary and expenses for Joseph Sr., Frederick G. Williams, Oliver Cowdery. Emma to select hymns and W. W. Phelps to edit them.
Date September 14, 1835 KCMB; also HC 2:273.
Location Kirtland
Description " … a High Council of the Presidency … "
Presiding   [Joseph Smith Jr.]    
Clerk Oliver Cowdery
Laborer worthy of his hire

It was decided that as the laborer is worthy of his hire

Pay Joseph Smith Sr. for blessings

whomever President Joseph Smith Senr. is called upon to pronounce patriarchal blessings upon the church he be paid for his time at the rate of ten dollars per week, and his expenses found.

whomever: New Mormon and Lost Legacy, 38 have whomever. HC 2:273 and the Collier/Harwell edition of the KCMB, 131 have whenever.
Frederick G. Williams: Joseph's scribe

It was further decided that President Frederick G. Williams be appointed and hereafter serve as scribe to attend blessing meetings, and that he receive for his service at the same ratio, having his expenses borne also.

Oliver: church recorder

It was further decided that President Oliver Cowdery be appointed and that he act hereafter as recorder for the church.

Emma: hymns

It was further decided that Sister Emma Smith proceed to make a selection of sacred hymns according to the revelation,

  Emma had been given this assignment in ¶ D&C 25, July 1830.
W. W. Phelps: revise hymns

and that President W. W. Phelps be appointed to revise and arrange them for printing.
