Heber C. Kimball (1801–1868)
Member of the first Quorum of the Twelve (1835), first counselor to President Brigham Young.
Born   Heber Chase Kimball, June 14, 1801 in Sheldon, Franklin county, Vermont   ¶ Heber C. Kimball (h1)
Died   June 22, 1868 in Salt Lake City, Utah    
Father   Solomon Kimball    
Mother   Anna Spaulding    
Baptized   April 1832 by Alpheus Gifford    
Ordinations   Elder, shortly after baptism by Joseph Young    
    Apostle, February 14, 1835    
Missions   Eastern states, summer 1835    
    New York and Vermont, summer 1836    
    England with Orson Hyde (h), Wilford Woodruff (h1), Willard Richards (h), Joseph Fielding, Isaac Russell, John Goodson, John Snyder, 1837–1838   The best study of the 1837–1841 British mission is Men with a Mission.
    England with Brigham Young, Orson Hyde, Parley P. (h) and Orson Pratt (h1), John Taylor, Wilford Woodruff, George A. Smith, Willard Richards, Joseph Fielding, Theodore Turley, and Reuben Hedlock, 1839–1841  
New York   1811 father's family moves from Sheldon, Vermont, to West Bloomfield, Ontario county, New York.   ¶ Heber C. Kimball (h1)
Potter   1820–1822 learns to be a potter from his brother, Charles.   ¶ Heber C. Kimball (h1)
Mendon   Moves to Mendon, Monroe county, New York.   ¶ Heber C. Kimball (h1)
Vilate    1822 marries Vilate and purchases brother's pottery business.   ¶ Heber C. Kimball (h1)
Mason   1823 receives the three first degrees of Masonry.   ¶ Heber C. Kimball (h1)
Baptist   December 1831 Attends Baptist services and finally joins the Baptists—three weeks before Mormon missionaries arrive from Columbia in northern Pennsylvania.   ¶ Heber C. Kimball (h1)

¶ Heber C. Kimball (h2)
Momons   January 1832 travels with Brigham and others from Mendon, New York to visit the church in Columbia. Witness gift of tongues, prophecy.   ¶ Heber C. Kimball (h2)

Speaking in Tongues
Baptism   April 1832 baptized by Alpheus Gifford after hearing Brigham had been baptized. Heber, Brigham, and Joseph young baptize others in Genesee, Avon, Lyonstown.   ¶ Heber C. Kimball (h2)
Kirtland   Fall 1833 moves to Kirtland with Brigham, arriving late October or early November. Stays with Elijah Smith while he and Brigham build small home.   ¶ Heber C. Kimball (h2)
Donation   Fall 1833 donates glass for the school-house and printing office, $200 for the temple.   ¶ Heber C. Kimball (h2)
Joseph in court    Spring 1834 transports Joseph and several others from Kirtland to attend court in Painesville and back every day for a week.  

¶ Heber C. Kimball (h2)

Zion's Camp     May 5 to June 22, 1834 Zion's Camp.  

Heber's Accounts of Zion's Camp

¶ Heber C. Kimball (h2)

    June 30, 1834 leaves Missouri for Kirtland with Lyman Sherman, Sylvester Smith, Alexander Badlam, Harrison Brugess, Luke Johnson, and Zera Cole, arriving about July 26.   ¶ Heber C. Kimball (h2)
    December 22, 1834 starts attending a six-week grammar school taught by Sidney and William E. McLellin.   ¶ Heber C. Kimball (h3)
    February 14, 1835 ordained an apostle.   From Historian, 59n4;
    May 4, 1835 begins mission to eastern states with the Twelve, returning September 25.   ¶ Heber C. Kimball (h3)
    Fall and winter 1835 attends Sidney's grammar class (5 weeks), then Professor Sexias's Hebrew class.   ¶ Heber C. Kimball (h3)
    March 27, 1836 attends dedication of the House of the Lord, receives Kirtland endowment with the Twelve.   ¶ Heber C. Kimball (h3)
    May 10, 1836 leaves Kirtland on mission to upstate New York and Vermont , returning October 2.    
    January 1836 becomes charter member of the Kirtland Safety Society, investing $15 @ 2¢/share. (Brigham invests $7 @ 4¢/share.)   Kirtland Economy Revisited, 78, 80.
    June 13, 1837 leaves Kirtland with Orson Hyde, Willard Richards, and Joseph Fielding for mission to England.   ¶ Heber C. Kimball (h3)
    July 20, 1837 lands in Liverpool.   ¶ Heber C. Kimball (h4)
    July 22, 1837 train to Preston (31 miles), visits Rev. James Fielding with his Mormon brother, Joseph Fielding.    
    July 23, 1837 Elders Orson Hyde, Joseph Fielding, Willard Richards address Rev. Fielding's congregation, a number believe.  

¶ Heber C. Kimball (h4)
History of Willard Richards

    July 30, 1837 Isaac Russell, then Heber are possessed by devils, but the Lord delivers them and later that day Heber baptizes the first nine converts in England, George D. Watt being the first.   ¶ Heber C. Kimball (h4)
    August 4, 1837 baptizes Janetta Richards (later wife of Willard Richards), daughter of Rev. John Richards.   ¶ Heber C. Kimball (h4)
    August 13, 1837 begins preaching to Rev. Richards congregation, eventually baptizes most.   ¶ Heber C. Kimball (h4)
    September 1837 baptize 50 in one week in Preston.   ¶ Heber C. Kimball (h4)
    Meetings in the Cock Pit.   ¶ Heber C. Kimball (h4)
    Heber and Joseph Fielding baptize 110 in neighboring villages and organize 4 branches in 5 days (Downham, Chatburn, Waddington and Clitheroe).   ¶ Heber C. Kimball (h4)
    October 16, 1837 Heber and Orson Hyde speak twice, administer the sacrament to two hundred.   Potter's Wheel, 17.
    December 25, 1837 conference of 300 Saints in the Cock Pit, confirm 14, bless a hundred children.   ¶ Heber C. Kimball (h4)
    April 8, 1838 conference of 700 Saints in the Cock Pit.   ¶ Heber C. Kimball (h4)
    April 20, 1838 sails from Liverpool with Orson Hyde and Isaac Russell.   ¶ Heber C. Kimball (h4)
    May 22, 1838 arrives in Kirtland.   ¶ Heber C. Kimball (h4)
    June 25, 1838 arrives in Far West, Missouri.    
    Late 1839 expelled from Missouri, settles temporarily in Quincy, Illinois.    
    April 26, 1839 as appointed by revelation, Heber, Brigham, Orson Pratt, John E. Page, John Taylor, Wilford Woodruff, and George A. Smith of the Twelve hold brief services at the temple site in Far West, then return to Nauvoo (Commerce) to settle their families before departing for England. Illness struck them and their families, like most, through the summer.   D&C 118, July 8, 1838.

Minutes of April 26, 1839
    September 18, 1839 leaves Nauvoo with Brigham. Both are ill and weak—as are their spouses.   Heber C. Kimball, 66–67.
    March 9, 1840 sail from New York with Brigham, Orson and Parley Pratt, and George A. Smith of the Twelve, also Reuben Hedlock.    
    April 6, 1840 arrive in Liverpool.    
    April 14–16, 1840 conference in Preston, eight apostles, over 500 members from 34 branches. Total mission membership 1,850.   Potter's Wheel, 27.
    July 6, 1840 conference at Carpenters Hall in Manchester (now church headquarters); decide to begin proselyting in London.    
    August 18, 1840 Heber, Wilford, and George A. arrive in London.    
Nauvoo   July 1, 1841 returns to Nauvoo.    
City council     October 23, 1841 elected member of city council.    
Endowment    May 4, 1842 receives endowment    
Mission    September to November 1842 mission to Illinois.    
Marries   1842 marries Sarah Perry (Peak, Noon)   I have followed Origins, 557 for full name.
Mission   July–October mission to eastern states.  
Council of Fifty    March 11, 1844 Council of Fifty    
Joseph's campaign     May 1844 mission east for Joseph's presidential campaign    
Nauvoo    August 6, 1844 returns to Nauvoo    
Marries    1846 marries Sarah Ann Whitney, Lucy Walker, Prescinda Huntington, Clarrisa Cutler, Emily Cutler    
Winter Quarters   Winter 1846–1847 Winter Quarters    
Pioneer company     July 24, 1847 arrives in Salt Lake valley.    
Winter Quarters     October 31, 1847 returns to Winter Quarters.    
Brigham's counselor   December 27, 1847 sustained as counselor to Brigham Young in First Presidency    
Salt Lake     May 1848 leaves for Salt Lake valley, leading a large company that arrives September 1848.    
Lieutenant-governor    1849 elected lieutenant-governor of provisional State of Deseret .    
Baptizes Joseph F.    1850 baptizes his stepson, Joseph F. Smith.   Joseph F. Smith to Philo W. Austin, February 25, 1905, Joseph F. Smith Papers.
    [February 3, 1852:] My Son Heber he shall devote his entire time to the caus of God and to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints and he shall not be under the law of Lawless women any more in time as he has fulfilled the law and is now free from such Spirrits and the said time shall be devoted to the humble and obedent and those that shall listen.   "Memorandum Book," Potter's Wheel, 176.
Mary Fielding eulogy   July 26, 1852 Mary Fielding is taken to Heber's home seriously ill after Sunday services in the Tabernacle. She lives eight weeks, nursed by her sister Mercy R. Thompson and Heber's family. Heber delivers the eulogy:   July 12, 1857 Salt Lake bowery address, JD 1:246–247.
    I know sister Mary has departed in peace; she has gone home. I never heard her murmur against brother Brigham in my life, nor against me. If I went to see her, it was well; if not, it was all the same. She has come to see me, sometimes once, and sometimes twice a week. When I have seen her, I have said to her, I have no time to come and see you, Mary, therefore you must come and see me. She never considered it too much trouble to come and see me and her brethren. … I am glad I did right to sister Mary, and took care of her, and that my family had the pleasure of nourishing her; the satisfaction this gives me, is worth more to me than a hundred thousand dollars.    
Marries   March 14, 1856 marries Dorothy (b. 1804) and Hannah (1802–1877) Moon (two of five Utah marriages).    

Women are to be led. If I should undertake to drive a woman, I should have to drive her before me; and then she becomes my leader the moment I do that. I should lead her; and she should be led by me, if I am a good man; and if I am not a good man, I have no just right in this Church to a wife or wives, or to the power to propagate my species. What, then, should be done with me? Make a eunuch of me, and stop my propagation. …

  July 12, 1857 Salt Lake bowery address, Journal of Discourses 5: 31.
    [March 1862:] This night the Lord told me the time was near I Heber should be lifted up on high in favor of Israel and my Servent Daniel Wells sould see Sorrow even as my Servent Heber had to his full becaus he, Daniel, had pressed my servent Heber and held him at a distance in stead of doing him good as he might, when he had the power in his hands.

These words are true and shall come to pass in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
  "Memorandum Book," Potter's Wheel, 175.

Daniel H. Wells (1814–1891) was named Brigham's second counselor following the death of Jedediah M. Grant in 1857. He had no previous experience in the presiding quorums of the church.
Prophecy: mighty Heber   [March 12, 1862:] That I Heber should live 25 years if I desired [176] and should become a mighty man of God in the house of Israel and His power should increase on me more and more.   "Memorandum Book," Potter's Wheel, 175–176.
Prophecy: sorrow for Daniel H. Wells   [March 29, 1862:] It was told me the time was near when I Heber should be lifted up in the Eyes of Israel and Daniel H. Wells should see sorrow Even as he had caused sorrow to come on his servent HCK becaus he sat on me and oppressed me when he had power to do me good. Even so Amen. HCK.   "Memorandum Book," Potter's Wheel, 176.
 Adam God   [April 30, 1862:] The Lord told me that Adam was my father and that he was the God and father of all of the inhabitants of this Earth.   "Memorandum Book," Potter's Wheel, 176n3.
 Foes   [December 27, 1864:] I was told by the Lord that those had had saught my hurt and had caused me to be cast off by His Servent Brigham should see sorrow and be removed out of their place. Daniel H. Wells, Albert Carrington, Joseph A. Young and others should be spoiled in all there Evil designs.   "Memorandum Book," Potter's Wheel, 176.

Albert Carrington (1813–1889) became an apostle in 1870, counselor to President Young in 1873, excommunicated 1885, rebaptized 1887.
 Prophecy   In the evening of January 12, 1865 I was told by the Lord that I should not be removed from their places. That Daniel H. Wells, Albert Carrington, Jos. A. Young and others were among that number. In the name of the Lord I predict that this will come true.   "Memorandum Book," Potter's Wheel, 176n3.
Families   Orson F. Whitney, a grandson, compiled a list of 45 wives and 65 children. Stanley B. Kimball discovered a confusion of names, which reduced the number of wives to 43, of whom 16 separated from him. Many of his wives were, as Kimball puts it, really "wards." Mary Fielding Smith, widow of Hyrum Smith, was one of these. His forty-five sons and 20 daughters were given birth by 17 wives as follows:   Heber C. Kimball, 307–316.
    Vilate Murray (1806–1866) md. November 22, 1822, sealed January 7, 1846    
      Judith M., William H., Helen Mar, Roswell H., Heber P., David P., Charles S., Brigham W., Solomon F., Murray G.    
      Stan Kimball notes that William was one of only three sons to enter polygamy (5 wives), Helen Mar was one of only two daughters to enter the practice (Joseph Smith, Horace K. Whitney).    
    Sarah Perry (Peak, Noon) (1811–1873) md. 1842    
      Adelbert Henry, Sarah H., Heber    
    Sarah Ann Whitney (Smith) (1825–1873) md. March 17, 1845 and sld. for time January 12, 1846    
      David, David O., David Heber, Newel W., Horace H., Maria, Joshua    
    Lucy Walker (Smith) (1826–1910) md. February 8, 1845, sld. for time January 15, 1846    
      Rachael S., John H., Willard H., Lydia H., Anna S., Eliza, Washington, Franklin H., Joshua H.    
    Prescinda Huntington (Buell, Smith) (1810–1892) md. and sld. for time to Heber, February 4, 1846    
      Prescinda C., Joseph    
    Clarrisa Cutler    
      Abram A.    
    Emily Cutler    
      Isaac A.    
    Mary Ellen Abel    
    Ruth Reese    
      Susannah R., Jacob R., Enoch H.    
    Christeen Golden    
      Cornelia C., Jonathan Golden, Elias Smith, Mary M.    
    Anna Gheen    
      Samuel H., Daniel H., Andrew H. and Alice Ann (twins), Sarah    
    Amanda Green    
      William G., Albert H., Jeremiah, Moroni    
    Harriet Sanders    
      Harriet, Hyrum, Eugene    
    Ellen Sanders    
      Samuel, Joseph, Augusta, Jedediah, and Rosalia    
    Frances Swan    
    Martha Knight    
    Mary Smithies    
      Melvina, James, Wilford, Lorenzo, Abbie    
        Biographical sketch es