Orson Hyde (1805–1878)

Member of Sidney Rigdon's Campbellite congregation, early convert to Mormonism, missionary; apostle. Left the church in 1838, returned in 1839. Dedicated Palestine for the return of the Jews, 1840. Editor, Frontier Guardian. President of the Quorum of the Twelve for twenty-eight years. Long-time resident of Spring City, Utah.

Born January 8, 1805 in Oxford, New Haven, Connecticut  
Died November 28, 1878 in Spring City, Sanpete, Utah  
Father Nathan Hyde (1767–1822)  
Mother Sally Thorpe (1770 or 1771–1822)  
Baptized October 2, 1831 by Sidney Rigdon > in the Chagrin River, confirmed by Joseph Smith on river bank.  
Ordinations Elder, October 2, 1831 by Joseph Smith. T&S vol. 5 no. 7 (April 1, 1844), 481.
To the High Priesthood, October 25, 1831 (among the first ordained) by Oliver Cowdery in Orange, Cuyahoga county, Ohio. ¶ Conference of October 25, 1831
Apostle, February 15, 1835 by Oliver Cowdery, David Whitmer, and Martin Harris.  
Missions Fall 1831 with Hyrum Smith among the Campbellites of Ohio.  
March to November or December 1832, with Samuel H. Smith to New York, Massachusetts, Maine, and Rhode Island.  
Early 1833, with Hyrum Smith to Pennsylvania and Ohio.  
Spring 1835 with Twelve to Vermont and New Hampshire.  
Spring 1836 to New York, joins Parley P. Pratt in Toronto  
June 1837–May 22, 1838, to England with other members of the Twelve. Set apart by Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon. >  
April 1841–December 1842 to Palestine.  
1846–1847 to England with John Taylor and Parley P. Pratt, edits Millennial Star.  
Positions Clerk to the First Presidency, June 4, 1833. KCMB
  Member of the first high council of the Church of Christ, organized February 17, 1834. General Council of High Priests, February 17, 1834
President, Quorum of the Twelve, 1847 to 1875.
Building committee, Manti Temple.  
Events Age 18 (1823) strikes out on his own, works for Grandison Newell, Whitney and Gilbert in Kirtland.  
Sidney's congregation Joins Sidney Rigdon's congregation in Mentor, Ohio.
Anti-Mormon 1830 preaches against Mormonism, helps found Campbellite congregations in Lorain and Huron counties.  
Studies, baptized Studies Mormonism 3 months, requests baptism.  
1832 prayer with Joseph, others January 11, 1832 joins Joseph, Frederick, Newel K. Whitney, Oliver, and Orson Hyde in prayer that the Lord would send his angels to watch over them and their families, protect the lives of the members of the united order [United Firm], grant that Joseph would prevail over Doctor Hurlbut in court, bless the bishop with means to discharge every debt of the order, deliver the printing press from the hands of evil men, deliver Zion and gather his scattered people, and "unveil his face, that his saints might behold his glory, and dwell with him. Amen." Times and Seasons, vol. 6 no. 1 (July 15, 1845), 481.
  June 6, 1833 chosen to be "a clerk to the presidency of the high priesthood." Council of June 6, 1833
Zion's Camp February 26, 1834 starts for Zion's Camp with Parley P. Pratt.  
Cooks squirrel May 1834 Joseph kills a squirrel, Orson decides to cook it. ¶ Killing Animals
Calls on Missouri governor with Parley June 9, 1834 sent with Parley P. Pratt to Missouri's Governor Dunklin, to see if he was ready to fulfill his promise to restore the Saints to their lands in Jackson county; they return on the 15th with news that the governor now deemed it impractical. HC 2:88, 94.
Charges nepotism

December 15, 1835 Complains about treatment by Kirtland store officers, preferential treatment for William Smith. >

Murder trial June 3, 1837 testifies against the Prophet in the Grandison Newell muder conspiracy case ¶ Did Joseph Plot to Murder Grandison Newell?
Reconciles with Joseph June 4, 1837 reconciles with the Prophet and is set apart for mission to England. >
Leaves the church October 19, 1838 leaves Far West (and the church) with Thomas B. Marsh (h). >  
Affidavit October 24, 1838 signs affidavit that he knows "most" Thomas B. Marsh's charges against the Prophet to be true and "believes" the rest. Affidavit of Thomas B. Marsh and Orson Hyde
Suspended May 4, 1839 Church conference in Quincy votes to suspended Orson Hyde (h) and William Smith from exercising the functions of their office and invites them to give an accounting of their conduct.  
Restored June 27, 1839 acknowledges his faults and is "restored to the Priesthood again."  
Apostle October 6–8, 1839 Conference votes for Orson Hyde and William Smith "to be continued" in their positions as apostles.  
Mission November 14, 1839 After four months of fever and ague, leaves Commerce for Philadelphia on his mission.  
Europe, Jerusalem April 6, 1840 called "to visit the cities of London, Amsterdam, Constantinople, and Jerusalem; and also other places that he may deem expedient; and converse with the priests, rulers, and elders of the Jews, and obtain from them all the information possible, and communicate the same to some principal paper for publication, that it may have a general circulation throughout the United States." ¶ Orson Hyde's 1840 Letter of Introduction
April 15, 1840 leaves Commerce for Jerusalem.  
Dedicates Palestine October 24, 1841 on the Mount of Olives, dedicates Palestine for the gathering of the Jews.  
Winter Quarters Spring 1847–spring 1850, presides over the Saints in Winter Quarters with George A. Smith and Ezra T. Benson.  
Frontier Guardian 1849–1852, publishes the Frontier Guardian in Kanesville (later Council Bluffs, later part of Omaha, Nebraska).  
Visits Salt Lake 1850 visits Salt Lake Valley for the first time and returns to Kanesville.  
Move to Utah 1852 moves to Utah.
Colonize Carson 1855 colonizes Carson valley (now in Nevada).
Organie Logan ward November 1859 with Ezra T. Benson organizes Logan ward, William B. Preston, bishop.  
Spring City 1860 Moves to Spring City (originally Springtown), Sanpete county, Utah.
Families Miranda Nancy Johnson (1815 Pomfret, Windsor, Vermont to 1886 Salt Lake City), sister of apostles Luke S. and Lyman E. Johnson, md. September 4, 1834 in Kirtland; divorced 1870. I follow Orson Hyde, 496–507, which includes several wives and families not on Ancestral File. Ancestral File has one wife, Emma Price, not in Orson.
Nathan (1835 Kirtland)
Laura Marinda (1837 Kirtland to 1909)
Emily Matilda (1839 Nauvoo to 1909)  
  Orson Washington (1843 Nauvoo 1843)
  Frank Henry (1846 Nauvoo to 1908)
  Alonzo Eugene (1848 Hyde Park, Pottawattamie, Iowa to 1910)
  Delia Annette (1849 Kanesville, Pottawattamie, Iowa to 1907)
  Heber John (1852 Salt Lake City to 1853)
  Mary Lavinia (1854 Salt Lake City to 1855)
  Zina Virginia (1858 Salt Lake City to 1939)
Martha Rebecca Browett (1817 Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire, England to 1904 Salt Lake City) md. Febuary of March 1843 in Nauvoo; divorced 1850; md. Thomas McKenzie 1850 in Kanesville (now Council Bluffs), Pottawattamie, Iowa; divorced.  
  Adella Marie (1850 Kanesville)  
  Mary Ann Price (1816 Lea, Hereford, England to 1900 Salt Lake City, buried Spring City) md. July 20, 1843 in Nauvoo  
    Urania (1846 Hyde Park (now East Lewis Township), Pottawattamie, Iowa)  
  Charlotte S. Quindlin (1802 Lower Pensack, Salem, New Jersey to 1881 Mount Pleasant, Sanpete, Utah) md. November 21, 1852 in Salt Lake City; separated; md. — Johnson; died 1881 Mount Pleasant, Sanpete, Utah.  
Ann Eliza Vickers (1841 Big Neck Prairie, Madison, Illinois to 1923 Spring City) md. March 12, 1857 in Salt Lake City  
  Charles Albert (1858 Springville, Utah to 1923)
  George Lyman (1860 Salt Lake City to 1940)
  Joseph Smith (1863 Spring City to 1944)
  Maria Louisa (1865 Spring City to 1867)
  Melvin Augustus (1868 Spring City to 1873)
  Flora Geneva (1871 Spring City to 1953)
Emma Price (1824–1842) md. October 6, 1861 Ancestral File.
Julia Thomene Reinert (1842 Aalborg, Denmark to 1919, buried Spring City) md. August 29, 1863 in Salt Lake City  
  Mary Ann (1864 Spring City to 1938)
  William Arthur (1866 Ephraim, Sanpete, Utah to 1873)
  Hyrum Smith 1868 Spring City to 1943)  
  David Victor (1871 Spring City to 1951)  
  Aurelia Fiducia Hyde (1874 Spring City to 1875)  
Elisabeth Josephine Gallier (1840 Guendlischwand, Bern, Switzerland to 1920 Farmington, buried Spring City) md. October 15, 1864 in Salt Lake City  
  Luella Minerva (1865 Spring City to 1839)  
Sophia Margaret Lyon md. October 10, 1865  
Brigham Young (1867–1868)
[Daughter] 1868
Oscar Waltemar (1869–1941)
Sterling Washington (1872–1874)
Royal Justice (1874–1893)
    1835 complaint and Joseph's response    
Building committee store   December 15, 1835—Orson Hyde hands Joseph Smith a letter complaining of his treatment by Hyrum Smith, Reynolds Cahoon, and Jared Carter, the schoolhouse building committee, and asking the Prophet "to reconcile the revelation given to the 12, since their return from their eastern mission.—That unless these things with others named … could be reconciled to his mind, his honour would not stand united with them." Joseph felt  

¶ Orson Hyde's 1835 Complaint

Manuscript History of the Church, 1834–1836 in
Papers, 1:161–162.

Joseph disappointed in Orson  

inexpressible, knowing that he had dealt in righteousness with him in all things; and endeavoured to promote his happiness and well being, and do him good, as much as lay in his power.

Orson ungrateful, jealous

Devil trying to divide the Twelve

He was therefore concious that the relfections cast upon him by Eldr. Hyde were ungrateful, & unjust, and founded in jealousy; that the adversary of righteousness, is striving, with his subtle devises and evil influence, to destroy him by causing a division among the 12 Apostles … we hear him making the following appeal to the throne of grace, that God may deliver him (Eldr. Hyde) from the power of that wicked one, that his faith fail not in this hour of temptation, & darkness, and prepare him from the power of that wicked one, that his faith fail not in this hour of temptation, & darkness … <

    1837 set apart for mission  


Presidency setting Heber C. Kimball apart   June 4, 1837—Orson Hyde entered Sidney Rigdon's office where, as luck would have it, Joseph, Sidney, and Hyrum were about to set Heber C. Kimball for the first mission of the Twelve to England.   Heber's diary, cited in Heber C. Kimball, 41, indicates he was set apart June 4.
Orson enters and begs forgiveness  

… and when they were about to lay hands on me, Elder O. Hyde stepped in and partaking of the Spirit of God, while hearing what was going on, he said, "Brethren I acknowledge that I have sinned before my God and you, and I beg of you to forgive me."

  ¶ Heber C. Kimball (h3)
Willing to go on any mission  

The Presidency rejoiced and praised the Lord at this manifestation of repentance by brother Hyde, who said if they found him worthy, he desired to accompany me on my mission to England, or go on any other mission.

Set apart  

The Presidency then laid hands on me, and set me apart to that mission … after which Elder Hyde was set apart receiving similar blessings, and also Joseph Fielding who was a priest. <

    1838 Orson on leaving the church    
    To Marsh's October 25, 1838 letter to Ann Marsh Abbott, Orson added,   Original in Joseph Smith Jr. Papers, qtd. in Orson Hyde, 101.
Orson's good will toward Saints  

I can say that I have left the Church called Latter Day Saints for conscience sake, fully believing that God is not with them, and is not the mover of their schemes and projects. …

Highest regard for them  

There are many in Far West for whom I entertain the highest regard. Their kindness I have seen, and their hospitality I have shared during my sickness, and the sickness of my family. Let them think of me as they will, I can assure them, that they will ever live in the memory of a grateful heart. …

Abandonded property will easily pay debts  

There are some few debts which I owe there, which I would have settled before I came away, could I have done it consistently. But I have left property enough to pay four times the amount which I owed. But if they should not get it in that way I will pay them if I live, and get any thing to do it with. …

Urges friends to leave Caldwell immediately  

I do really hope that my friends will hasten and get out of Caldwell County as soon as possible. My calling is to warn men to flee from the wrath to come; I therefore in the fear of the Lord, warn all the honest I heart to flee out of Caldwell County as soon as possible. <


Orson Hyde (h)
Biographical sketches