Luke S. Johnson (1807–1861)

Early convert, missionary, Kirtland high council, original Quorum of the Twelve, disillusioned by failure of the Kirtland Safety Society, excommunicated with his apostle-brother, Lyman, and fellow apostle John F. Boynton, rejoined the church in 1847, bishop in Tooele county.

Born Luke Samuel Johnson, November 3, 1807 in Pomfret, Windsor county, Vermont  
Died December 9, 1861, in Salt Lake City at the home of his brother-in-law, Orson Hyde.  
Father John Johnson  
Mother Elsa Jacobs  
Baptized May 10, 1831 by Joseph Smith. ¶ History of Luke Johnson
Ordinations Priest, soon after baptism by Christian Whitmer. ¶ History of Luke Johnson
Elder before October 25, 1831 conference. Far West Record, 19.
To the high priesthood, October 25, 1831 by Joseph Smith. Far West Record, 19.
Apostle, February 15, 1835 by Oliver Cowdery, David Whitmer, Martin Harris. "Extracts from HCK," 863; HC 2:187, 190.
Bishop (Tooele)
Missions Southern Ohio with Robert Rathbutn; New Portage, Ohio, area with Sidney Rigdon; Pittsburgh area in 1831. ¶ History of Luke Johnson
Virginia and Kentucky with Seymour Brunson and Hazen Aldrich, 1832–1833.  
Eastern states, summer of 1835.  
New York and Upper Canada, 1836.  
Positions Member, first high council of the Church of Christ, organized February 17, 1834. General Council of High Priests, February 17, 1834
  Charter member, Kirtland Safety Society, 1837.  
Events Family moved to Hiram, Ohio. ¶ History of Luke Johnson
  Zion's Camp, 1834  
Hebrew School in Kirtland, winter 1835–1836.  
Kirtland Temple dedication, March 1836.  
Charged Joseph Smith with speaking reproachfully against the brethren, May 1837.  
  Kirtland Safety Society, invested $46.66. Kirtland Economy, 78
"Cut off though privileged with conffesing and making satisfaction," September 3, 1837. ¶ Conference of September 3, 1837
  November 7, 1837 elected to the Quorum of Twelve at the General Assembly in Far West. ¶ General Assembly of November 7, 1837
Excommunicated April 13, 1838 in Far West, Missouri.  
Moved to Cabell County, Virginia, where he taught school and studied medicine, 1838.  
Helped the Prophet Joseph escape from jail in 1838.  
Returned to Kirtland to practice medicine.  
Rebaptized in Nauvoo by Orson Hyde, March 8, 1846.  
Arrived in Salt Lake Valley, July 1847  
Endowed April 1, 1854.  
Moved to St. John, Tooele county, Utah and served as bishop, 1858.  
Families Susan Poteet md. Nov. 1, 1833 Journals of William E. McMcellin has Susan Armelda Poteet; Cook has Susan H. Poteet.
Elisa Mary
America Morgan Clark
    Susan Marinda
    Orson Albert
    Mark Anthony
    Charlotte Elizabeth
    Lovinia Ann
    Phebe W.

History of Luke S. Johnson
Biographical sketches
