Mormon History 1830-1844

Minutes of August 19, 1835
Almon Babbitt's defense for breaking the Word of Wisdom: Joseph and others don't observe it. He is admonished to keep it anyway. Don't take wife on propselyting missions.
Date   August 19, 1835   Kirtland council, 97.
Location   Kirtland, Ohio  
Description   High Council of the presidency in session …  
[Presiding]   [Joseph Smith]    
Clerk   Warren Parrish    
Almon Babbitt charged   Charles Rich charges Elder A. Babbitt with (1) not keeping the Word of Wisdom, (2) claiming the Book of Mormon is not essential to salvation, and (3) saying we have no articles of faith except the Bible.   Almon W. Babbitt (1813-1856), attorney, Baptized 1833, Zion’s Camp 1834, seventy 1835. Accused by Joseph of misrepresenting him in the aftermath of the debating school incident. Minutes of December 28, 1835. Acquitted of making false statements against Joseph, September 6, 1840. Kirtland stake president, May 1841. Disfellowshipped October 2, 1841 for promoting Kirtland as the place of gathering instead of Nauvoo. Council of Fifty. Delegate to Congress for State of Deseret 1849, but was not seated. Disfellowshipped May 1851 for immorality, intemperance. Secretary of Utah Territory 1852.
J. B. Smith testimony   J. B. Smith: Babbitt "assumed the prerogative of dictating [to] him in his preaching," and does not observe the Word of Wisdom.  
Babbitt defense:
Joseph doesn't keep Word of Wisdom
  Acknowledges he has "taken the liberty to break the word of wisdom from the example of President Joseph Smith Junr & others," but admits it is wrong.  
Modern scriptures are good    Teaches that "the Book of Mormon and [Doctrine] & Covenants … [contain] wisdom and [are] for the good of the cause of Christ.  
Only counseled     Did not intend to dictate to J. Smith, only to give him advice.  
Council's advice   Council admonishes Babbitt:  
Keep Word of Wisdom, etc. to be blessed   To observe the word of wisdom & commandments in all things, that we may be heirs to all the blessings, that God has promised,    
Elders should not take wives on proselyting missions   also that it is not advisable for any Elder to take [his] wife with him on a mission to preach.    

Minutes of August 24, 1835
Minutes of August 18, 1835
Ohio Minutes

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