Council of October 5, 1835
Joseph instructs the Twelve in their duties. They are to to attend the organization of the School of the Prophets, attend to the washing of the feet, and prepare for an endowment from on high, and next spring move their families to Missouri.
Date October 5, 1835 JS journal, 1835–1836 in Papers 2:47–48 and Personal, 2nd ed., 88–89.
Location Kirtland
Description "… a high councel of the twelve apostles." term: high council of the Twelve
Background After riding from Perry to Kirtland, "being much fatiegued riding in the rain," Joseph spends the rest of the day "in reading and meditation &c," and in the evening attends this meeting.
Joseph instructs Twelve

Take families to Missouri

He has "a glorious time" instructing the Twelve in their duties, including "that it was the will of God they should take their familes to Missouri next season,
Attend organization of the school of the prophets also attend this fall the solemn assembly of the first Elders for the organization of the school of the prophets, term: first elders

Washing of the feet and attend to the ordinence of the washing of the feet
Endowment with power from on high and to prepare the[i]r hearts in all humility for an endowment with power from on high  
Twelve rejoice to which they all agreed with one accord, and seamed to be greatly rejoiced  