Minutes of February 15, 1835
Ordination of the Twelve continues with Orson Hyde, David W. Patten, Luke S. Johnson, William E. McLellin, John F. Boynton, and William Smith.
Date   February 15, 1835    
Location   Kirtland    
Description   "… the congregation again assembled …"    
Presiding   Probably Oliver. The presiding official usually gives the opening prayer.    
Clerk   Not mentioned.    
Open   Congregation assembles at 9 A.M., Oliver makes some remarks n the purpose of the meeting, prays for the Lord's assistance.    

Ordain and bless
  Certificates of brethren recently returned from Zion are read and accepted. Oliver calls Orson Hyde, David W. Patten, and Luke Johnson forward and proceeds with "their ordination & blessing."    
Orson Hyde   Orson Hyde is blessed by Oliver Cowdery that:    
    … the Lord [will] smile upon him … his faith shall be perfect … [h]e shall be made mighty and be endowed with power from on high … escape all the pollutions of the world … Angels shall uphold him … he shall go … to all nations, kingdoms and tongues … All who hear his voice, shall acknowledge him to be a servant of God. He shall be equal in holding the Keys of the Kingdom … stand on the earth and bring souls till Christ comes … walk through pestilence and not be harmed. … He shall have power to smite the earth with pestilence … divide waters and lead through the Saints … go from land to land and from sea to sea … be like unto one of the three Nephites    
David W. Patten   The Lord is asked to give David:    
    a knowledge of thy will … [that he may be a] new man from this day forth … equal with his brethren, the twelve, and have all the qualifications of the Prophets before him … strong and never be weary … have power over all diseases, and faith according to his desires. May the Heavens be opened upon him speedily, that he may bear testimony from knowledge … go to nations and isles afar off … have a knowledge of the things of the kingdom from the beginning and be able to tear town priest-craft like a Lion … have power to smite his enemies before him, with utter destruction … continue till the Lord comes.    
Luke Johnson  

The Lord is asked to:

    look upon [Luke] whom we ordain to the ministry of the twelve [with mercy]. He shall … become like those we have blessed before him. The nations shall tremble before him. He shall hear the voice of God … comfort the hearts of the saints … angels shall bear him up … He shall … come forth with Israel … bear testimony to the kings of the earth … hold communion with the Father, with the son and with the general assembly and church of the first born. If cast into prison he shall … comfort the hearts of his comrades. His tongue shall be loosed and he shall have power to lead many to Zion … and the Ancient of Days shall pronounce this blessing. That you have been faithful. He shall have strength wisdom & power … go among the covenant people and speak all their tongues … All these blessings we confirm upon him in the name of Jesus. Amen.    
William E. McLellin   In the name of the Lord, Wisdom & intelligence shall be poured out upon him … to perform the great work that is incumbant upon him … stand before Kings and Rulers to bear testimony … be upheld by holy Angels … have power to overcome his enemies … be spared in the midst of pestilance and destruction … be a prince and a saviour to Gods people. … The Heavens shall be opened unto him as unto men in days of old … be mighty in the hands of God … convince thousands that God has sent him … his days may by prolonged until the coming of the son of man. He shall be wafted as on eagles wings from country to country … [and] do wonders in the midst of this generation, Even so Amen.    
John F. Boynton   John is assured:    
    Thou hast prevailed, and thou shalt declare the gospel unto many nations … be made mighty before God. And although thou shalt be cast out from the face of men, yet thou shalt have power to prevail … lead the Elect triumphantly to the places of refuge … be like thy brethren who have been blessed before thee … stand in that day of calamity when the wicked shall be consumed and present unto the Father, spotless, the fruit of thy labor … overcome all the evils …have wisdom to put to silence all the wisdom of the wise … see the face of thy Redeemer in the flesh.    
William Smith   William is blessed    
    That he may be purified in heart … have communion with God … be equal with his brethren in holding the keys of this ministry … be instrumental in leading Israel forth … be delivered from the hands of those who seek to destroy him … bear testimony to the nations, that Jesus lives … stand in the midst of pestilence and destruction … be mighty in the hands of God, in bringing about the restoration of Israel. The nations shall rejoice at the greatness of the gifts which God has bestowed upon him … his tongue shall be loosed … have power to do great things in the name of Jesus … remain on the earth until Christ shall come to take vengeance on the wicked. Confirmed.    

Minutes of February 14, 1835
Minutes of February 21, 1835
