Orson Johnson's Charge Against William Smith
Orson Johnson charges William Smith of speaking disrespectfully of Joseph and the revelations. The conflict between the brothers apparently began December 16, 1835. The charge is taken up four days after the following charge is written. Minutes of January 2, 1836
Date   December 29, 1835   KCMB
Charge   Submitted to "the honorable Presidency of the Church of Christ of the Latter Day Saints."
Against William Smith   I prefer the following charges against Elder Wm. Smith.
Speaking disrespectfully   1st Unchristian like conduct in speaking disrespectfully of President Joseph Smith Junr. and the revelations & commandments given through him.    
Inflicting personal wisdom   2d For attempting to inflict personal wisdom on President J. Smith Junr.    
  Orson Johnson    