Minutes of January 2, 1836
William Smith acknowledges that the charges preferred against him by Orson Johnson are true and promises to make a public confession. The council accepts the confession. Almon Babbit also confesses and he is restored to fellowship.
Date   January 2, 1836   KCMB
Location   Kirtland  
Description   High Council met in the school room agreeably to previous arrangement.    
Presidents present   F. G. Williams, Oliver Cowdery, David Whitmer    
Clerk   William Parrish  
Counselors present   Brigham Young
Thomas B. Marsh (h)
William E. McLellin (h)
Martin Harris
Solomon Hancock
Levi Jackman

Parley P. Pratt (h)
Heber C. Kimball (h1)
David W. Patten (h)
Simeon Carter
Newel Knight
Calvin Beebe

William Smith charged   President Williams reads Orson Johnson's charge against William Smith dated December 29, 1835 and comments on the case.  
Open   Prayer  
William confesses   William requests permission to speak:  
  then in the spirit of meekness and humility confessed the charges preferred against him by Elder Orson Johnson and asked the forgiveness of the Presidency & council and the whole congregation present, he also covenants to make confession before the church the same as before this council.    
Council accepts   The council is satisfied and "and resigned him into the hands of Mercy."   Mention is usually made that the person is "forgiven" or "restored to fellowship."
Ordinations   Joseph proposes that Vincent Knight and Thomas Grover be ordained elders tomorrow. Approved.   Joseph's 1835–1836 journal names six who are "appointed to be ordained elders by President Joseph Smith Jr." They are Vinson Knight, Thomas Grover, Elijah Fordham, Hyram Dayton, Samuel James, and John Herritt. No mention is made of William's trial. [SHOWREF=personal], 2nd ed., 154.
Elder Babbit confesses, restored   Elder Babbit confesses that the charges Joseph made against him in a previous council are true. He is restored to fellowship.  
Ordination   Vote to ordain Hiram Dayton an elder.  
Close   By prayer.  
