Minutes of September 24, 1835
The Kirtland high council meets to plan the redemption of Zion. Revelation: petition governor to return exiles, go next season and fight to the death for it, David Whitmer to lead, with Frederick and Sidney as assistants. Joseph "to stand at the head," assisted by Hyrum and Oliver.
Date September 24, 1835    
Location Kirtland, Joseph's home  
    Joseph's account    
Description … the high Council met at my house to take into consideation the redeemtion of Zion …   JS journal, 1835–1836 in Personal, 2nd ed., 83–84.
Moderator Not named.  
Clerk In Joseph's hand.  
Petition governor The voice of the Lord is to petition Missouri's governor to return the exiles next spring and  
Struggle to the death coming we go next season to live or dy {to this end so the dy is cast} in Jackson County we truly had a good time and Covenated to strugle for this thing utill death shall desolve this union and if one falls the rest be not {dis ha} discouraged but pesue this object untill it is acomplished which may God grant uto us in the name of Christ our Lord  
Volunteers The council prepares an enrollment sheet for volunteers to go next spring.  
800–1,000 Joseph asks the Lord for 800 or 1,000 well armed men.  
John Whitmer's account   From Historian , 173.
Description … we met in course at the house of J. Smith Jr. the Seer …  
"According to a previous commandment," David Whitmer is appointed "Capt of the Lords host" with Frederick and Sidney his assistants.  
W. W. Phelps, John Whitmer, and John Corrill form "an assistant quorum."   term: quorum
Joseph stands "at the head," assisted by Hyrum and Oliver.  
This constitutes "the war department by revelation."  