Doctrine and Covenants Section 88:127–141
January 3, 1833, Kirtland, Ohio.
Order of the house of the Lord: teacher arrives first and offers himself to the Lord kneeling in prayer. As the brethren arrive he greets them with a certain salutation, with uplifted hands. The recipients reciprocate or say, Amen. Washing of the feet added later.
The Kirtland Revelations Book notes that the revelation was, "Given by Joseph th[e] seer, and writen by Frederick assistant scribe and Councellor."
  The Evening and the Morning Star  

1835 Doctrine and Covenants
Section 92

  1981 Doctrine and Covenants
Section 88
  REVELATION GIVEN KIRTLAND, OHIO, JANUARY 3, 1833. Revelation given December 27, 1832 Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet at Kirtland, Ohio, December 27 1832. HC 1:302–312. It was designated by the Prophet as the "olive leaf … plucked from the Tree of Paradise, the Lord's message of peace to us. It appears from the historical records that portions of this revelation were received on December 27 and 28, 1832, and January 3, 1833.
The order of the house prepared for the presidency and instruction in all things, that is expedient for the officers, or in other words them who are called to the ministry in the church, beginning at the highpriests, even down to the deacons. 39 And again, the order of the house prepared for the presidency of the school of the prophets, established for their instruction in all things that are expedient for them, even for all the officers of the church, or in other words, those who are called to the ministry in the church, beginning at the highpriests, even down to the deacons:
127 And again, the order of the house prepared for the presidency of the school of the prophets, established for their instruction in all things that are expedient for them, even for all the officers of the church, or in other words, those who are called to the ministry in the church, beginning at the high priests, even down to the deacons—
And this shall be the order of the house:   and this shall be the order of the house of the presidency of the school: 128 And this shall be the order of the house of the presidency of the school:
He that is appointed to be a teacher, shall be found standing in his place, which shall be prepared for him He that is appointed to be president, or teacher, shall be found standing in his place, in the house, which shall be prepared for him.   He that is appointed to be president, or teacher, shall be found standing in his place, in the house which shall be prepared for him.
  in the house of God; in a place that the congregation in the house may hear his words correctly, and distinctly, not with loud speech. Therefore, he shall be first in the house of God, in a place that the congregation in the house may hear his words carefully and distinctly, not with loud speech. 129 Therefore, he shall be first in the house of God, in a place that the congregation in the house may hear his words carefully and distinctly, not with loud speech.
And when he cometh into the house of God, for he should be first in the house: And when he cometh into the house of God, (for he should be first in the house; 130 And when he cometh into the house of God, for he should be first in the house—
Behold, this is beautiful, that he may be an example, behold, this is beautiful, that he may be an example,)   behold, this is beautiful, that he may be an example—
  let him offer himself in prayer upon his knees before God, in token of the everlasting covenant. 40 Let him offer himself in prayer upon his knees before God, in token, or remembrance, of the everlasting covenant, 131 Let him offer himself in prayer upon his knees before God, in token or remembrance of the everlasting covenant.
And when any shall come in after him, let the teacher arise and with uplifted hands to heaven: and when any shall come in after him let the teacher arise, and with uplifted hands to heaven; 132 And when any shall come in after him, let the teacher arise, and, with uplifted hands to heaven,
Yea even directly and salute his brother, or brethren with these words, saying: yea, even directly, salute his brother or brethren with these words:   yea, even directly, salute his brother or brethren with these words:
Art thou a brother or brethren? I salute you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, in token of the everlasting covenant; in which covenant I receive you to fellowship in a determination that is fixed, immoveable and unchangeable to be your friend and brother through the grace of God, in the bonds of love, to walk in all the commandments of God blameless, in thanksgiving forever and ever.
41 Art thou a brother or brethren? I salute you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, in token, or remembrance, of the everlasting covenant in which covenant I receive you to fellowship, in a determination that is fixed, immovable and unchangable, to be your friend and brother through the grace of God, in the bonds of love, to walk in all the commandments of God blameless, in thanksgiving, forever and ever. Amen.
133 Art thou a brother or brethren? I salute you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, in token or remembrance of the everlasting covenant, in which covenant I receive you to fellowship, in a determination that is fixed, immovable, and unchangeable, to be your friend and brother through the grace of God in the bonds of love, to walk in all the commandments of God blameless, in thanksgiving, forever and ever. Amen.
    42 And he that is found unworthy of this salutation, shall not have place among you; for ye shall not suffer that mine house shall be polluted by him. 134 And he that is found unworthy of this salutation shall not have place among you; for ye shall not suffer that mine house shall be polluted by him.
And he that cometh in, and is a brother or brethren, shall salute the teacher with uplifted hands to heaven, with this same prayer and covenant, or by saying amen, in token of the same. 43 And he that cometh in and is faithful before me, and is a brother, or if they be brethren, they shall salute the president or teacher with uplifted hands to heaven with this same prayer and covenant, or by saying, Amen, in token of the same. 135 And he that cometh in and is faithful before me, and is a brother, or if they be brethren, they shall salute the president or teacher with uplifted hands to heaven, with this same prayer and covenant, or by saying Amen, in token of the same.
Behold, verily I say unto you, this is a sample unto you for a salutation to one another in the house of God. 44 Behold, verily, I say unto you, this is a sample unto you for a salutation to one another in the house of God, in the school of the prophets. 136 Behold, verily, I say unto you, this is an ensample unto you for a salutation to one another in the house of God, in the school of the prophets.
And to you the called to the ministry of the ordinances of the house of God; and ye are called to do this by prayer and thanksgiving, as the Spirit shall give utterance in all your doings in the house of the Lord, that it may become a sanctuary, a tabernacle of the Holy Spirit, to your edification: Amen. And ye are called to do this by prayer and thanksgiving, as the Spirit shall give utterance, in all your doings in the house of the Lord, in the school of the prophets, that it may become a sanctuary, a tabernacle, of the Holy Spirit to your edification. 137 And ye are called to do this by prayer and thanksgiving, as the Spirit shall give utterance in all your doings in the house of the Lord, in the school of the prophets, that it may become a sanctuary, a tabernacle of the Holy Spirit to your edification.
    45 And ye shall not receive any among you, into this school save he is clean from the blood of this generation: 138 And ye shall not receive any among you into this school save he is clean from the blood of this generation;
      And he shall be received by the ordinance of the washing of feet; for unto this end was the ordinance of the washing of feet instituted. 139 And he shall be received by the ordinance of the washing of feet, for unto this end was the ordinance of the washing of feet instituted.
    46 And again, the ordinance of washing feet is to be administered by the president, or presiding elder of the church. 140 And again, the ordinance of washing feet is to be administered by the president, or presiding elder of the church.
      It is to be commenced with prayer: and after partaking of bread and wine he is to gird himself, according to the pattern given in the thirteenth chapter of John's testimony concerning me. Amen. 141 It is to be commenced with prayer; and after partaking of bread and wine, he is to gird himself according to the pattern given in the thirteenth chapter of John's testimony concerning me. Amen.

¶ 1833 Chronoloogy