Council of March 18, 1833
Sidney ordains Doctor Hurlbut, then asks Joseph to ordain him and Frederick presidents of the High Priesthood as directed in the revelation of March 8 (D&C 90). Joseph ordains them, creating what is later known as the First Presidency. They are equal with Joseph in the keys of the kingdom and presidency of the High Priesthood. Many see visions of the Saviour and concourses of angels.
Date   March 18, 1833   KCMB
Location   Kirtland  
Clerk   F. G. Williams  
Open   "… an assembly of the High Priests met at the school room of the Prophets and were organized in due form by solemn prayer to the Most High by Sidney Rigdon"  
Doctor Hurlbut   Sidney ordains Doctor Hurlbut an elder.  
Sidney requests ordination for him and Frederick as presidents of the High Priesthood

Equal with Joseph
  "… after which Bro Sidney arose and desired that he and Bro Frederick should be ordained to the office that they had been called to Viz of President of the High Priesthood and to be equal in holding the Keys of the Kingdom with {J} Brother Joseph Smith Jr according to a revelation given on the 8th day of March 1833 in Kirtland, saying thus, "and again verily I say unto thy brethren Sidney and Frederick, their sins are forgiven them also and they are accounted as equal with thee in holding the keys of this last kingdom,
  D&C 90:6
Finish OT, then preside over church and school   and again I give unto you a commandment that you continue in the ministry and presidency and when you have finished the translating of the prophets, you shall from thenceforth preside over the affairs of the Church and the School from time to time as shall be manifest by the Comforter, receive revelation to unfold the mysteries of the Kingdom and set in order the Church".   D&C 90:12–15
Joseph ordains Sidney and Frederick   Accordingly, Bro Joseph proceded to and ordained them by the laying on of the hands to be equal with him in holding the keys of the Kingdom and also the Presidency of the High Priesthood,  

Promise of vision
  after which several exortations were given to faithfulness and obedience to the commandments of God and much useful instruction given for the benefit of the saints, with a promise that the pure in heart that were present should see a heavenly vision,  
Vision of Savior and angels   After which many of the brethren saw a heavenly vision of the Saviour and concourses of angels and many other things of which each one has a record of what they saw &c.  

Conference of March 19, 1833
