1832 Chronology

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January 5


Oliver Cowdery and John Whitmer arrive in Jackson county with the revelations for the Book of Commandments.

  "First Impressions," 55, citing John Whitmer's Account Book
January [8–10]   Joseph and Sidney conclude their mission to Shalersville, Ravenna, and other places to refute "the scandalous letters then being published in the Ohio Star, at Ravenna, by … Ezra Booth."   Millennial Star, vol. 14 no. 8 (April 15, 1852), 115.
January 23   Conference (Kaw township): 1,200 acres purchased for inheritances; Bishop Partridge to ask branches in the East to send various craftsmen to Zion.   FWR, 39–40.

¶ Oliver to Joseph
January 24   Conference (Kaw township): Financial report, hotel, school committee, membership records. Letters from Sidney are read critical of Bishop Partridge. Sidney to settle his differences with Edward amicably >.   FWR, 234, 235,

¶ Oliver to Joseph.
January 25   Conference in Amherst, Lorain county, Ohio. "Ordained the President of the high Preashood and others" >.   Reynolds Cahoon diary
    Presidents were chosen by the difrent grades of oficers to Preside over them according to the Holy order of god.   Samuel H. Smith diary
    [Orson Pratt:] the Prophet Joseph was acknowledged President of the High Priesthood, and hands were laid on him by Elder Sidney Rigdon, who sealed upon his head the blessings which he had formerly received. I was appointed to preside over the Elders and was set apart and ordained by Sidney Rigdon.   Orson Pratt Journals, 11.
    D&C 75: Missionaries not to tarry nor be idle "but labor with your mights." William E. McLellin's (h) assignment to the "eastern countries" is revoked and he is chastened for "the murmurings of his heart." He sinned but the Lord forgives him and calls him the "the south countries" with Luke S. Johnson (h) >.

Orson Hyde (h) and Samuel H. Smith, and Lyman E. Johnson (h) and Orson Pratt (h) are called to "the eastern countries;" Asa Dodds and Calves Wilson to "the western countries;" Major N. Ashley and Burr Riggs to the south countries.
January 26–27   [William E. McLellin:] I was sorely tempted of Devil But Friday night I made a hard struggle a[nd] shook him off my back.   Journals of William E. McLellin, 70.
January 27   Special conference (Independence): examine the accounts of Sidney Gilbert, including receipt of $2,694.70 from Newel K. Whitney, church agent; disbursements to Gilbert & Whitney & co. for goods and transportation costs of church members totalling $2,677.83. Report accepted.   FWR, 235–238,

¶ Oliver to Joseph
January 28   At Bishop Partridge's request, Oliver writes Joseph about the financial difficulties in Jackson county, equipment needed, missionaries assigned, ready to print Book of Commandments soon.   Oliver to Joseph
February   Prospectus for The Evening and The Morning Star is issued.   "First Impressions,"56.
February 1   Orson Hyde and Samuel H. Smith leave Kirtland for Boston. In Painesville they preach to Campbellites who are "much predjudiced and hard against the work" >.   Samuel H. Smith diary, 2.
February 2   William E. McLellin (h) and Luke Johnson leave on their mission <.    
    Sidney Rigdon ordains Orson Pratt "a High Priest."   Orson Pratt Journals, 12.
February 10   Hyrum Smith and Reynolds Cahoon are set apart as counselors to Bishop Whitney.   Reynolds Cahoon diary
February 16   D&C 76 (Hiram): While revising John 5:29, Joseph and Sidney converse with Jesus Christ, see preexistence and fall of Lucifer, vision of the three degrees of glory.   Papers, 1:372. First published in The Evening and the Morning Star vol 1. no. 2 (July 1832). Philo Dibble and others were present. Philo describes Joseph's and Sidney's vision conversation. ¶ Joseph Remembered: Philo 
February 20   Orson Hyde and Samuel H. Smith baptize the first three in Springfield, Erie county, Pennsylvania.   Orson Hyde diary. The Springfield branch is organized by mid-March.
March 1   D&C 78 (Hiram): Joseph, Sidney, and Newel to covenant with one another on behalf of the United Firm, and counsel with Saints in Zion.    
March 3   D&C 90 (Kirtland) Joseph's sins forgiven. Keys will never be taken. Gives oracles of God to church. Sidney and Frederick are to be his counselors, equal to Joseph in holding the keys. School of the Prophets to train missionaries. Complete translation of the Old Testament, then preside and study. Joseph to preside over Zion in the Lord's own due time.    
March 8   Revelation of March 8, 1832. Bishops to segregate personal property from church property. Presidency of the High Priesthood presides over entire church.    
    Joseph ordains Jesse Gause and Sidney Rigdon his counselors in the presidency of the High Priesthood (forerunner of the First Presidency).
  From Historian, 21, refers to Sidney's ordination; for Jesse, see ¶ Minutes of April 30, 1832
    Chose this day and ordained br Jesse Gause [11] and Broth Sidney to be my councellors of the ministry of the presidency of <th> high Pri[e]sthood and from the 16h of February up to this date have been at home except a journey to Kirtland on the 29 Feby. and …   Kirtland Revelation Book, 10 in Selected Collections 1:19, box 1 folder 1.
March 10   Special conference in Zion resolves to write Sidney regarding his November 14, 1831 charges against Edward Partridge, defending the bishop.   Minutes of March 10, 1832
March 15   D&C 81 (Hiram): Jesse Gause to be Joseph's counselor.   Most likely one or the other dates (March 8, 15) is incorrect in the original documents.
March 20   Revelation (Hiram): purchase paper for the Book of Commandments, not time for Martin Harris to go to Zion yet; postpone translation of the New Testament.   Joseph Smith Revelations, 206–207; also Unpublished Revelations, 60–61; both cite Newel K. Whitney papers. Q&A format.
March [20]   D&C 77 (Hiram): Interpretation of Revelation 4–11. The sea of glass is the earth sanctified, the four beasts represent classes of beings in their destined order, eyes represent light, wings represent power to act, etc.   Manscript History, Book A–1. in Joseph Smith Revelations, 204–206,
March 24–25   Joseph and Sidney are dragged from bed, beaten, tarred, and feathered.   1832 Tarring
April 2   Joseph leaves for Missouri with Newel K. Whitney, Peter Whitmer, and Jesse Gause.   Times and Seasons vol. 5 no. 16 (September 2, 1844), 624.
April 14   Brigham Young is baptized by Eleazer Miller and ordained an elder. A day or two later Heber C. Kimball is baptized.   ¶ Heber C. Kimball (h2)
April 24   Joseph and companions reach Independence.   Times and Seasons vol. 5 no. 16 (September 2, 1844), 624.
April 26   Council (Independence): Joseph "President of the High Priesthood." Bishop Edward Partridge extends " the right hand of fellowship." "All differences settled & the hearts of all run together in love" <.
  Minutes of April 26–27, 1832
    On the 26th <of April> I called a general council of the church, and was acknowledged as the President of the High priesthood, according to a previous ordination at a Conference of High-priests, elders, and members, held at Amherst, Ohio, on the 25th of January 32 <. The right hand of fellowship was given to me by the Bishop. Edward Partridge, in behalf of the Church. The scene was solemn, impressive, and delightful. During the intermission, a difficulty or hardness which had existed between Bishop Partridge and Elder Rigdon was amicably settled, and when we came together in the afternoon all hearts seemed to rejoice, and I received [D&C 82] <.   Joseph's history (1839) in Papers 1:380.
    D&C 82: Lord is "bound when ye do what I say;" Edward, Newel, Sidney Gilbert, Sidney Rigdon, Joseph, John Whitmer, Oliver, W. W. Phelps and Martin Harris to form a pact to church affairs in Zion and Kirtland; equal property rights; Kirtland stake; holding property in common is an "everlasting order … inasmuch as you sin not."   United Order
April 27   Council continues (Independence): Name of the mercantile business (United Firm) to be Gilbert, Whitney & Company in Zion and Newel K. Whitney & Company in Kirtland.    
April 28–29   Joseph visits the brethren "above Big Blue river, in Kaw Township, Twelve miles west of Independence." Is greeted warmly, especially by the Colesvile Branch.   Papers 1:381.
April 30   Joseph returns to Independence and holds a meeting of the Literary Firm (Independence): print 3,000 copies of the Book of Commmandments; W. W. Phelps, Oliver and John to select revelations and edit them.   Minutes of the Literary Firm, April 30, 1832
    Meeting of the United Firm (Independence): A. S. Gilbert and Newel K. Whitney agents of the firm. Church loans the firm $15,000.   Minutes of April 30, 1832
    D&C 83 (Independence): Children have claim on their parents' inheritances in Zion.    
[May 1–5]   Before leaving Independence, Sidney delivers "two most powerful discourses, which, so far as outward appearance is concerned, gave great satisfaction to the people."   Papers 1:382.
May 6   Joseph, Sidney, and Newel K. Whitney leave Independence for Kirtland. In Indiana the stage overturns, severely injuring Newel's leg. Joseph stays with him for a month while the leg heals.   Sidney, 125.

Joseph in Greenville
May 26   Sidney arrives in Kirtland.   Reynolds Cahoon diary, May 28, 1832.
    Conference (Independence) investigates of Oliver Cowdery's 1830 "transgression" of proposing to another woman while engaged to Elizabeth Ann Whitmer.   Minutes of May 26, 1832
May 29   Conference: (Independence): Bishop Edward Partridge dedicates The Evening & the Morning Star office in Independence.   Minutes of May 29, 1832
June   The first issue of The Evening and The Morning Star is published.    
June 6   Joseph is "not pleased" that McLellin returned from mission early "and disobayed the voice of him who is altogether Lovely for a woman. … I hope She {he} will /find/ him true and kind to her but have no reason to expect it. His Conduct merits the disapprobation of every true follower of Christ."   Joseph in Greenville
June 12   Samuel H. Smith and Orson Hyde (h) reach Boston.   Samuel H. Smith diary
June 15   Zebedee Coltrin arrives in Kirtland from Zion.   Zebedee's diary
June 29   At a sacrament meeting in Boston, Samuel H. Smith is interrupted by a man and a woman charging that he and Orson Hyde are teaching the doctrine of the devil, such as abstaining from meat and having spiritual wives, creating something of a sensation < >.   Samuel H. Smith diary
July 3   Conference (Zion): resolves to implement the mode and manner of regulating the Church of Christ" according to the November 11, 1831 revelation.]   Minutes of July 3, 1832

¶ D&C 107:59–100
July 5   Sidney claims the kingdom has been taken and will not be returned until the church builds him a new house.   Lucy's Book, 560–562; Sidney Rigdon, 126–127; Reynolds Cahoon diary, July 6, 1832.
July 6   Sidney is disfellowshipped or resigns his commission, depending on the source. In his letter to W. W. Phelps, Joseph attributes the resignation to temporary loss of control suffered when he learned of the brethren's feelings in Zion.   Hyrum Smith diary, July 28, 1832 qtd. in Origins, 42; ¶ Joseph to W. W. Phelps, July 31, 1832
July 13   Special conference divides Zion into four branches.   FWR, 52.
July 20   Frederick G. Williams begins service as Joseph's scribe.   "Frederick Granger Williams," 250n21.
July 28   Sidney is "restored to his high standing in the church."   ¶ Joseph to W. W. Phelps, July 31, 1832
July 31   Joseph castigates W. W. Phelps, Edward Partridge, and members in Zion for a variety of sins.   Joseph to W. W. Phelps, July 31, 1832
August 1   Jesse Gause and Zebedee Coltrin leave Kirtland on a mission. Jesse never returns.   Zebedee's diary; "Jesse Gause," 491.
August 2   Joseph and Sidney dedicate the land of Zion for the gathering of the Saints.   From, 21
August 19   Zebedee concludes " that it was not my duty to preced any further to the East. I have been afficted with a pain in my head every day Sinse we Started." He and Jesse Gause pray with and for each other "in the fellowship of the Gospel of our Lord & saviour Jesus Christ."   Zebedee's diary
August 23   Joseph ordains Amasa Lyman (h) and Zerubabel Snow elders. They leave on missions the next day, Amasa having heard only 5 sermons.    
August 29   D&C 99 (Hiram): John Murdock called on a mission to the East. He is to cleanse his feet in secret as a testimony against those who reject him. Lord comes quickly to judge the ungodly.    
September 22–23   D&C 84 (Kirtland): Missionaries are "mine apostles, even God's high priests."    
September 25–26   Zebedee Coltrin returns from misson, without Jesse Gause, and stays "with Joseph Sm the sear" in Hiram.   Zebedee's diary
October 5   David Whitmer arrives in Jackson county.   FWR, 56.
November (late or early December)   After birth of Joseph III, Joseph begins dictating the first acount of his early to scribe Frederick G. Williams (official historian John Whitmer was in MIssouri.)   Papers, 1:3, 5–10.
November 14   Zebedee Coltrin arrives in Kirtland and hears Joseph speak and sing in tongues.   Zebedee's diary
November 16   Kirtland. Conference of elders. Joseph ordains John Boynton an elder.   KCMB
November 20   Hyrum and probably William Smith leave on a mission to the East.   Hyrum's diary
November 27   Joseph to W. W. Phelps: one "mighty and strong."   Personal, 258–262; Origins, 318n157.
    Joseph purchases a record book used for a journal.   Personal, 16
November 29   Frederick prophecies that next spring Joseph will go to Pittsburgh "to establish a Bishopwrick" and go to New York City within a year.   Joseph's journal in Papers, 2:4 and Personal, 16
December 3   Zion. Council resolves high priests are to meet alone except when elders, priests, teachers, or members, have business at the meeting.   Minutes of December 3, 1832

Kirtland. Jesse Gause, William E. McLellin (h), and someone named Mogan or Morgan are excommunicated in Kirtland. Joseph is present and records the event but gives no reasons.

  Papers, 2:4; Personal , 16–17.
December 4   Joseph: "this day I been unwell done but litle been at home all day regulated some things this Evening feel better in my mind then I have for a few days back Oh Lord deliver {out} thy servent out of temtations and fill his heart with wisdom and understanding"   Personal, 17
December 6   D&C 86 (Kirtland): Parable of the wheat and the tares. Priesthood is transmitted through lineage.  

Matthew 13:18–43
Royal Family

December 19   Samuel H. Smith and Orson Hyde return from their mission to New York, Massachusetts, and Maine <.   Samuel H. Smith diary
December 25   D&C 87 (Kirtland): South Carolina will rebel, war will commence, North and South will call on other nations until all are involved. Slaves will rebel. Catestrophic end of nations. Lord will punish the enemies of his Saints.    
December 27–28   Kirtland. Conference of high priests. Joseph receives D&C 88:1–126, the Olive Leaf. Holy spirit of promise the second comforter; three degrees glory; eye single to my glory; he will unveil his face; idle thoughts; call a solemn assembly; teach one another; warn Gentiles; be clean; last days; resurrection, thousand years; prepare; virtues enjoined.   Minutes of December 27, 1832

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