The Royal Lineage (Smith)

The special status of the Smith family in Mormon culture.

William Smith: Family rights   No man need tell me that Brigham Young does not claim to be the prophet, seer and perpetual head of the Church for I know that he dos, and you know that it lawfuly and legaly belongs to litle Joseph. …I shall not resign the Smith family rights.   William Smith to Lewis Robbins, October 5, 1845 in Lost Legacy, 92.
William Smith: Priesthood hereditary   Everyone who has read the book of Doctrine and Covenants must be aware that priesthood authority is hereditary and descends from father to son, and therefore Joseph's oldest son will take his place when he arrives at the age of maturity. The Twelve are, however, the president for the time being but when Joseph's successor comes they take their former place.
  William Smith to Brother Little, August 20, 1845, Journal History.
Brigham Young: Priesthood by lineage   I am entitled to the Keys of the Priesthood according to linage & Blood. So is Brother H. C. Kimball & many others [blank] Have taken Kingly power & grades of the Priesthood. This we would have taught in the Temple if time had permitted. Joseph Smith was entitled to the Keys of the Priesthood according to Blood." Still He was the [132] fourth son. But when we get another Temple built then we will teach you concerning those things.

Suffice it to say that I will extend the Chain of the Priesthood back through the Apostolic dispensation to Father Adam just as soon as I can get a temple built.

Wilford Woodruff's Journal, February 16, 1847 (3:131). Young's remarks were made at a family meeting which included visitors Heber C. Kimball, Orson Pratt, Willard Richards, Wilford Woodruff, George Albert Smith, Amasa Lyman, and Ezra T. Benson of the Twelve.

John Smith (1832–1911): Smith/Young family jealousies   Well my brother, Wm. Pierce I do not [want?] [to] Say much about. I know how he treated me and how he respected me in my place. Now matter how good nor how bad report may make him, he had no buisness to come in an[d] undermining [me?] and take my sister from me, for you know the [that] at the death of our Mother, Brother Brigham preached a surmon, and he at that time appointed me gardien over the fanily and no person had nor has a rite to take one of the girls out of the family with out my concente, no matter how good or bad they may bee.

I now Joseph the Pierce family belongs in Brother Brigham's family and he would like it first rate to get one of Fathers Daughters in to his family and leave father with out any Kingdom if it could come in that way. Now Joseph, My Brother, you may think I am hard for Saying to much. So be it. It is just as I feel, and furthermore, I do not beleive that Bill maried Jerusha because he loved her individualy. It was the name more than any thing else. This is my opinyon.
  John Smith to Joseph F. Smith, January 31, 1856, Joseph F. Smith Papers
Heber C. Kimball: Church leaders part of the "Smith race"

  Brother Joseph actually saw [Brigham Young, Heber C. Kimball, Oliver Cowdery, Newel K. Whitney, and others] in vision; he saw us in a day when we were all together. We have been separated by marriage and thrown apart; but he saw the day when we all came out of one stock, that was out of the aristocracy. Yes, we came directly down through the Prophets, and not only us, but lots of others—the whole Smith race. I could remember probably twenty or thirty that Joseph mentioned came down through that channel.
My father's father and his brothers intermixed by marriage with the Smiths, and uncle John Smith was baptised in Nauvoo for upwards of twenty of my kindred. They mixed up in marriage, and in that way the names became changed; for they were the old veterans.
  Heber C. Kimball, Salt Lake Bowery address, September 6, 1857, Journal of Discourses 5:215-16.
Priesthood from father to son There is another thing that brother Joseph Smith said—viz., that we were positively heirs of the Priesthood; for he had seen us as such in his vision … Our fathers were heirs to that Priesthood, which was handed down from father to son, and we came through that lineage.
John Smith (1781–1854): Smith family chosen   The Patriarch John Smith Said I rejoice to Have the privilege of Speaking to you. I have Been in the work since Jan 1832 And am about the oldest man here. I was ordained an Elder under the Hands of Joseph Wakefield. The Smith family was Chosen to bring forth this work. My team Halled the first load of Stone to build the kirtland temple …   Wilford Woodruff's Journals, September 8, 1851 (4:65). Entry reports remarks made at general conference this date.
Joseph F. Smith: A "great" enigmatic principle   It is pleasing to hear the good words you speak with reference to President [Platt deAlton] Lyman, whose mother was a Partridge, and I believe belongs to the Prophet Joseph Smith, and I have been told that Brother Lyman enjoys greatly the spirit of the prophets. I hope that this spirit will always remain with him that he may be guided by supreme wisdom in all the labors of his presidency over the British Mission. Although he is the son of Amasa Lyman, if I can divine correctly, he will eventually follow his mother to where she belongs. This is a great principle but little understood even by Latter-day Saints, but it is as tangible and unmistakable in its purpose and effect as any other principle of the gospel.   Joseph F. Smith to Joseph Fielding Smith, September 14, 1899, Joseph F. Smith Papers.

For Eliza Maria Partridge Smith Lyman, see Sacred Loneliness, 433–456.

Did Platt inherit the Smith family calling/blessing?
Priesthood through Joseph's ancestors 8 Therefore, thus saith the Lord unto you [Joseph], with whom the priesthood hath continued through the lineage of your fathers—   D&C 8–11
Hid from the world with Christ 9 For ye are lawful heirs, according to the flesh, and have been hid from the world with Christ in God—  
Joseph and priesthood remain to restore all 10 Therefore your life and the priesthood have remained, and must needs remain through you and your lineage until the restoration of all things spoken by the mouths of all the holy prophets since the world began.  
Joseph a savior to Israel 11 Therefore, blessed are ye if ye continue in my goodness, a light unto the Gentiles, and through this priesthood, a savior unto my people Israel. The Lord hath said it. Amen.  
Polygamy needed for choice spirits to enter mortality in a pure lineage   I wish to write now of the Prophet Joseph Smith. The Lord revealed to this Prophet as early as the year 1831 that in consequence of great wickedness which would come upon the earth in the latter days, it would be necessary for great men to take the noblest wives. The Lord had reserved the most noble of His choice spirits to come forth through a pure lineage, as the of His spirits were not willing to come through a lineage that was corrupt.  

Mosiah Hancock Autobiography (ca 1876)
