Minutes of July 3, 1832

Council in Zion resolves to regulate the church according to D&C 68, received the previous November and write epistle to the church abroad regarding gathering.

Date   July 3, 1832   Far West Record, 50–51.
Location   Zion, Edward Partridge's house  
Description   … a special council … conference opened in prayer …    
Moderator   Not named.    
Clerk   John Whitmer    
High priests present   Edward Partridge
John Corrill
Isaac Morley
William. W. Phelps
Oliver Cowdery
John Whitmer
Newel Knight
William E. McLellin (h)
Major N. Ashley
Harvey Whitlock
Elders present   Calvin Bebee
Peter Dustin
Dustin Hichcock
Stephen Chase
Thomas Willes
Selah J. Griffin
Titus Billings
Christian Whitmer
Resolve   Resolved that the mode and manner of regulating the Church of Christ Take effect from this time, according to a Revelation received in Hiram, Portage County, Ohio, Nov 11, 1831.   D&C 107:59–100
Adjourn   Adjourn for an hour, prayer by Calvin Bebee.  
Afternoon session   Prayer by Edward Partridge.    
David W. Patten   Letter from a brother Patten of Indiana was "discussed and advised that he come to this land."   This is David W. Patten's brother.
Letter to church abroad   Decided to write an epistle to the church scattered abroad.   Elders in Zion to the Saints Abroad, July 1832
Close   Prayer by Isaac Morley.    