Conference of March 10, 1832
Conference considers Sidney's charges against Bishop Edward Partridge. Edward has confessed and asked forgiveness for some, other charges unjust, time to put it behind them.
Date   March 10, 1832   Far West Record, 40–42,
Location   Zion  
Description   … a special Conference in Zion …    
Moderator   John Whitmer    
Clerk   Oliver Cowdery  
Present   John Whitmer
Edward Partridge
John Corrill
Isaac Morley
William W. Phelps
Sidney Gilbert
Selah J. Griffin
Resolve to write Sidney   Resolve to write Sidney asking him "to candidly reflect upon the subject of [his November 14, 1831 letter criticizing Edward Partridge] and ask himself whether he was not actuated by his own hasty feelings rather than the Spirit of Christ."    
Confessions at previous conference   Sidney and Edward met "face to face" at an earlier conference in Missouri "when confessions were made by several brethren and by br. Edward in particular, to our joy and thanksgiving." This should have satisfied the charges that "are partially correct."   This either refers to an unknown conference or the date of this conference is mistaken. The two seemed to out their problems after this letter, at the ¶ Conference of April 26–27, 1832.
No intent to defraud   Three charges refer to incidents after that conference. One of them concerns "the handing over money to brs Joseph Oliver, and Sidney for their expense to Ohio, to which br Edward says he had no disposition to defraud or deceive … and if any damage has accrued" he asks forgiveness.
Unjust accusations   The other two are not considered just accusations.    
Edward sorry for insulting Joseph   [The fifth charge:] His having insulted the Lord's prophet in particular and assumed authority over him in open violation of the Laws of God." Edward says this occurred "previous to said conference. If Br. Joseph has not forgiven him he hopes he will, as he is and has always been sorry.    
Take Sidney to task  

Resolved that whereas the duty of a disciple of Christ is to promote {peace} union, harmony, and brotherly love and not at any time imprudently prefer charges and demand confession and settlement of the same in the absence of a br. after having had a privilege of doing the same face to face, and more expecially after sitting in Conference in the name of the Lord and communing together at sacrament, we do therefore, after deliberately weighing the subject before us, earnestly entreat our br. Sidney for the good of the cause in which we labor and for which we suffer persecutions, to candidly reflect upon the subject of the aforementioned letter and ask himself whether he was not actuated by his own hasty feelings rather than the Spirit of Christ when indicting the same.

Put it to rest   Edward willing to make every confession that "br. Sidney as a disciple of Christ could require and forever bury the matter. And we do advise that such may be the resolution and thereby the wound in the Church be healed and they walk together as brothers …"    
Close   Prayer by Isaac Morley.    
        ¶ 1832 Chronology