Conference of June 4, 1833

A "conference of High Priests" is unable to agree on the disposition of the French farm. Revelation (D&C 96) settles the matter: Newel Whitney takes charge of the farm, John Johnson to be admitted to the United Firm. He is ordained to the High Priesthood and admitted.

Spelling of names has been standardized.

Date June 4, 1833 KCMB
Location Kirtland, translating room
Officials Frederick G. Williams, clerk
A conference of High Priests met in Kirtland …[to decide] how the French farm should be disposed of. The council could not agree who should take the charge of it, but all agreed to enquire of the Lord. Accordin[g]ly we received a revelation which decided that Broth N. K. Whitney should take the charge thereof and also that brother John Johnson be admitted as a member of the Unted Firm. Accordingly he was ordained unto the High Priesthood and admitted.
D&C 96