Council of June 1 or 3, 1833

Doctor P. Hurlbut is excommunicated. D&C 95 reveals the dimensions of the House of the Lord, which is to be used for the endowment of power of the Lord's apostles, worship, and the school of the prophets.

According to the Kirtland Revelations Book qtd. in Joseph Smith Revelations, 239, the conference was held June 1. However, the Kirtland Council Minute Book and Times and Seasons vol. 6 no. 2 (February 1, 1845), 784 date the conference as June 3. The 1835 version of the D&C dates the revelation only as June 1833.

Date   June 1 or 3, 1833   Times and Seasons vol. 6 no. 2 (February 1, 1845), 784.

Hurlbut appeal: Council of June 21, 1833
Location   Kirtland, translating room  
Doctor Hurlbut accused   Doctor P. Hurlbut accused of unchristian conduct with women on a mission to the east.  
Excommunicated   Decide to take "his commission … and that he be no longer a member of the church of Christ."  
Size of the house   Discuss size of "a house of worship and the school of the prophets."    
Revelation   D&C 95 received: solemn assembly was called for repentance; house to be built where the chosen can be endowed with power from on high, but contentions arose in the school of the prophets; build the house 55' x 65' ; lower floor for sacrament, prayers, etc.; upper floor for the school of the prophets.   D&C 95