Conference of February 12, 1834

Joseph's first known allusion to conferral of office by an angel. Sidney Rigdon brings charges against Martin Harris for saying Joseph drank too much while translating the Book of Mormon and that he knew the contents of the Book of Mormon before Joseph. Martin clarifies that he thought Joseph drank too much in the period before translating the Book of Mormon and admits his mind has been darkened but promises to do better.

Date   February 12, 1834   KCMB, qtd. in EMD, 2:282–283; HC 2:25–27.
Location   Kirtland, Ohio  
Clerk   Orson Hyde  
    High priests and elders gather at Joseph's house and "the council was organized."    
Open   Prayer by Joseph Smith, Jr.  
    Joseph says,    
Office conferred by angel  

I shall now endeavor to set forth before this council, the dignity of the office which has been conferred upon me by the ministring of the Angel of God, by his own will and by the voice of this Church. …


Bro Joseph then went on to give us a relation of his situation at the time he obtained the record, the persecution he met with &c.


He also told us of his transgression at the time he was translating the Book of Mormon.

Will rise above naysayers  

He also prophecied that he should stand and shine like the us in the firmament when his enemies and the [33] gainsayers of his testimony should be put down and cut off and their names blotted out from among men.

Sidney charges Martin with smearing Joseph   After Joseph counsels the brethren, Sidney's charges against Martin Harris are considered. Martin told A. C. Russell that Joseph "drank too much liquor when he was translating the Book of Mormon and that he wrestled with many men and threw them &c."    
Exalting himself above Joseph   Martin also "exalted himself above bro. Joseph, in that he said bro. Joseph knew not the contents of the book of Mormon until it was translated. {Bro. Martin} but that he himself knew all about it before it was translated."    
Martin promises to do better   Martin responds that his reference to Joseph's drinking was about the period before the Book of Mormon was translated. He also admits "that his mind was darkened and that he had said many things inadvertently calculated to wound the feelings of his brethren and promised to do better."    
    The council forgives him, with "much good advice."    
Leonard Rich transgressions  
Brother Leonard Rich was called in question for transgressing the Word of Wisdom, and for selling the revelations at an extortionate price, while he was journeying east with Father Lyons, Brother Rich confessed, and the council forgave him upon his promising to do better and reform his life.
      Conferences and Councils