Council of April 24, 1837
Lyman Wight is found guilty of teaching the false doctrine that the church is living under a telestial law. He is directed to acknowledge as much to the council and to the churches where he taught it.
Date April 24, 1837
Location Far West
Description A High Council …
Presiding John Whitmer and W. W. Phelps
Clerk Nathan West
Counselors Simeon Carter
John Murdock
Thomas B. Marsh (h)
Levi Jackman
George M. Hinkle
Elias Higbee
Calvin Beebe
Solomon Hancock
Jacob Whitmer
King Follett
Charles C. Rich
Edmund Fisher
Open Prayer by W. W. Phelps
Lyman Wight doctrine David W. Patten (h) charges Lyman Wight (h) (swh) with teaching "erronious doctrine."  
Seymour Brunson testimony Seymour Brunson testifies Lyman said that the church is under a telestial law,  
Lyman says we are living a telestial law because God does not whip in a Celestial, or under a Celestial law; therefore he took us the Church out doors to whip us—as a parent takes his children out of doors to chastise them.  
Book of Commandments celestial Also, that the Doctrine and Covenants is a telestial law, but the Book of Commandments was a celestial law.  
Testimony corroborated George P. Dykes and George Johnson corroborate Seymour's testimony.  
And more The above is only a sketch of the erroneous doctrine Lyman Wight taught, as proven by the above witnesses—  
Verdict: abominable doctrine The presidency decides Lyman taught erroneous doctrine. He must acknowledge as much to the council and to the churches where he preached "such abominable doctrine."    
Council unanimously sanctions the decison.  
Close Sing "This earth was once a garden place," prayer by John Whitmer.  