Minutes of December 27–28, 1832
High priests pray for the Lord to reveal his will. Joseph receives what becomes D&C 88:1–126, the Olive Leaf. (The revelation that will be verses 127–141 will be received in January 1833).
Date   December 27, 1832   KCMB
Location   Kirtland    
Description   A conference of High Priests assembled in the translating room in Kirtland …    

Joseph Smith [Sr.?]
Sidney Rigdon
Orson Hyde (h)
Joseph Smith Jr.
Hyrum Smith
Samuel H. Smith
Newel K. Whitney
Frederick G. Williams
Ezra Thayer
John Murdock

  First name is Joseph Smith, followed by indecipherable superscript charcters.
Clerk   Frederick G. Williams, clerk    
Open   Prayer    
Joseph   Joseph rises and says,    
Urges unity, faith to receive revelation   to receive revelation and the blessing of heaven it was necessary to have our minds on god and exercise faith and become of one heart and of one mind.    
Recommends individual prayer  

therefore he recommended all present to pray seperately and vocally to the Lord for [Him] to reveal his will unto us concerning the upbuilding of Zion, & for the benifit of the saints and for the duty and employment of the Elders.

Each speaks   All do so. Then, each stands and declares "his feelings, and determination to keep the commandments of God, "    

And then proceded to receive a revelation concerning the duty {[--] of our} above stated

  Is this a shared revelation a la D&C 76? See ¶ Joseph Remembered: Philo
Adjourn and reconvene  

By 9 p.m., "the revelation not being finished," the conference adjourns.

December 28   Begin with prayer,    
Rest of revelation  

then proceded to receive the residue of the <above> revelation

Adjourn   and it being finished and there being no further business before the conference closed the meeting by prayer in harmony with the brethren and gratitude to our heavenly Father for the great manifestation of his holy Spirit during the setting of the conference.    