Minutes of July 6, 1838a
The quorums are organized, counsel to elders, priests, teachers, and deacons, Sidney renames creeks and confesses George Walters.
Date   July 6, 1838   FWR, 198–200.
Location   Far West  
Description   … the Second Quarterly Conference, in this city of Zion …    
Presiding   Joseph and Sidney    
Clerk   Ebenezer Robinson  
Open   Sing "The Spirit of God," prayer by President David W. Patten (h), sing "Now Let Us Rejoice.    
First session   The entire session is occupied by quorum presidents organizing their quorums:  
Quorums, presidents   High council
High priests
Seventies by acting president King Follett
Elders by acting president Ralph Cox
Bishop and council
Teachers by acting president Timothy Baldwin Clark
Deacons by acting president Isaac Hamblin
Close   Sing "Oh Happy Souls Who Pray," adjourn for an hour.    
Second session open   Sing "He Died the Great Redeemer Died."    
Sidney of officers   Sidney speaks on the responsibilities of the officers in the church:    
No troubles if officers do duty   If church officers would stand in their place and perform their duties, ther would be "no difficulty in the Church untill the coming of Christ."    
Teachers and deacons responsibile for families   The happiness of the church is based on teachers and deacons, "whose duty it is to go from house ot house and see that each family in the Church is kept in order, and that the children are taught the principles of righteousness."    
Time for accounting   It is time for the deacons, teachers, and priests to "render an account of their stewardship, the standing of the various branches to which they belonged, &c."    
High Priesthood   He also gives "much good instruction to the Upper Priest-hood."    
How to speak of each other   Tells all quorums to avoid speaking lightly of each other—"when you speak, let your words be seasoned with grace."    
Elders the quarriers   The elders are "called to convert the world." They are to "put away ambition" and perform the duty that is required of them. He compares elders to quarriers, who cut stones and bring them to the building, where the priests, teachers, and deacons polish them and prepare them for the building.    
Ordination recommends   Norvil Head is recommended to the office of elder
Elisha Everett and Ahisa Young, teacher
William Davis, John Buckhannan, and Allen Rathburn deacon
  John Lytle is reordained a priest
  Truman Brace, ordained a deacon in Jackson county, has not received a license. Conference votes to give license.    
  Hezekiah Peck to receive a license as a priest
Renew William Gregory's license
  New licenses authorized:
John S. Higbee and Orrin Rockwell, deacon
Alvin C. Graves, teacher
Jackson Smith and Robert B. Thompson, elder
Report of Lesser Priesthood, temporal affairs   Bishop Edward Partridge "represented the Lesser Priesthood, also gave an account of the temporal affairs of the Church."    
Instruction for teacher reports   President Marsh instructs the teachers regarding their "returns of their branches."    
Creeks renamed   Sidney comments on the names of creeks in the area and renames some as follows:    
  Steer Creek to Silver Creek
Log Creek to Walnut Creek
Marrow-bone Creek to Ambrosia
Poor Tom Creek to Prairie Creek
  According to Cannon and Cook, the traditional names prevailed. FWR, 20n3.
George Walters   After which he confessed the sins of George Walters, who is considered a dangerous man in society, as being a man who harbors wicked and ungodly men in his house both night & day.    
Adjourn   Conference adjourns to tomorrow. Prayer by Joseph Smith Jr.    