Minutes of March 17, 1834
Joseph and other leaders meet with New York brethren to raise men for Zion's Camp, funds to purchase land. and pay $2,000 of Kirtland debt.
Date   March 17, 1834   Kirtland council, 42–43.
Location   Avon, Livingston county, New York, house of Alvah Beeman   Avon is 17 miles south of Rochester.
Description   … a conference of Elders assembled …  
Presiding   [Joseph Smith Jr.]    
Clerk   Orson Hyde    
Open   Joseph opens with prayer.  
High priests present   Joseph Smith Jr.
Sidney Rigdon
Parley P. Pratt
Lyman Wight (h) (swh)
John Murdock
Orson Pratt (h1)
Orson Hyde (h)
Elders present   Roger Orton
Isaac McWithey
Joseph Young
Harry Brown
Freeman Nickerson
Henry Shibly
    Joseph introduces the subject of the meeting,  
Raise men for Zion's Camp

Raise money to buy land
  to obtain young men and middle aged to go and assist in the redemption of Zion according to the commandment, and for the church to gather all their riches and send them to purchase [43] lands according to the commandment of the Lord.  
Raise $2,000 for Kirtland debt   Also, to devise means, or obtain moneys for the relief of the brethren in Kirtland, say Two Thousand Dollars, which sum will deliver Kirtland from Debt for the present,    
Decide mode of travel   and also to determine the course which the several shall pursue or journey when they leave this place.    
Plan to raise $2,000   Joseph proposes that Father Bosley and Brother McWithey go with him to see if the could persuade Brother Perry to furnish the $2,000. The brethren vote that Brother R. Orton, Father Bosley, Father Nickerson, and Father McWithey do everything they can to get the money. They "firmly" believe that they can raise it by the first of April.    
Orson Hyde stay   Vote that Orson Hyde remain and preach in the area until the money is raised, then take it to Kirtland.  
Joseph, Sidney, Lyman return soon   Vote that Joseph, Sidney, and Lyman Wight return to Kirtland soon.  
John Murdock and Orson Pratt to preach en route   John Murdock and Orson Pratt are to go to Kirtland, preaching as they go.  
Parley and Harry Brown raise funds   Parley Pratt and Harry Brown are to raise funds for Zion among the churches in Black River county.  