Minutes of May 3, 1834  
Name of the church is changed from the Church of Christ to the Church of the Latter Day Saints.
Date   May 3, 1834    
Location   Kirtland    
Description   … conference of the Elders …    
Moderator   Joseph Smith    
Clerks   Frederick G. Williams and Oliver Cowdery    
    Kirtland, Ohio, May 3, 1834.   Evening and the Morning Star, vol. 2 no. 20 (May 1834), 160.
Church organized in Fayette

MINUTES of a Conference of the Elders of the church of Christ, which church was organized in the township of Fayette, Seneca county, New-York. on the 6th of April, A. D. 1830.

Joseph chosen moderator  

The Conference came to order, and Joseph Smith Jr. was chosen Moderator, and Frederick G. Williams and Oliver Cowdery, were appointed clerks.

  Oliver Cowdery's editorial on the new name is in The Church of the Latter Day Saints.
Sidney suggests The Church of the Latter Day Saints  

After prayer the Conference proceeded to discuss the subject of names and appellations, when a motion was made by Sidney Rigdon, and seconded by Newel K. Whitney, that this church be known hereafter by the name of THE CHURCH OF THE LATTER DAY SAINTS.



Appropriate remarks were delivered by some of the members, after which the motion was put by the Moderator, and passed by unanimous voice.

Conferences and churches to use new name  

Resolved that this Conference recommend to the Conferences and churches abroad, that in making out and transmitting Minutes of their proceedings, such minutes and proceedings be made out under the above title.

Publish in the Sar  

Resolved that these Minutes be signed by the Moderator and Clerks, and published in The Evening and The Morning Star.




Frederick G. Williams, Oliver Cowdery. Clerks.
