Minutes of July 26, 1838
First Presidency prerogatives: right to sell property, travel reimbursement, direct bishop which orders to pay. Bishop to receive consecrations of members not in another stake. Stop sale of liquor, petition to move county seat to Far West.
Date   July 26, 1838   Scriptory Book in Papers 2:261–262.
Location   Far West  
Description   … the first presidency, High Council, & Bishops Court, {to} met to take into concideration, the disposing of the publick properties in the hands of the Bishop, in Zion …    
Presiding   Not named    
Clerk   Not named, but George W. Robinson is Joseph's scribe  
Saints consecrating   The Saints have "commenced liberally to consecrate … of their surpluss properties &c."  
Presidency can sell properties, then consecrate   It was agreed that the first presidency keep all their properties, that they can dispose of to their advantage and support, and the remainder be put into the hands of the Bishop or Bishops, agreeably to the commandments, and revelations   Joseph's Finances: 1838
Travel expenses   The bishops of Zion and Adam-ondi-Ahman to split the First Presidency's recent travel expenses to "Adam Ondi Awman."  
  First Presidency's travel expenses always to reimbursed.  
First Presidency must approve payments to Kirtland Saints   The bishop is authorized to "pay orders" from the east " inasmuch as they will consecrate liberally," under direction of the First Presidency.    
Purse strings   First Presidency has prerogative to tell the bishop whose orders to pay "in this place or in his Jurisdiction."    
Bishop's jurisdiction   The bishop of Zion to receive all consecrations, except from the north, who are not in another bishop's jurisdiction.    
  Council decides:    
Prohibition, devaluation   that we use our influence to put a stop to the selling of Liquior in the City of Far West or in our midst, That our streets may not be filled with drunkeness and that we use our influence to bring down the price of provisions.    
Petition for Far West county seat   W. W. Phelps is to prepare a petition to move the county seat to Far West.    
