Scriptory Book (1838)

Transcript of the Scriptory Book is in Dean Jessee's, The Papers of Joseph Smith, vol. 2, 211–300.

Flight from Kirtland Joseph and Sidney fled Kirtland on horseback on the night of January 12, 1838. They were later met by their families on the way to Far West, where they arrived March 13, 1838.   Personal Writings, 353–354
George W. Robinson, clerk

Scriptory Book full title
In April Joseph began dictating his experience, beginning with his arrival in Far West, to clerk George W. Robinson. The record was titled "The Scriptory Book of Joseph Smith, Jr., President of the Church of Jesus Christ, of Latterday Saints in all the World."    
Scope The Scriptory Book contains journal entries for March 13 to September 10, 1838.    
Motto of the Church The first entry, dictated by Joseph, describes his arrival in Far West and the Motto of the Church.   Papers 2:212–214
D&C 113 D&C 113 (question/answer format)   Papers 2:214–219
Condition of stake presidency in Missouri Copy of undated letter of Joseph to "Dear Brotheren" and Revelation of September 4, 1837. The letter states that Oliver "has been in transgression, but as he is now chosen as one of the Presidents or Councilors I trust that he [220] will yet humble himself & magnify his calling but if he should not, the Church will soon be under the necessaty of raising their hands against him." David Whitmer, Leonard Rich, and others have also been in transgression, and if they don't "make sattisfaction to the Church" they will not be able to "retain their standing." The revelation states that unless John Whitmer and W. W. Phelps repent, they "shall be removed out of their places."   Papers 2:210–220

David Whitmer was stake president; his counselors were John Whitmer and W. W. Phelps.
