Minutes of February 19, 1834
Ratification of the constitution of the high council. Joseph worked all day yesterday on the Minutes of February 17, 1834 and submits them to the council. He asks that they consider them carefully and prayerfully. One minor correction is made. Joseph Sr. blesses sons Joseph and William. John Johnson blesses son Luke. Council members raise their hands "in token of the everlasting covenant" and Joseph pronounces the council "organized according to the ancient order."
Date   February 19, 1834   Kirtland council , 48.
Location   Kirtland  
Description   The council assembled pursuant to adjournment.  
Presiding   [Joseph Smith Jr.]    
Clerk   Orson Hyde and Oliver Cowdery    
Open with scripture and prayer   [Joseph] opened the council by reading the 3rd Chap of Joel's prophecy, and prayer.   Printed and CD versons of the minutes give "Lord's prophecy," which does not make sense. On Kirtland council, 36 it is quite clearly "Joel's prophecy," which is relevant to the Mormon situation at the time. Two months later, Joseph reads Joel 2 at a conference opening. Minutes of April 21, 1834
Joseph reads corrected minutes   He then rises and tells the council that yesterday he worked the entire day "with all the strength and wisdom" he possessed to make the necessary corrections in the last council minutes.   Presumably the Minutes of February 17, 1834.
  He asks for the council's attention so that:  
Spirit necessary to judge corrections

All equally interested in minutes
  they might rightly judge upon the truth and propriety of these minutes, as all were equally interested in them … [and emphasizes] the necessity of prayer, that the Spirit might be given, that the things of the Spirit might be judged thereby; because the carnal mind cannot discern the things of God &c.   term: carnal mind
  He reads the minutes and makes some comments, and the council decides to have the document read again.  
Second reading (despite Sidney)   [Sidney reads] the minutes or constitution of the high council > the second time, remarking at the time, that it could not be justly urged to be read at this time, as the hour was passed which was appointed for the council to assemble.   term: constitution
Correction   It is pointed out that the beginning of the minutes refers to "a council of high priests," but later it is said that "elders, priests and private members acted in said council."
  A common error.
Third reading   The correction is made and Oliver reads the minutes the third time.  
Accepted as a constitution for the high council   It is asked "whether the present council acknowledge the same, and receive them for a form or constitution of the high council < of the Church of Christ hereafter."   term: constitution
Joseph may make further corrections   The council unanimously accepts the document with the provision that "if the president should hereafter discover any lack in the same he should be privileged to fill it up."  
Voters   Those voting were 26 high priests, 18 elders, 3 priests, 1 teacher, and 14 "private members," totalling 62.  
Blesses assistant presidents and counselors   Joseph lays his hands on the heads of his two "assistant presidents" and blesses them with "wisdom to magnify their office, and power over all the power of the adversary." Then he blesses the twelve counselors with wisdom, "power to counsel in righteousness," and deliverance from the "evils to which they were most exposed," that "their lives might be prolonged on the earth."  
Joseph Sr. blesses Joseph with blessing of progenitors, keys until second coming

Samuel with blessing of progenitors, remain a priest
  Joseph Sr. blesses the Prophet with "the blessings of thy progenitors … that thou mayest hold the keys of the mysteries of the Kingdom of heaven until the coming of the Lord" and Samuel with "the blessing of thy progenitors … that thou mayest remain a priest of the most high God and like Samuel of old, hear his voice saying, Samuel, Samuel, Amen."  
John Johnson blesses Luke   John Johnson blesses his son, Luke, "according to the blessings of his forefathers, that he may be strengthened in his ministry according to his holy calling."  
Joseph's charge   Joseph charges his assistant presidents and and the twelve counselors to "do their duty in righteousness and in the fear of God."  
Raise hands in token of everlasting covenant   Those present raise their hands "in token of the everlasting covenant, and the Lord blessed us with his spirit."  
Council now organized as anciently   Joseph announces that the council is now "organized according to the ancient order, and also according to the mind of the Lord."  