Minutes of April 5–6, 1837
W. W. Phelps and John Whitmer meet with the high council, bishop and counselors, and apostles Thomas B. Marsh and David W. Patten. They argue for a private meeting with the high council but Thomas B. Marsh threatens to convene a common council and they acquiese. Investigation begins. David characterizes their conduct as "iniquitous & fradulent in the extreme."
Date   April 5–6, 1837  

FWR, 109.

Location   Far West    
Moderator   Presumably the same as April 3 — John Murdock   Minutes of April 3, 1837
Clerk   Presumably the same as April 3 — Elias Higbee   Minutes of April 3, 1837
Present   Presidents W. W. Phelps and John Whitmer
Bishop Edward Partridge and counselors [Isaac Morley and John Corrill]
Apostles Thomas B. Marsh (h) and David W. Patten (h)
High council of Far West
Open   Prayer    
Phelps and Whitmer propose private meeting   Before the official business can begin, William and John propose the bishop and his counselors, and the two apostles, leave. They insist on a private meeting with the high council.    
    All oppose the proposal. The bishop and apostles insist they have a right to remain.    
Phelps threatens to disolve the council

Marsh counters
  W. W. Phelps says he will disolve the council. Apostle Thomas B. Marsh declares if the council is disolved he will prefer a charge against the two presidents "before the Bishop & 12 High Priests" [a common council].   common council: D&C 107:82–83.
Council proceeds   The two presidents then agree to let all present remain, and the investigation begins.    
Rebuke   The council is not satisfied with the pair's answers to the nine items. The council and "others … strongly rebuke the late improper proceedings of the Presidents."    
    David W. Patten (h)"spoke against them with apparent indignation: stating that these proceedings had been had been iniquitous & fradulent in the extreme, in unrighteously appropriating Church funds to their own emolument which had been plainly proven.    
    "April 6th was occupied in like discussions."    

Minutes of April 7, 1837
Minutes of April 3, 1837

