Conference of November 1–2, 1831

November 1: Resolve to publish 10,000 copies of the Book of Commandments. D&C 1 received between sessions.

November 2: Brethren bear witness to the truth of the Book of Commandments.

Paragraph breaks have been added to quoted text.

Date November 1, 1831 (Tuesday)

Far West Record, 27–28.

¶ 1831 Chronology

Location Hiram, Portage county, Ohio
Sidney Rigdon, moderator
Oliver Cowdery, clerk (though minutes are signed by John Whitmer)
Present Elders Present  
    Joseph Smith Jr.
Oliver Cowdery
David Whitmer
John Whitmer
Peter Whitmer Jr.

Sidney Rigdon
William E. McLellin (h)
Orson Hyde
Luke Johnson (h)
Lyman Johnson (h)

10,000 copies

Br Oliver Cowdery made a request desiring the mind of the Lord through this conference of Elders to know how many copies of the Book of commandments it was the will of the Lord should be published in the first edition of that work. Voted that there be ten thousand copies struck.

Adjourn Adjourn until after noon.  
Preface (D&C 1) revelation

"Preface received by inspiration."

Afternoon Conference convenes.  

Sidney Rigdon, moderator.
Oliver Cowdery, clerk.

Joseph asks for witnesses

Br Joseph Smith jr. said that inasmuch as the Lord has bestowed a great blessing upon us in giving commandments and revelations, asked the Conference what testimony they were willing to attach to those commandments which should shortly be sent to the world.

Some willing

A number of the brethren arose and said that they were willing to testify to the world that they knew that they were of the Lord.


Revelation received relative to the same.

This is most likely the unpublished testimony of the witnesses to the Book of Commandments, though it could be D&C 67.

Conference adjourned until morning.

November 2, 1831 Conference convenes. Far West Record, 28.

¶ 1831 Chronology

Oliver Cowdery, moderator.
John Whitmer, clerk.

Open Prayer by Oliver Cowdery.  
Lyman Johnson ordained Sidney ordains Lyman Johnson "to the High priesthood."  
Revelation read

Oliver reads "the Revelation of last evening."

Brethren bear witness

Joseph grateful for revelations

The brethren then arose in turn and bore witness to the truth of the Book of Commandments, after which br Joseph Smith Jr. arose and expressed his feelings and gratitude concerning the Commandment and Preface received yesterday.


Prayer by Oliver Cowdery.


Conference of November 8, 1831
Revelations: All in Favor? (1831)
