Minutes of June 11, 1837
Commercial enterprises endorsed. All are free to engage in business. No preferential treatment. No one to partner with non-Mormons or use non-Mormon suppliers. Pay Apostles David W. Patten's debts so he can go on mission. Give David and Thomas B. Marsh town lots gratis.
Date June 11, 1837 FWR, 114–115.
Location Far West, committee store
Description "High council met …"
Clerk John Corrill
Presidents John Whitmer, W. W. Phelps
High council Lyman Wight (h)(swh)
Levi Jackman
George M. Hinkle
Calvin Beebe
Elisha H. Groves
Simeon Carter
Jacob Whitmer
Elias Higbee
Isaac Higbee
Harvey Green
John Murdock
Samuel Thompson
Listed in order of numbers drawn.
Open Prayer by W. W. Phelps.
Members present "Resolved by the Council and all present:"  
Support building committee Uphold the building committee in the mercantile business by our prayers.  
Support leather store Uphold Lyman Wight (h) (swh), Simeon Carter, and Elias Higbee in a leather store.  
Mercantile permitted John Corrill and Isaac Morley, also Calvin Beebe may engage in the mercantile business if they like.   Competition with A. S. Gilbert's church store.
All free to engage in business Resolved that the right of no man shall be infringed to do as he choose according to law of God or man.   In January, W. W. Phelps rejects ecclesiastical authority over temporal matters. Minutes of January 26, 1838
No preferential treatment Resolve that the above named men "shall be upheld in purchasing goods as other men."   Competition among members is reinforced in August. ¶ Minutes of August 5, 1837.
Deal only with Mormons Resolve not to uphold anyone who takes "a partner out of the Church to trade or traffic in this line of business, nor sell for any man or men out of the Church in his name, or on commission."  
Pay David Patten's debts for mission Grant David W. Patten's request for the church to pay his debts on his word that he will repay, so he can go on a misson.  
Give Patten and Thomas B. Marsh town lots Grant David W. Patten (h) and Thomas B. Marsh (h) lots in town "free of pay," and authorize Edward Partridge to grant them titles if he concurs.  
Close [Sing:] Adam on di Ahmon &c. And benediction by John Whitmer.  