Conference of August 4, 1831
Sidney exhorts Saints to obedience. Ziba Peterson confesses. Joseph exhorts Saints to obedience.
Date   August 4, 1831   FWR, 9–10.
Location   Kaw township, Jackson county, Missouri   At the home of Joshua Lewis, a convert of the missionaries to the Lamanites. HC 1:199, FWR, 10n2.
Description   A special Conference … held by special commandment of the Lord.
Elders present   Joseph Smith Jr.
Oliver Cowdery
Peter Whitmer
Ziba Peterson
Sidney Rigdon
Edward Partridge
Isaac Morley
W. W. Phelps
Martin Harris
Frederick G. Williams
Newel Knight
Joseph Coe
Sidney Gilbert
Ezra Booth
Moderator   Not named.    
Clerk   Oliver Cowdery    
Open   Sing "Glorious things &c. "
Prayer by Edward Partridge
Sidney: obedience   Sidney exhorts to obedience "by delivering a charge" to "the Bishop, rulers & Members of the Church planted in their inheritances in the land of Zion."    
Ziba confesses   Ziba Peterson confesses his transgressions "which was satisfactory to the Church as approved by unanimous vote."   Apparently Ziba had made a derogatory comment about a church leader. ¶ Ezra Booth Letters (7)
Joseph: be righteous   Joseph exhorts Saints to acts of righteousness and obedience "with promise of blessings."

"Thirty-one members present, who with the Elders partook of the sacrament."

Close   Prayer by Oliver Cowdery.    