Conference of November 29–30, 1831

Two elders believed passsages in Acts and the Book of Mormon suggest common stock. Decide it was all a misunderstanding. One of the brethren to apologize to the branch.

Spelling of names has been standardized.

Date   November 29, 1831   Far West Record, 33–35.
Location   Winchester, Randolph county, Indiana   About 225 miles southwest of Kirtland.
Officiating   Moderator not mentioned
John Whitmer, clerk
Open   Prayer by Oliver Cowdery    
Present   Oliver Cowdery
John Whitmer
Thomas B. Marsh
Seymour Brunson
Oliver Walker (license taken)
George Burkett (license taken 1832 & 1833.)
  Oliver and John were en route to Zion with the revelations for the Book of Commandments.
Disagreement among elders   Seymour Brunson explains the purpose of the conference is to resolve a difficulty among the elders in the Winchester branch.    
Issue of common stock   Henry Jackson: He and Isaac Follis interpreted certain passages in Acts and in the Book of Mormon differently than the church. They believe the disciples lived in common stock.    
Adourn   Adjourn to tomorrow.    
Close   Prayer by Thomas B. Marsh    
Date   November 30, 1831    
Open   Prayer by Thomas B. Marsh    
Misrepresented letter   Elders agree unanimously that the problem was due to "misrepresentations of a writing which was represented to have been written by br. Henry Jackson" and a reply by Levi Hancock and Zebedee Coltrin to Henry Jackson.    
Henry Jackson to make public apology   Oliver proproses to restore Henry Jackson to his former standing if he admits his error to the branch "for which he was sorry in all humility."   When c onference reconvenes December 1, Jackson is forgiven and ordained to the high priesthood, and ordained an Elder by Oliver Cowdery.