Minutes of January 6, 1836
Five new members of the high council of Zion (Clay county) are called and ordained in Kirtland.
Date   January 6, 1836   FWR, 101–102.
Location   Kirtland, Ohio  
Clerk   Elijah Fordham  
Present   A council convened …    
Description   David Whitmer, John Whitmer, W. W. Phelps, "also a goodly number of high priests and Elders to the No. of 15, and one priest."   The three named men were presidents of the high council of the church in Zion.
Death of Christian Whitmer   W. W. Phelps announces the death of Christian Whitmer, a member of the high council of Zion, who died on November 27, 1835.  
Four members of high council now apostles   Parley P. Pratt (h), Orson Pratt (h1), William E. McLellin (h), and Thomas B. Marsh (h) have been called as apostles.  


New members of council   Named to replace them:  
Elisha H. Groves for Parley
Jesse Hitchcock for William
George M. Hinkle for Orson
Elias Higbee for Thomas
Peter Whitmer Jr. for Christian
  Jesse Hitchcock will be "cut off from the council' at the ¶ Minuites of May 22, 1837.
  The five new counselors are ordained "and solemnity rested upon the whole congregation, because the Lord was with us, and great blessings were expressed and confirmed upon the heads of the aforementioned Counsellors."  
Stake presidency speak   Presidents David Whitmer, John Whitmer, W. W. Phelps, "addressed the congregation in a pathetic manner."  
Pray, sing  

After which, bowed before the Lord with one accord and called upon him to preserve and bless our absent fathers and mothers brethren and families until Zion should be redeemed &c. Prayer was made by David Whitmer, sang, Adam on Di Ahman Closed.

  "Adam-ondi-Ahman" Lyrics