Minutes of May 22, 1837
High council rejects John Patten's appeal from the bishop's council regarding contracts. Jesse Hitchcock is dropped from the council. James Emmett is restored to fellowship. John Corrill named "an agent of the Church and Keeper of the Lord's Store House."
Date   May 22, 1837   FWR, 112–113.
Location   Far West  
Officials   Harvey Green, clerk  
Presidents present   W. W. Phelps and John Whitmer    
High council     John Murdock
Elias Higbee
E. H. Groves
Jacob Whitmer
George M. Hinkle
Isaac Higbee
No. 1
" 3
" 5
" 7
" 9
" 11
Simeon Carter
David W. Patten (h)
Lyman Wight (h) (swh)
Levi Jackman
Thomas B. Marsh (h)
Thomas Grover
No. 2
" 4
" 6
" 8
" 10
" 12
Open   Prayer by John Whitmer  
Appeal denied   John Patten gives the council an appeal from" the Bishop's council." It is rejected "because of its illegality."  
Complaint against John Patten   Joshua Fairchilds, David Pettigrew, Benjamin Johnnson, and Sheffield Daniels enter complaint against John Patten "for not fulfilling his contracts or covenants" which caused them material injury.  
Counselors speak   Counselors John Murdock, Elias Higbee, Simeon Carter, and David W. Patten speak on the subject.  
Witnesses   Lyman Wight, John Killion and Abigail Daniels give testimony that "plainly manifested that John Patten did break covenant &c."  
Decision   Presidency decides both sides should be "disfellowshipped" if they do not settle.  
Drop from council   Jesse Hitchcock is "cut off from the high council."   Jesse Hitchcock joined the council In January 1836. Minutes of January 6, 1836
Restored to fellowship   James Emmett, disfellowshipped in earlier in the month, makes satisfaction and is "restored to his former fellowship."   ¶ Minutes of May 1837
John Corrill   Presidency nominates John Corrill as "an agent to the Church and Keeper of the Lord's Store House." Nomination "seconded and carried unanimously by the High council and multitude."   ¶ Minutes of November 7, 1837

Minutes of May 28, 1837